Sadie had quite an exciting evening!
First, she found a little box turtle slowly crawling outside of our screened in porch.
After barking her face off, she decided to bring the turtle her favorite ball.
A peace offering? “I swear I won’t eat you. Here, have my ball.”
The turtle wasn’t interested in her ball, so she continued to excessively sniff at it until it found its little hole to crawl into to avoid the madness.
Sadie’s second round of entertainment came on our evening walk.
Can you tell that Sadie is the bravest dog in all the land?
That little maltese was quite a barker which didn’t fly with Sadie. When Sadie meets another dog, she prefers a simple sniff and then a romp around the yard… a silent romp. She’s not one for noisy dogs, as I’m sure you can tell from the above picture. She did like the maltese’s dress though.
I knew what we’d be having for dinner tonight early this morning. I flagged a page in the latest issue of Cooking Light when a delicious looking chicken caught my eye while I was flipping through the magazine on the elliptical at the gym.
The glazed chicken called to me and I followed the recipe directions exactly, but substituted ground ginger for the fresh ginger since I didn’t have any on hand.
Our first meal of the summer on the grill!
We ate our chicken with a side of roasted sweet potatoes and cauliflower.
Both Ryan and I loved the chicken. I especially loved the easy, peasy clean-up thanks to the grill!
It’s a So You Think You Can Dance night in our house. Off to watch!
OMG I just adore Sadie! Roo is maybe a little too social! When she meets another dog, she will sniff and lick and love them within an inch of their lives–if they’ll tolerate it! :/
That chicken looks delish! I need some new chicken ideas, so I’ll definitely keep this in mind 🙂
Sadie has quite a life haha I love it! That dish you made looks absolutely amazing… I will definitely be adding this recipe to the “To Make” list 🙂
I love your grilling outfit, so cute!! And Sadie is too adorable, haha I can’t believe the maltese scared her! ;p
Love the color of your shirt! Where did you get it?? First day of summer… Great day to grill!
Sadie really makes me laugh.
Especially about the little dog stuff. Even my previous dobie (who was bigger) would come to a dead halt and go to his happy place while smaller dogs ran around and under him (I swear pugs were the worset).
My current guy met the tiniest little dog with a pink bow on her head. He was actually a little intimidated by her (I honestly don’t think that large dogs sometimes get little dogs) but he really REALLY wanted to check out her bow. 🙂
Hahahahahahaha I love that sadie brought her ball to the turtle!!! That is too cute
That picture of Sadie really made me laugh. My dog is even bigger than Sadie and any time another dog barks at her, no matter how small, she turns away and rolls over onto her back. She’s so submissive. I have no idea how I raised such a wussy dog!
Sadie is 100% my favorite “blog dog!” She reminds me so much of my little guy… he’s not into yappers either. Whenever he’s confronted by hyper dogs, he looks at me like, “Seriously? You’re going to make me suffer with THIS? Take me back to the pound, woman!”
That’s hilarious she brought the turtle her ball!! Hahah.
Oh I always love your Sadie focused posts! She’s a honey. The closest I have to dogs are my bf’s. Two little fluffballs, maltese-chihuahua. And they are certainly barkers! They are the most (over)protective pups I have ever known. Quite likely they would have thought that turtle was a red alert threat and barked the house down. Have a good evening!
Yay summertime! Nothing better than grilling outside and enjoying the sunshine!
Aww poor Sadie was scared by the little puppy haha! Too funny! 😉
Poor sadie. I have a question what half marathon training program did you use for your half marathon?
i used hal higdon’s novice training program.
thanks. its probably on your blog somewhere. sorry i didn’t search it. 🙁
no worries! i highly recommend that plan! it’s a good one, especially for beginners.
How is this your first grilled meal this summer? LoL We’ve been using our grill since March, I seriously can not get enough of grilled foods in the summer.
Haha, I was just thinking the same thing! I live in Alberta, Canada where we haven’t even really hit hot temperatures yet, and we bbq all the time -rain, snow or shine 🙂
I third that comment! I’m also from Alberta and we BBQ year-round!
Ooh!! The hubby and I LOVE to watch so you think you can dance together!! I feel like the contestants are getting better and better with each season! However, I think it’d be really difficult to top Melanie from last season. I absolutely ADORE her!! We shall see though =). Enjoy!!
I just found your blog from Pinterest and love it! I spent the last 20 minutes looking through it 🙂 Great job.
thank you so much, shannon! so glad you found me!
You are a brave girl wearing white shorts next to a grill 🙂 Rest assured whenever I wear white, I spill!
we used our grill for the first time tonight too!! Shishkabobs and corn on the cob on the grill–followed by chocolate cake with fresh whipped cream and strawberries of course 🙂 It must be summer!!
Sadie’s great! That turtle is so cute! Can you imagine how scared it was with her barking?!
Aww! My maltese Poppy actually has a very similar dress. Cute! It’s funny because Poppy would never be ballsy enough to bark at Sadie-she’d freak out and run. Dogs are so funny sometimes. Sadie’s a cutie-pie though, that’s for sure. 🙂
Sadie is just the cutest! I would die if I saw a turtle, they are so cute! I can’t believe its your first grill of the season! I haven’t started yet, but I live in Canada so there’s no surprise there.
Ha! Those pictures of Sadie trying to be friends with the turtle are hilarious 😀
Can’t believe the turtle didn’t want to be friends!
LOL! she’s a rare one, that’s for sure.
My favorite thing about Bella is that she is NOT a barker!! She is a silent player too!
That’s HILARIOUS that Sadie brought the turtle her ball! It kind of makes you wonder what was going through her mind. And that poor turtle’s mind 😉
Haha! I love that Sadie had a great time last night!
That chicken looks delicious! I love grilling in the summer 🙂
I couldn’t help but laugh during most of this post. First at Sadie for being absolutely adorable and second because we ironically ate the exact same thing last night! So weird O.o
Aww Sadie! That’s too funny. Great post!
Sadie is just trying to make friends!!! I guess she prefers turtles to puppies tho 🙂
So cute that she took the ball over! Can’t believe this was your first grill of the summer! Or are you being tricky since its only now “officially summer”
Can you dedicate a whole post about how perfect Cyrus is from SYTYCD?Haha.. He is AMAZING!! He has the best attitude! 🙂
ha! agreed!