Does anyone else find it hard to sleep in on the weekends?
I always seem to struggle to just make myself remain in bed when the sun is shining and the promise of Saturday is beckoning me to get goin’. Even when I don’t have anything particularly amazing on the agenda for the day, something inside me still stirs and is anxious to get the day started.
I wonder where that feeling is on a Tuesday morning?
Ryan and I both had a workout on the agenda for today and headed to the gym right after we awoke to check it off the list! If I don’t get in the gym before noon on the weekends, it just isn’t happening. Actually, if I don’t get in the gym before 10 a.m. on a Saturday, a workout probably isn’t happening.
Today my workout began with a hard 20 minutes on the treadmill. I did roughly the same 20 minute HIIT workout I did last week, but I dropped all of the 9.0 speeds to 8.0 because I wasn’t in the mood to die.
Post treadmill time, I tackled a strength workout and called it a day.
Another day, another batch of overnight oats!
I rarely measure out ingredients when I make my overnight oats since I’ve been making them for so long and am pretty good at eye-balling the amount of oats, milk, chia seeds and Greek yogurt I need, but the one ingredient that I seem to overdo or underdo (<—holy crap, that’s actually a word?) is honey.
For the most part, I seem to have a heavy honey hand and will squirt a little too much of the sweet stuff in my oats when I make them with plain Greek yogurt, as was the case this morning.
A lovely batch of extra-sweet overnight oats.
Plans for the rest of today are up in the air which is a great feeling. I love commitment-free weekends.
Ryan and I are hoping to make it out the the local trails for a morning hike with Sadie before running some errands we’ve been putting off for a while, including stopping by Goodwill in search of America-themed clothing for the formal night of our upcoming cruise!
See ya after lunch!
In summer, it’s definitely hard to sleep well with the sun out! On days like today when it’s snowing, I have to drag myself out of bed!
Good luck with the clothing search!
so true! when it’s cold it’s MUCH easier to stay curled up in bed.
i am with ya on having a difficult time sleeping in on the weekends, especially during the spring/summer months since the sun is up earlier. this morning i had every intention of sleeping until at least 7 am, but of course i woke up at 6:30! oh well, more time to get things done i guess, right? 😉 have a great day!
Ironically the only time my body doesn’t crave extra sleep is over the weekend …grrr’
I can relate to the sleep in on the weekend thing! But because I’m in the middle of getting my PhD I typically work 7 days a week so I don’t ever really have an excuse to sleep in. Maybe it will change when I have a “real job” though haha!
Gotta love committment free weekends! I have to study all weekend (for the last time ever!!!) so it’s a pretty low key weekend. Enjoy your hike!
I am TOTALLY the same way on weekends. I think it’s a great thing. I really like to get the day going. Take it all in…see where the day takes me, you know? But I DO wish I could force my body to stay up later on weekend nights. I crash at the same time every night which is WAY to early for this 25 year old girl. Oh well, we embrace what God’s given us, right? Have a great, commitment free day!
Haha I’m the same, I always get my workout and long run in first thing or I just really don’t want to do it! Good luck with your clothing search!
I never have that problem unless I am going on vacation that day (and can’t go back to sleep due to excitement). I can always sleep in! It’s a beautiful day today in NH though and I’m taking my little man out on a hike too!
I’m the same way with weekend workouts. My boyfriend thinks I’m certifiably insane for getting to the gym by 9:30 on a Saturday, but I like getting up and getting my workout out of the way!
I have TOTALLY fallen off the early morning workout routine and boy oh boy it’s hard to go back. I finally got my booty out of bed before 8am (what? on a Saturday?) and remembered why early morning workouts are just so stinking amazing! Also, “Mr. Vain” came on at mile 4 and I thought of PB Fingers! 🙂
Have a great day Julie!
“I wasn’t in the mood to die.”
I’m glad 😉 enjoy your day Julie!
Those overnight oats look delicious!
I used to be completely unable to sleep in, but then I came to college and it’s not so hard to sleep in if you’ve been out until 4am. 😛
I have such a hard time sleeping in. My husband can snooze away meanwhile I lay there waiting for him to get up.
Understood- If i don’t get up and get my workouts over with- they just WILL not happen. Ever. Happy Saturday 🙂
Oooo!! Sounds like you have a really fun day ahead of you! 😀 And your overnight oats ALWAYS MAKE MY MOUTH WATER! hehe
I’m the same way–I always seem to find myself awake at 6:30am on the weekends no matter how late I go to bed! I would love love love to use that time to get a gym session in but my college gym doesn’t open until 10! I guess I’m the only student awake and in a state to workout at that time of day 🙂
I’m totally the same, I got to get my workouts in early or most likely won’t do them. I’d much rather be out and enjoying my day with friends than at the gym alone! Have a great Saturday!
Saw these in a shop window and thought of you! There expensive, but just SO practical and versatile, its probably worth it.
yes! it’s almost impossible for us to sleep past 8 on the weekends (we get up between 6:30-7 during the week) — even if we’re out late. Must be a product of being an adult 🙂
I slept for 12 hours last night. The only reason I got up was because I had to meet my aunt for lunch.
So, to answer your question…. no, I don’t find it hard to sleep in on weekends. :oP
Today was the Baldwin Park porch sale. As we were walking around, they had a table set up advertising the upcoming Doggy Derby. There was a picture on the table of you, Ryan, and Sadie the year she won. The legend lives on!!
When I read the word underdo, I thought of the episode of Friends when Chandler is interviewing for a new job and has trouble with the word “duties”!
That looks so delicious! Bananas and overnights oats are a great combo!