After I published my morning blog post, I gave myself a little time to digest breakfast before leashing Sadie up for a five-mile run.
Her typical morning walk morphed into a run since we both needed to sneak in some exercise today.
It wasn’t even 8:30 a.m. and the Florida heat was already cookin’. It was a hot, slow run, but it felt good to get out there and get moving.
I was in desperate need of a shower after our run and immediately washed off the sweat and came out feeling so fresh and so clean, clean. (<—Outkast, baby!)
As I toweled off, I noticed Sadie sprawled out on our bed.
(If you think we make our bed every day, you are seriously mistaken.)
Please notice the fuzzy, out-of-focus tail in the above picture. You cannot even walk one step toward Sadie without her tail flappin’ around and making the noise of a small propeller. Walk away and it immediately stops. It’s oddly entertaining.
When I saw Sadie looking exhausted on the bed, I thought I actually accomplished the impossible.
Did I out run Sadie?
I actually asked her whether or not I made her tired aloud. Like a crazy.
I got this look in return:
She then bounded out of bed and brought me her stuffed pig, trying to entice me into a rousing game of tug-of-war.
One time a fellow vizsla owner told me that vizslas start calming down at age 10. Ten.
Unexpected Stretch
This may be a little odd to share on the blog, but since I tend to overshare as it is and many of you guys are runners, surely one of you have thought of this same thing a time or two before.
Do you ever count shaving as a post-run stretch?
The ledge in our shower is ridiculously high, so I have to place my leg in an uncomfortably high position when I shave. I love doing this after a run because it gives me an unexpected hamstring stretch that lasts a lot longer than the hamstring stretches I would do on my own.
Showering + Stretching = Multitasking
I followed up my shower stretch with some of my favorite hip stretches before getting ready for the day.
I had a late morning meeting today for the Taste of Ocala so lunchtime came a bit early.
I felt kind of weird eating pork and roasted cauliflower at 10:50 a.m. (I tend to eat closer to 1 p.m.), but it worked.
I used pork leftover from last night’s dinner and tossed it with roasted cauliflower, olive oil, lime juice, red pepper flakes and fresh cilantro. I got the idea for the flavor combination from the recipe for crispy chicken thighs with cauliflower and cilantro in this month’s Real Simple magazine.
After lunch, I headed out to my Taste of Ocala committee meeting which lasted about two hours. The big event is on Saturday so I’ll be busy tomorrow and Saturday helping to set up. I can’t wait to see everything come to fruition!
Since my meeting took place close to Ryan’s work, we planned for a quick mini-date to Starbucks since I had a coupon for a free drink for my birthday.
Vanilla latte for me!
Ryan ordered a chai crème Frappuccino and sat on the most awkward chair to ever exist in a Starbucks…
Is it a couch? A chair? A futon?
If you sat all the way to the back, the chair would hit you in the middle of your calves. Naturally I laughed at Ryan as he tried to navigate that bad boy.
Before we left, I noticed this sign which I thought would greatly appeal to my fellow Frappuccino lovers and those who love a good deal:
Frappuccino Happy Hour starts tomorrow! Get ‘em while they’re… cold.
I am currently blogging from Starbucks and plan to finish up my work day here. Sometimes getting out of the house is the only way I can concentrate and judging by all of the Sadie pictures that have popped up on the blog today, I’m clearly feeling easily distracted.
Catcha lata!
As a crazy Starbucks lovah, I am super stoked about this. I normally always get a hot drink from there, but for half price I will definately be getting a peppermint mocha frappichino. I may also have to try the new cookie one. Half price so I’m game
I’m so excited for Starbucks Happy Hour! My dad and I already have it marked on our calendars. 😀 And woah that is an awkward chair haha
Totally love the return of voice of Sadie! Hehe. Julie, have you ever thought of doing a fun post on “a day in the life of Sadie”, with her narrating obviously… 🙂
i’ll check with her and let you know. 😉
Shower Stretching = at home equivalent of hot yoga!
HAHAHAHA I have NO idea why but your “Get em while they’re … cold” was just SO funny to me and I just spat water ALL over my computer screen at work and all the guys are giving me the oddest looks, WAY to funny.
On another note, I do the EXACT same thing in the shower.
I’m ECSTATIC ABOUT Starbuck’s Happy Hour!!!!!! EEEEK! (: Mocha Coconut here I come! 🙂
YES!!! i love that flavor!
Oversharing does not exist in my world – I feel the same thing about tieing my shoes(stretch) some days. HA! Seriously, if one is very consicous of movement – all kinds of things can be stretching, zen-like yoga movements! It happened to me once. 😉 I am not a fan of the frapaccino – but I am curious to try the “captain crunch” which is a strawberry frap with 2 pumps toffee nut – 2 pumps hazelnut or something of that nature. The barista swears it’s an “underground” flavot that tastes just like captain crunch *with the berries! Now the secret is out! Some day I’ll try it and let you know…if you try it first, let me know – K?
I totally stretch and shave at the same time!!!!!! So funny!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one!
Um…how’s this for ridiculous…I practice dancer pose to shave the back of my calf. I swear, I’m an insurance liability waiting to happen. As to the morning post, We’re adopting a puppy in the next few months, and I can’t wait to take a big ol’ sniff. Sadie is just so adorable.
Sadie’s photos are awesome today!
Good luck at your event this weekend. I’m sure it’ll be incredible.
YES! Shaving is totally a post run stretch! I think that all the time! After a long run, even reaching down to soap up my toesies is a stretch
Love that you mentioned it!
Haha I laughed outloud…I always count shaving as a stretch! 2 for one when I am rushing…which is daily 🙂
I have thought the exact same thing with shaving post run! I use the shick intuition razor with a large piece of soap around the razor and I feel like it feels like I am foam rolling as I shave! So relaxing! 🙂
I have a very loveable German short hair pointer who is as cute & cuddly as Sadie is! Ever since she was a pup she loved to run! We went on countless runs averaging 15 miles a week. Now she is 9 and still LOVES to run but has definitely slowed down alto. After 2 miles, she is allll tuckered out!