Two foods I cannot get enough of this week:
- Pickles: I recently rediscovered the magic that is bread ‘n’ butter pickles and polished off an entire jar by myself in two days. No, I am not pregnant (or Snooki).
- Watermelon: On sale. In season. In my belly.
I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from studying at the library this afternoon just to pick up some watermelon since I polished off the rest of the watermelon we bought earlier this week last night.
Perfect lunchtime sweetness!
I ate the watermelon with a tuna salad pita pocket.
The pita was good, but I realized that I prefer wraps to pitas. I figured I’d branch out a bit, but wraps are where it’s at.
Bat Date
Tonight Ryan and I have a date planned. We’re just doing the typical dinner and a movie thing, but we’re both pretty pumped to see the latest Batman movie (and watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics!).
Earlier this week, we watched the first Christian Bale Batman movie with Katie Holmes since I’ve only seen it one time before and I have to see movies at least five times before I remember anything about them.
During the movie, I couldn’t help but laugh when everything was labeled as the “Bat Something.” The Batmobile. The Bat Suit. The Bat Cave. Extreeeme creativity!
This morning as I walked toward our home office with my hot mug of coffee, Ryan called out, “Heading to the Bat Office?” Clearly we are already in the zone for our Bat Date and are waaay too easily amused.
Enjoy your Friday night!
Mmm, loving watermelon right now. Pickles too actually, at least today. I ordered in sushi and it came with rice vinegar pickles. YUM 🙂
Hope you’re having a productive day in the Bat Office! Enjoy the movie tonight.
I’m also loving watermelon and pickles – great summertime snacks.
But pickled watermelon rind? Ick!
Please tell me you have Bat Dress picked out for tonight. This would complete your life, I promise. 🙂
of course. i’m planning to pair it with my bat wedges.
Naturally. Have a great time! Let us know what you think.
Haha Bat office. I think you’ll really enjoy the batman movie, I was super impressed with it and if you’ve never read the comics it has an excellent plot twist. Something I find lacking in most movies these days :] Enjoy your night!
This is a great reminder for me to pick up watermelon on my way home!
I LOVE bread and butter pickles. I polish off jars of those things no problem.
I would really like to see the new Batman movie, but I’m one of those paranoid people that is slightly freaked out about the Colorado tragedy. My husband tells me I’m being ridiculous. We’ll see if he talks me into it. 😉
I’m with you I really wanna see it but I’m way too paranoid now I would never enjoy it! I’m waiting for the DVD!
It’s 100% worth seeing it in the theater. It’s amazing and you can’t wait for DVD. So many twists in the plot – by the time you see it the main ones will be given away!
I also am kinda afraid to go to the movie theatre after what happend in colorado. I know I shouldn’t be because the area I live in is ridiculously safe, nothing EVER happens here but still. It just may take a few months for me to feel comfortable at the movies again…
I’m currently suffering from severe stomach pains from a watermelon overdose this morning. I cant stop eating it!!
I’m in love with canteloupe melon at the moment, can’t get enough of it, on special or not on special! Love pickles!!! I was totally perplexed as to what bread and butter ones are when you mention them on twitter…thanks to Google I now am out of the dark. They’re so damn addictive! Hope you enjoy the Batman movie…Holly Smokes Batman! (Those old ones were the best, so cheesy!)
oooo watermelon is dangerous for me haha I can literally eat the entire thing.. that and pineapple. I have to be careful to stop myself before bed otherwise I’ll wake up with a water baby belly haha
Watermelon rules 🙂
love me some bread and butter pickles!
1. Can’t beat the crunch of a pickle
2. Watermelon is the most refreshing thing in the world
3. I struggle with folding/wrapping pitas! They always break on me!
4. Have fun at the movie tonight!!
have fun tonight! Haha I love that you all have the same sense of humor! well, I guess I’d hope you would being married and all, but still, lucky to marry your best friend!
I always buy a watermelon at the grocery store and am always the one to eat it to myself, I have a watermelon problem! Have a good date night, I saw the movie last week and enjoyed it
Not sure if you found a better version, but all the bread and butter pickles I see at the store have high fructose corn syrup 🙁 sad because they’re so good!
A date? what’s a date? 😉
Im OBSESSED with bread and butter pickles!! LOL
i just got home from taking my boys to the afternoon showing. it. was. awesome. have fun! 🙂
I’m a huge dill pickle fan. I can’t even imagine what it will be like when I’m pregnant one day … I’m sure it will be out of control!! 😉
Pickles, watermelon, and the new Batman are all AMAZING! Happy Weekend!
What are the orange and the greenish/yellowish looking vegetables in your tuna salad?
me toooooo
I LOVE had you just mentioned having to see movies a bunch of times before remembering them. I’m the same exact way! We refer to it as movie amnesia haaa!
I can never remember what happens in movies…except romantic comedies, of course, which I can memorize and quote after one viewing. 🙂
We are going on a Bat date tonight too! Can’t wait to hear what you think!
I remember loving absolutely everything about “Batman Begins” until this one line of Katie’s.
“You could die! At least tell me your name!”
Kill. Me. Now. Hated that line. Still do. Hope your date’s a blast!
I love bread and butter pickles 🙂 I’ve gotta try canning them.
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog awhile ago and LOVE it. You are adorable, and I have gotten some great workouts from you, so thank you! Please, shed some light on how you got to this point? Have a great weekend!
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog awhile ago and LOVE it. You are adorable, and I have gotten some great workouts from you, so thank you! Please, shed some light on how you got to this point? Have a great weekend!
I still can’t get over how in the movies people refer to him as “the batman” instead of “batman”. I seriously want to start laughing every time! I loved the movie, it was awesome. It’s good you watched the first one – I kept saying to my boyfriend, I don’t know why that connects and he said because that’s about the FIRST one, so you’ll be all prepared 🙂
Bread and butter pickles are the best!!! I’ve eaten my fair share of those!
The watermelon I get, the pickes? Not so much haha. I haven’t seen the first Batman but watched the health ledger one the other night for the first time. It was good but definitely corny in parts. I think we are seeing the new one soon too!
I just watched that movie for the first time and enjoyed seeing how the movie series began. Of course, I grew up on the Batman TV series and everything was “bat” and included lots of silly puns and jokes. I hope you liked the new movie. Miss you! xo Mama
Hope u enjoyed your bat date 😉
Have fun on the bat date!
I’ve actually heard people salting watermelon and really liking it, I guess then you get that salty and sweet. I don’t really like pickles that much, but I do like cucumbers with tons of salt on them. So good.
The bat office. LOL.
I can go through terrible pickle stages. It is stunning really. And never pregnant for one of them. 🙂
My husband and I actually really hated this movie. I thought it was extremely boring and slow. **SPOILER** (sort of)…..Batman couldn’t catch a break the entire movie until the end. At least in other super hero movies, there is a back/forth when sometimes the hero wins out and sometimes he loses.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one that can’t remember movie details. My boyfriend and I watched both the first and second movies last summer but I totally forgot what happened so last week before we saw it we had to re-watch them. And he’s always like, you can’t remember what happened?