No? I can’t say that I blame you, but if you are in the mood for a super fast and super sweaty workout, you might want to reconsider. (Women’s Health has a great picture tutorial of how to properly do a burpee if you’re unfamiliar with the exercise.)
I dubbed today’s workout a “burpee sandwich workout” because I sandwiched a bunch of burpees in between a five minute warm up and a five minute cool down.
My workout looked like this:
Burpees are hard, but they sure do get my heart rate up fast. My face was bright red and sweaty by the end of that workout. I averaged 17 burpees for each 60-second interval, so that’s 85 burpees total. Phew!
After rounding out my time at the gym with an upper body strength workout, I was spent.
Breakfast this morning came in the form of my favorite egg sandwich.
With strawberry jelly and Swiss cheese for that sweet and salty combination I adore!
Time to be productive!
Burpees are tough! That workout looks great! I’m doing a Biggest Loser program at my gym and we do soooo many burpees! But you’re right, they do get your heart rate up!!
i think burpees and jumping lunges are the two hardest exercises for me. killer!
I agree! Both burpees and jumping lunges wipe me out quick – so bittersweet!
I couldn’t agree more. I try to fit in burpees and jumping lunges into most of my exercises plans. They are exercises I love to hate, but they are good for you to do!
Have you tried Tina’s Burpee Blaster? 120 Burpees! It’s amazing!
Burpees are a love/hate workout… I also love how they get my heart rate up fast and I’m always a hot mess afterwards. My gym has this workout called burp-o-rama, Its 20 minutes of 10 burpees on the minute. for 20 minutes! PHEW!
Burpees – no comment…just blech!!
I hate burpees! GAH! So hard! The hardest burpee workout I ever did looked like this:
20 burpees
1 jumping jack
19 burpees
2 jumping jackes
18 burpees
3 jumpking jacks
etc….all the way to 1 burpee and 20 jumping jacks.
i did one similar but it was a 95lb power clean instead of the jumping jack~!! Hardest workout ever!
Call me crazy but I LOVE Burpees. It’s more of a love-hate relationship I guess. I love the result they give, but I hate to do them. 😉
That workout sounds simple enough, even I could manage it. haha I don’t handle over complicated routines very well.
I have a love-hate relationship with burpees, too. I love the feeling after I’ve finished them and knowing doing them produces great results, but I hate the feeling of exhaustion while I’m trying to complete them.
I can’t believe you subjected yourself to that slash will be trying it ASAP. Face the fear!
I just did a workout with burpees yesterday for the first time in MONTHS and they are so terrible, but also amazing — the workout kicked my EVERYTHING and I was sweating like crazy, but after doing those (plus squats, mountain climbers, etc.), my run this morning wasn’t fun at all…just means I have to do them more often to get in better shape 🙂
Thanks for sharing that WH link!
That image (Burpees 0 people like this) is one of my favorites- it makes me giggle everytime I see it! I hate burpees which means they are good for me! It’s kinda twisted that I am looking forward to when I can do them again (I’m 24 weeks pregnant, maybe some would do a burpee preggers but I’m avoiding them).
Oooh the return of the burpee! One of those moves I just love to hate. Kudos for doing that workout! I’ve got a circuit planned for later this week that incorporates heaps of burpees and wouldn’t do them if I hadn’t already seen such great results. I think they’re one of the most effective moves you can do! Have a wonderful day Julie! 🙂
Burpees. Gross. Love to hate ’em! 🙂
Yikes, one full minute of burpees?? Sounds like a torture tactic! Haha. I took a workout class for part of a semester in college, and one of our workouts involved doing 20 burpees in a row. Death.
That is one delicious looking breakfast sandwich! 🙂
omg burpees! I did those this morning too haha I hate them but then again I love them lol
Burpees were a key part of crew practice when I was in college and we even had t-shirts that said I <3 Burpees. Fun fact: one of my teammates is rowing for USA in her first ever Olympics this year! Woohoo GO USA ROWING
I hate burpees, but I know I need to do them. Such a love hate relationship!
