You know you’re working hard when thinking about jogging instead of walking sounds like a break.
Can you tell I tackled some incline walking this morning?
I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill completing this workout:
Keeping the speed at 4.0 while haulin’ hiney at a 12.0 incline is tough!
After my time on the treadmill, I completed an upper body workout that focused on my chest, triceps and shoulders and included the following exercises:
- Push ups
- Upright rows
- Tricep dips
- Overhead press
- Chest press on exercise ball
- Side shoulder raises
- Tricep extensions
- Front shoulder raises
- Tricep pull downs
Great workout!
My morning meal repurposed last night’s dinner!
I chopped up the remaining slice of the artichoke and broccoli quiche and added it to a scrambled egg mixture made with two eggs, milk and fresh mozzarella cheese.
Served with a side of whole wheat toast.
I am also on day two of sipping on a new kind of coffee.
I bought Newman’s Own vanilla caramel coffee at Publix on Monday and after my first cup yesterday, I wasn’t sure it was going to be a winner. I’ve come to realize that it often takes me trying a new flavor of coffee two to three times before I really start to like it. I think this is because I have an idea of exactly how the flavor will taste in my mind, so when I actually try it, it’s never quite right.
Luckily this flavor is growing on me! I would power through it even if it wasn’t though because I’m not about to throw away $7 worth of coffee.
Time to get to work! I will be going out of town again on Friday afternoon, so I want to be sure to get a lot done in the next two days.
And I’m off!
I just found an awesome site via Pinterest I thought that you would like to know about Julie!
You put in the title of a book you like and then it gives you recommendations of books that are similar and that you may like! SO cool! Just had to share this with you because it’s neat.
I am such a coffee adict so I will have to try that coffee! 🙂
I too made a Quiche last night- Curry Quinoa Quiche. Agreed, Incline Walking is no joke!
i love all the workouts you post! would you be willing to share how heavy the weights you used for the arm workout today??
for most shoulder exercises, i use 10 lb. dumbbells. for tricep extensions/pull downs i used a 30 lb. bar/ 30 lbs. on the machine and for chest press i used a 40 lb. bar. 🙂
When you do an incline treadmill workout like today, do you hold on or do you walk hands free?
I know this has nothing to do with what you are writing about, but have you ever done Savory Oatmeal for breakfast? I was just looking up something different to do with my oatmeal and came accross people doing eggs on top of their oatmeal.
Holy Cow…you are right about incline walking. Way to keep the speed at 4.0! That is so tough! I always start at 4.0 and there are times when I end up at 2.5! ha!
Wow, 4.0mph is basically a jog for me and my short legs! Wowza! I do incline work to get my HR up since I don’t jog at all due to my knee right now–and weight–but I might just have to try this at 3.5-3.7 where I normally work. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been thinking you need a Keurig for Christmas! There are lots of fun flavors to choose from, and it is nice to heat water for tea too.
I cannot wait to try this incline workout.
I really should do more incline walking but for whatever reason when I’m at the gym, I never think of it as a cardio option…
Awesome incline workout! Did it this morning and was super-sweaty! Thanks!
Awesome! I love the coffee mug too!!
It is true…like walking uphill lol!
I workout on a treadclimber occasionally and THAT is a surprisingly tough workout too! I will do 1 mile and be just as schweaty as running 3 miles!
Incline walking is the best for me! I am 51 years young and find its getting too hard on my knees to jog. I found your blog on pinterest and love it! I have cousins in Florida and I live in central Oregon!! Thanks for the ideas!!
Hi there! Found one of your circuit trainers on Pinterest and have been perusing your site for the last 20 mintues. What awesome stuff you have! I’m participating in a Biggest Loser challenge with some friends and have been blogging about it. Today I blogged about my favorite Treadmill Routine. Next Monday I’m going to feature your site, if you don’t mind! Thanks so much for sharing!
Stumbled upon your kale smoothly blog as I have lots of kale in my garden. Do you use fitness walking music for your workouts ? Am looking for preloaded MP3s to restart my walking program. Any thoughts ?? Also, am down by the Sheriff sub station south of Ocala. If you can use some kale, call me @ 620-5336. Ann and I can’t eat it all.
My wife and I wanted to give you a big shout out for having such a great site. My wife did the incline walking workout last night while we listened to a couple of your play lists. Great site Great Job!
I love walking or cycling to work I think it really helps to add up to the target amount of exercise I aim for in a week. I have some minor joint issues so my activities have to take the pressure off them, I have an electric bike and like a brisk walk, but this sounds really doable for me, thanks for posting!