This morning’s workout was okay. As in not particularly good, but not particularly bad.
Any workout is a victory though, right?
I arrived at my parents’ gym a little after 7 a.m. for a quick upper body workout.
I did three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises and called it a day:
- Push ups
- Tricep dips
- Front shoulder raises
- Bicep curls
- Tricep pulldowns
- Side shoulder raises
I grabbed an apple from the gym’s free supply and headed out.
On my way home, I made a pit stop at The Fresh Market.
Fancy grocery stores are basically non-existent in Ocala, so I had to take advantage of the one near my parents’ house.
While there I sampled a new kind of coffee, peppermint crème, and was completely sold after the first sip.
Sometimes free samples really do rope you in!
I picked up a couple more goodies before checking out.
When I went to buy everything, I got a little too excited when I saw that my bill was $14.92.
“Oh my gosh!” I said. “It’s the year Columbus discovered America!”
The cashier looked at me like I was a nut job.
Naturally I had to recite the rhyme for her.
“Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
She started laughing and I apologized for being such a weirdo, but how cool is that!?
Pretty sure I’d geek out if I got a bill that was $17.76, too. Now I’m just waiting for the day!
When I got home, it was time for breakfast.
I made myself a Nutella black cherry smoothie.
Into the blender went:
- 1 cup black cherry Greek yogurt
- 1 frozen banana
- 2 tablespoons Nutella
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- Milk
Nutella in a smoothie is pretty darn fantastic. Great way to start the day.
Time to shower before heading to the dentist. I’m just getting my bottom retainer fixed, so it’s an easy appointment today!
I would have been excited as well…except we were taught “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Same thing 😛
Have a great day!!
Haha, that’s so awesome! Keep geeking it out, Julie. It rules. 🙂
One time, when Matty and I went out to dinner, I found a carrot in my hot and sour soup that was shaped like a heart. I squealed and said “I have a heart-shaped carrot in my soup!” Everyone looked at me like I was a total freak. Worth it!
one day, a cashier was talking to an older man in the aisle next to me. Forest Gump came up, he mentioned when Forest moons LBJ. girl NEVER heard of LBJ. and didn’t seem the LEAST embarassed at being told he was a US PRESIDENT. i wanted to march her over to the HS and ask for our tax money back on her since they clearly failed (she was about 19).
oh my gosh!!! that reminds me of when my parents went to see titanic. they were talking about how the ship sank as they were in line to buy tickets and said there were two girls behind them who said, “oh my gosh, don’t give away the ending!!” REALLY!?!?
that is hilarious!!!
Ha! Kids…. 😉
When the movie came out, I was in the car with my dad as we were driving past the mile long movie line. My dad rolled down the window and yelled, “it sank”. I was so embarrassed.
Allison, that is amazing. Your dad ROCKS!
Nutella and black cherry? That sounds pretty phenomenal!!!!!
I would have geeked put and receited the rhyme with you 🙂
Haha. With regards to you 1492 story, when i was 16 and working at a grocery store, someone got a bill that was $18.92. They proceeded to say “In 1892, Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.” I was shocked. And didn’t know if I should correct the person or not. So I just let out an awkward giggle.
Haha! That is hilarious! I probably would have said the same exact thing! When I saw your blog post title, I immediately thought that poem to myself. 😉
haha thats really funny. i do weird things like that allllllll the time 😉
No way!! I can’t believe this just happened to you…only yesterday when I checked out at the Gap, my bill was 14.92 and I excitedly sang, “Columbus sailed the ocean blue!!” nice and loud. The lady just stared at me, and kind of pointed to sign my name…but I had a good chuckle. I guess she didn’t learn that one. My husband and I were just cracking up over it last night. So glad to know you would have laughed with me! (and crazy timing!) Enjoy your family time!
Fact: The building I work in is at 1776 I St. in Washington DC. Does it get more patriotic than that? No. No it does not.
oh. my. word. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. [obviously.]
this post right here? THIS is why I love you so much.
Hahahah geeking out = totally typical in my day to day life.
haha I always find little things like that amusing too 🙂
Those smoothie flavors sound delicious!!!
ha! you’re so cute i get pretty excited when a bill is $8.12… my birthday!
Nutella and black cherry sounds amazing
Haha! I would have recited the rhyme too! 😀
ohh yum! That sounds like a good smoothie flavaaa
I am such a numbers geek (I work in finance) and get so excited when I see certain numbers. 314 (my birthday), 847 (area code), 1866 (college apartment number). Same goes for if I get any of these totals while checking out! I always send pictures of the receipts to my old roommates!
I’d join a gym just for free apples : )
Such a good idea making a smoothie with nutella. I tried it for the first time recently and I was like – holy smokes, what took me so long to try this deliciousness?!