I was introduced to Burpees when I did Insanity – there, they called them “Suicide Jumps,” very appropriately titled. I hate them. I got good at them, but I hate them, and I haven’t done them since I finished the 60-day Insanity Challenge. And I don’t miss them. 🙂 I give you major props for this workout! Burpees are TOUGH!
How did you like Insanity? I am borrowing it from a friend to see if I like it before purchasing. I know it will be tough, but I am thinking of testing it out as my training for my next half marathon rather then running to train. Did you get great results? What kind of changes in your body and fitness did you notice after the 60 days?
Jen 🙂
Hey Jen! I LOVED Insanity! It was the hardest thing I have ever done workout-wise, but it was so worth it in the end. I definitely saw a difference in my physique and my stamina (with my running). Here’s a link to my recap of it if you are interested to read all about it! 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions, I love to talk about this! Good luck!!
that workout looks crazy good! Burpess are such a killer but I feel so good after I finish them!
I haven’t had an egg sandwich is ages. This post really makes me want one!
Oh geeze I’m with Liz up there- now I really want an egg bagelwich!!
That combo sounds good! I would not have thought to put jam on a savory sandwich, but oddly it sounds good! I love love your blog by the way! I read it every day and since I’m in maternity leave and spend many hours a day holding a sleeping baby with nothing to do but play on my phone, I’ve been reading back at lots of your old blogs. I LOVE all the simple healthy meal and snack ideas I’m getting! I had oatmeal with pumpkin and raspberries stirred in this morning and it was great! Thanks for the great ideas!
I secretly love burpees so I think I will be trying this workout out for sure! Looks awesome!
Check this one out Julie! Talk about Burpee Hell! The Burpee Pyramid from Bonnie Lang Fitness
Holy burpees batman – that’s definitely a killer workout!
Wow that’s definitely a good idea for a workout. Burpees always kick my butt!
I used to take a great plyometrics class that had lots of different exercises including hopscotch and jumping, some exercises with weights and always, always burpees! So tough.
Burpees are so difficult for me! I hate them, but they leave me feeling that good kind of sore for a few days afterwards!
Lol I’m definitely not a burpee fan! But that workout sounds tough!
I hate burpees. Haha. Maybe I love to hate them? I want to say I will try this workout, but I feel as if someone will have to make me! hehe.
I definitely have a love hate relationship with burpees! It most definitely a full body workout within itself, but man does it wipe you out!!!
I love the facebook like picture you’ve got going on there. No, no one likes burpees! I am digging your sandwich! I so want to try a breakfast sandwich with jam now.
I actually (kinda-sorta) LIKE burpees. Well, I pretty much like any workout that is quick, effective and uses my own body weight. I’m definitely going to try this workout, thanks!
That looks hard core! And fun!
I have a huge love/hate relationship with burpees!!!!!
Nice work, Julie! I did a great workout a few weeks ago by Zukzana (one of her youtube ZWOW workouts – #22 I think) that had you do 4 burpees on the minute in between all of these other workouts we were doing. So I think I ended up doing about 80 or so, but it was a sneaky way of getting in so many. Love the burpee burn! 🙂
I hate Burpees!! I never liked them and then when I competed in my first Spartan Race I really began to hate them! I wont tell you what my father calls them ( he is a retired GySgt in the Marine Corps, so that she be enough of a hint). :0)
Burpees are the worst/best! I seriously love to hate them. But they are such a great workout!!
Poor Sadie!!! What a sweet little Pup 🙂 LOVE YOUR BLOG RECIPES Julie!
I LOVE burpees. I’m in the minority over here. The one plyo move I despise is jump lunges. Oh my, those leave my dying after just 2.
Just reading 1 minute of burpees made my body ache!
I remember when I was little, burpees were no biggie at all. It had been a while since I did them, and when I did, I died. Sooo unexpected! But you know what? I’m going to do this work out. NOW!
I sent that {0 people like this} pic to my Crossfiter husband and he got a little chuckle out of it 🙂 (so did I, but because I am in that 0 people stat)
Burpees kills but are worth it in the end!
Burpees are great total body workout. I encourage any one who is able to incorporate that exercise to do it. Great for total body burn!