After eating pancakes this morning, Ryan and I took Sadie on a three-mile hike on the nearby trails before heading to church.
Please take a second to zero in on Sadie in the above picture. She’s such a ham.
Our hike was decent except for a half-mile stretch where horse flies would not stop flying around our legs. They didn’t bite Ryan, but I got bit several times which was not fun. We’re hoping the horse flies go away and aren’t going to stay around now that’s it so warm outside. They would put a serious damper on relaxing hikes!
Post hike, I quickly blogged before we headed to church and ran some errands. One stop took us to the library to pick up some new reading material.
Though I said I wouldn’t announce PBF’s May Book Club selection until Monday, judging by the votes so far, Still Missing is looking like the definite winner, so I picked it up this afternoon.
Eventually we made it home around 1:30 p.m. and we were ready for lunch!
I made myself a plate of chicken salad and apple slices.
I added cucumber and carrots to my typical chicken salad (chicken + light mayo + mustard + sweet relish) and loved the added crunch.
After lunch it was time to do some baking using one of the finest ingredients in the universe.
Clearly Sadie very much agrees with that statement.
Check out her neck flexibility! She wasn’t about to let one little smidgen of peanut butter remain in that cup.
Her resourcefulness is not lost on me.
I baked up a batch of fantastic oatmeal peanut butter and banana cookies and will be sure to share the recipe with you guys this week. It’s a winner and Ryan and I already dominated a few too many. I’m hoping our appetites return when dinnertime arrives because we have a crock pot meal waiting for us!
On that note, I’m off to do some laundry. You know it’ll be a blast!
I’m so impressed by how much you get done before church!! Oh man, horse flies are the worst. Reading about your hike instantly took me back to my parents’ house – when I was growing up they would just swarm at the end of the driveway and I had to race home from the bus to avoid them. And their bites really hurt! I hope they go away, too! Very excited for the cookie recipe, btw – they sound amazing!!
I am convinced Sadie is a human!
I’ve been dealing with nasty gnats on the trail. When I run, I end up consuming a few too many just by breathing – ick! I’ll have to download Still Missing today and get started soon 🙂
I’ve been looking for something new to read, so I was checking out the potential books for this month’s book club. FYI for anyone who has a Kindle – Still Missing kindle version is only $2.99!
I’m already pumped about your recipe. Are you going to read Insurgenymt first or holdboff until you read Still Missing?
Oooh la la! Can’t wait for that recipe!
Wow my phone totally messed up my typing. Insurgent
dogs will do anything for peanut butter! my dog almost chokes herself with the jar just to get every last lick.
Dominated the cookies? (Demolished?) … Dang auto correct?
can’t wait for the cookie recipe!
I hate horseflies! they’re so evil!
To say that I’ve been craving a cookie recipe with peanut butter and banana would be an understatement. Such a good combination yum yum… looking forward to it!
Love the first picture of Sadie. She looks like the happiest dog in the whole wide world – so stoked to be going on a walk! 🙂
Feel free to send some of those cookies my way … I’ve had an even crazier than normal sweet tooth recently!! 😉
Haha Sadie knows what’s important in life!
Cookies sound delicious! I need to do some more baking….maybe later tonight?! We shall see.
I picked up that book yesterday too. Can’t wait to start on it!
Ooh that chicken salad with apple slices lunch looks so good! It definitely screams spring! 🙂
The horse flies are awful here too. We went for a quick walk just around the neighbor and ended up running back to our place as if we were being chased by a hive of bees. 1 or 15… they still stink.
Here is a natural repellent I read about:
One tsp Tea Tree Oil to one cup warm water. Place combination in a spray bottle and spray. Now to find some tea tree oil!
Those cookies encompass my three favorite things in life. Can’t wait for the recipe!
Ohhh man, Sadie’s eyes look like the shark’s in ‘Finding Nemo’ when he senses blood! Pure dedication to the task at hand.
My dogs looooove peanut butter! Whenever I have an almost empty jar (I have to wait until I have 2), I give the jars to my 2 dogs. They will lick the jars for hours and it keeps them really entertained! Plus it’s funny to watch them try to get to the bottom of the jar 🙂
I had never thought about the almost empty peanut butter jar idea! I will totally do that next time. Similar to stuffing a kong!
Sadie is a REALLY cute dog.
I got the book from the library already in anticipation since it looked like it was winning.
@Samantha- It’s cheaper then a kong! It works well when I leave the house and know I will be gone for a while- it gives me dogs something to do!
Oooh can’t wait for the recipe! Yum!
I too saw it was a likely pick for May, so I picked it up at the library yesterday. Started it last night, and now I have only 70 pages to go!! It’s a real page-turner.. fyi. 🙂
that chicken salad looks amazing. For a whle there i was keeping freshly cooked chicken breast in the fridge for lunches like that instead of having to use processed lunch meats. I am starting off monday morning doing that again!
Looking forward to the cookie receipe, I have been wanting to try something new and have bananas that are ready to be used for some baking! Enjoy your Sunday night:)
Those cookies sound delicious! Peanut butter and banana are a great combination. Can’t wait to see the recipe 🙂
Oh horse flies are the worst. When we go up to Vermont in the summer it’s nearly impossible to go for a walk with out those pests buzzing by our heads. So annoying!!
Sadie is adorable! But ugh I hate flies! I always say I love nature I just hate the bugs and creepy crawlies in it!
I love that you go hiking BEFORE church. I grew up going to church and always felt like I was missing out on summer because the services were from 11-12:30 or so… Going on an adventure beforehand would have been a great idea. I’m happy that you guys get the best of both worlds.