Love the 1492 story!
Holy yum! That’s like a liquid version of a Black Forest cake- yum!
Oh, I love you. Haha!
hahahah you are too funny!
oh my gosh! My cousin posted this on FB on 12/14/11:
“16 y/o Cashier: “Total is $14.92.”
Me: “Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”
Cashier: (blank stare…nervous laugh)
Two lessons: I’m a nerd & our schools are in trouble.”
When I saw the title of this blog post I was laughing about that then I saw your story!! Our schools really are in trouble!!!
LOL that’s too funny.
I love adding Nutella to smoothies!
OMG haha that is SO something I would do. I’m a huge history nerd.. love the weird looks people give out. 😉
That coffee sounds great!
Wow, that smoothie sounds delicious! I’m not usually much for black cherry, but with nutella I might be swayed!
I love that you geeked out at the register, that’s totally something I’d do!
LOL I totally thought this had to do with Christopher Columbus. Geek on!
You’re so cute! That’s the exact same thing I thought when I read your blog title. I said, “Why is Julie talking about Columbus?” haha!
Enjoy the family time!
Every time I am ringing a sale I totally geek out like that too. It’s the little regions in life!!!!
Wow, I love it, I’m the same way with weird numbers! Also, feel free to come up with some more varieties of nutella smoothies 🙂 Pretty sure that could never get old!
Ha ha! beleive it or not, I totally recited that Columbus poem in my head the moment I saw the title of this post! 😛
I used to work at Borders [before it died of course] and one time I rang someone up and their total was $114.92. Which is my birthday! [1/14/92] So obviously I had to tell him. :] I get excited about things like that, too.
Are you sure your not a history nerd? Because I would definitely do the same thing you did.
In regards to interesting stories about history, I have one too. I was in Washington D.C. several years ago on a school sponsored trip and I met this really cute guy from Georgetown while at the WWII memorial with part of my school group. I started walking around with him and found out he was a history major planning on going to law school and we started talking about WWII history and flirting a bit. Then we ran into my best friend and she started flirting with him and trying to impress him with her knowledge of WWII history. She got the dates of Pearl Harbor, the invasion of Normandy, the end of the war completely wrong and I had to keep resisting the urge to laugh. I felt so bad for her when in front of her, he gave me his number and told him to look him up on Facebook. Sadly, I lost that piece of paper. I still tease my friend about that incident today.
awwww! too bad you lost that paper!
I LOVE Fresh Market!!!! My boyfriend moved to St. Pete a few months ago and every time I visit from Boston we make a point to stop there! I was eyeing the peppermint coffee last time too…I am definitely buying it next time!
I would totally geek out over that too! Although its funny, I was taught the rhyme backwards from you! In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Exact same sentiment, just switched around.
Ohh that Peppermint Creme coffee looks fantastic!! I’d definitely buy it too since I’m a sucker for all things Peppermint. And how funny that you noticed the total was the same year as Columbus haha I would never have realized that! And omg nutella in a smoothie? Why have I never done this before??
hah 14.92 too funny! I’ve been obsessed with everything peppermint lately so your coffee looks amazing!
I would have said the same thing!!
the last 4 digits of my parent’s phone number is 1492…i still sing the song today!
Did anyone learn a rhyme for 1776? My memory for history is abysmal. However, I can describe a book to you in great detail that I read once in 4th grade so I figure that’s worth something.
Haha, that’s funny. Although I think it’s funnier that we still teach kids that in school when it’s not even accurate!
1492 was not a good year for me. I’m Native American heh.
hahaah love it! my zip code is 1776 which i always loved 🙂
YOU GUYS HONESTLY THINK COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA???????? you’re making fun of people not knowing the US president but you dont even know that columbus, in fact, did not discover america???
Amerigo Vespucci!!
There were already indigenous people living in america, who were then slaughtered and abused upon European contact. The year1492 marks the start of a long history on ongoing colonialism and racial discrimination.
I don’t know why I never thought to put Nutella in my morning smoothie. Sounds delicious!
Haha I thought of the rhyme just when I read the title!
I’m a cashier and whenever it comes out to $17.76 my inner geek throws a party.
As much as I love getting historical dates & whatnot, I will NEVER geek out more than when numbers come out the same forward and backwards. Yesterday I got $81.18 and I was alllll over that. Not to mention that my favorite day of the year, 12/21, just passed 😉
Just read this blog post and it’s hilarious! My family does a dorky thing whenever there’s a date in our total at a store. Like, $19.89 “Man, that was a good year”
Anyway, I worked in retail for a few (too many) years and would say that to customers from time to time and they always thought I was crazy. I feel your pain, Julie.