Continuing the series of PBF reader-submitted stories about amazing volunteer experiences, Lauren, Nikki and Ashley share about their experiences with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network. The organization makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18, in communities across the country and aim to create positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
You may find more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters on their website by visiting this link:
Lauren’s Story
Hi, I’m Lauren and I volunteer as a mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Lane County.
In January of 2011, I filled out my application and attended mentor training classes for BBBS. Almost immediately, I was matched with a seemingly shy 6-year-old girl who I was told liked crafts and was pretty outgoing. Over the past two years, she has opened up a lot and I have learned how to have more fun and be a kid at times.
Over the past two years my relationship with my mentee has grown and we have done a TON of fun things together, including canoeing, hiking, kid friendly yoga, bowling, painting pottery and so much more.
One of the aspects of my life I have tried to share with my mentee is healthy living. Whenever we hang out, I bring a nutritional lunch or snacks for her (pb&j on whole wheat, oranges, bananas, carrots,dried mango slices, etc.) and water. Additionally, I try to incorporate some kind of movement into our time together. After all, going to the park and having a picnic is FREE and FUN whereas other activities may not be.
My volunteering experience has not only taught me more about how kids operate, but has made a positive impact on a young person’s life.
To read more about my busy life – including marathon training, healthy eats (and the occasional sweet) and other shenanigans, visit
Nikki’s Story
I’m a teacher in an inner-city school district and every day I go home wishing I could take some of my kids home with me so they would be able to eat dinner, walk my dog with me, or at least watch TV. I decided last year around this time that I wanted to get involved in an organization to be involved on a whole different level with kids that would allow me to give the love to kids they need outside of school.
My search led me to the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. This program matches a child (a “little”) from an under-privileged home with an adult (a “big”) who wishes to donate their time. After going through the 4-step process to actually become a big sister, I was matched with my little, Nafeesa. It was nerve-wracking meeting this 10-year old girl for the first time. I’m a teacher so I thought this would be a breeze, but the “what if she doesn’t take well to me?” and “what if she doesn’t want to do the activities I have planned with her?”thoughts wouldn’t go away.
Luckily, my worries were put to ease when I met her. We clicked instantly and have spent so much time together over the past 6 months. We’ve gone ice skating, roller skating, sledding, to the zoo, to play at the park. We’ve baked cupcakes, made fun breakfasts and treats to bring home to her mom. I wouldn’t trade my time with Nafeesa for anything. I look forward to each time I spend with her!
Ashley’s Story
Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and I’m from Toronto, Canada.
I’ve been involved in the volunteer sector for as long as I can remember and have loved each and every experience. My long standing passion for charity even translated into developing my career in the not-for-profit sector!
I’ve always known how fortunate I am to have a great family and friends, a good education and access to resources that are often taken for granted. Volunteering and giving back is a great way to get more involved in the community and to feel that you’re really doing something important.
I had the opportunity to volunteer as an after-school tutor to a child in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. I was involved with the organization for four years and had a phenomenal experience.
Twice I week I would meet “my child” at her school. We would share an after-school snack, talk about how our weeks were going & review academic performance over the week, complete homework and set goals together. Though my primary responsibility was to tutor, it really involved providing support and mentorship in all aspects of the child’s life.
The majority of children in the program come from a disadvantaged background or broken family situations and struggle with both school work and aspects of their personal life. What I loved most about this program was that each year the mentors were assigned to one student for the entirety of the school year. This meant that very close relationships formed between my mentee and me and I was able to see the impact of my work. With practically every child I mentored, I saw an improvement in grades, self-esteem and their ability to open up to me about various problems they were having in their personal life – from bullying to simply having a crush on a boy in their class.
Volunteering as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters was such a great experience and something I’d like to pick up again. I really recommend it for anyone who’s interested in working with children one-on-one and who wants to feel that personal connection to a cause.
Thanks so much to Julie for providing us with an opportunity to share our volunteering experiences! Giving back is so important and I hope that reading these stories will inspire everyone to get out there and get involved.
Additional volunteer stories include:
This is great! I’m also a Big Sister and I really enjoying playing sports with her as she doesn’t have anyone in her life to do anything like that with.
Loved this spotlight on volunteers! Thanks for highlighting the positive!! 🙂
Thanks for featuring Big Sisters! I am a former Little Sister and I can honestly say that having a Big Sister improved my life tremendously. My Big, Angela, was a friend, mentor, inspiration, confidante, and so much more. Though I’ve lost touch with her over the years, I’ll never forget the time she spent with me. One day I hope to be a Big Sister myself, but for now, I happily donate to my local organization.
Huge thanks to all the Big Sisters out there!
This is a cool idea, Julie. I think a lot of us feel that volunteer opportunities are so out of reach – but hearing this makes me think that they’re not only doable, but really rewarding as wel.
I never would have thought to do a series like this – so bravo to you. It’s tough to come up with unique ideas as a blogger, but you do such a great job.
I think this is such an amazing program, although it would make me do nervous! I ‘d be afraid the girl wouldn’t like me!
This would be the perfect orginization for me, I would love to do this!
Beautiful stories. This sounds like a wonderful organisation, I wish it existed here in the UK.
Great post! These women inspire me to volunteer my time to serve others, and I am currently looking for ways to get more involved through organizations at my church. Thanks for sharing this!
It’s great to know that this organization is in Toronto, too! Definitely looking into it. I think volunteering is extremely important, especially in the social service sector.
I’m volunteering at the Special Olympics this weekend…can I be featured? 😉 JK. Miss ya friend!!!!
actually, yes!! 🙂 if you want to be featured, i have a story set to go up about the special olympics next week and could include yours if you’d like. 🙂 i miss you BACK!
What a great idea sharing volunteering stories and opportunities. I have struggled to find a fit since my kids have grown up. I have contacted Girls on the Run and hope to sign me and my 19 yr old daughter up as coaches in the Fall. Very exciting. Thanks!
Thanks for featuring these stories, Julie! I love that your using your blog as a platform to showcase different organizations & inspire your readers to get out there and make a difference 🙂
FYI for anyone interested in volunteering with a Canadian chapter of BBBS, here is the website:
BBBS was one of the best things I have ever done. I have one “little” that was 15 when I became her “big”. We have stayed extremely close over the past 17 years, she is now 32 and one of my very best friends.
We still refer to each other as sister and completely confuse people since we are both named Jennifer.
I would recommend this program to anyone, you will get more out of it than you could ever imagine.
I echo other sentiments..a very worthwhile organization and highly recommend it! I was matched with my “little” for 6 years..her entire family came to my wedding and she made a tremendous impact on me. If you have been considering it, go for it!
I work for BBBS and I’m thrilled to see it on your website and to read about others’ positive match experiences! We never stop learning and could all benefit from having a mentor in our lives at one point or another in our lives. Thanks for featuring our agency and thank you to all the present day and veteran Bigs out there. You are truly awesome!!