Working out my legs has always been my least favorite thing to do at the gym. Oddly enough, I am finding myself really enjoying legs day when I follow the leg workout detailed in Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp.
The leg workout for week two of the program doesn’t require the use of extremely heavy weights but incorporates supersets that begin with a “pre-exhaustion” exercise to fully fatigue the muscles.
The first superset had me doing a wall sit to fatigue before moving onto another strength exercise.
When Ryan saw me propped up against the wall, he said, “Those are hard. I haven’t done a wall sit since high school soccer and hope to never do another one in my life.”
They’re legit!
Breakfast this morning included scrambled eggs with onion and zucchini.
Plus a toasted bagel topped with Swiss cheese that photographed terribly but tasted great.
After breakfast, Ryan and I took Sadie on a one mile walk around the neighborhood.
We saw a ton of teeny tiny toads and, as Ryan said, our walk was like a real life version of the videogame Frogger, only we weren’t the frog (obviously), but the ones trying desperately not to step on the itty bitty toads that basically blended into road.
Since I owned a pet toad as a child (affectionately named Big Guy), I feel oddly attached to the tiny toads and want to make sure they’re all safe. I think I yelled out to Ryan to watch his step at least five times. At one point I did some crazy spastic freak out move to avoid three tiny toads that were so well camouflaged that I didn’t notice them until they all jumped at the same time. Safe!
I’m off to write through the morning before heading out to a meeting at 11 a.m. See ya after lunch!
Totally random, but today I discovered the deliciousness that is protein powder + oats + banana. I’ve read it before on pbfingers and since I started to hop on the overnight oats bandwagon, I thought I’d try another one of your variations. Love reading your blog, keep up the great posts!
Oh my gosh I used to get SO grossed out by toads. We always have a ton of them in Houston when it rains. They freak me out!
The frog story is adorable. I’m a huge animal lover and would’ve done the same!
Aw the toad is so cute!! As for legs, I agree, wall sits ARE legit! I had jumping lunges in my circuit today and those are also one of those moves that make your legs feel like jelly after. Hurts so good! Have a great day Julie!
jumping lunges take the cake. they are SO hard for me.
Wall sits are so hard, but so great! That tiny toad is so cute!
I’m about to go do Tina’s leg workout too here in a bit. Thanks for the picture of wall sits, I wasn’t sticking my arms out so my form was probably off last week! 🙂
My PT client and I did wall sits this morning! I use them with my cheerleaders too. Let’s just say that not many of them enjoy those (although we do sing while we do them haha).
We have tiny toads like that too – they are too cute!
Lucky you – I can’t stand leg day! I haven’t been doing much strength training at all (and unfortunately I can see the difference…) but when I did have more time to be in the gym…legs were always the evil day!
What a weird coincedence – I saw a little toad on my patio this morning for the first time ever! I remember being at Epcot once as a kid (after a quick rainstorm) and there were thousands of those tiny toads hopping everywhere! 😉
Ironically some body weight exercises are just as, or even more, exhausting than heavy weights!
I would have to agree, I usually loathe working out my legs but I have really been enjoying the Tina’s leg workouts so far. the one leg sit n stand are killer for me!
Hi! As a fellow blogger I spend a lot of time online writing or reading blogs and I recenty came across yours and I am totally smitten with it! :O) Exercise and eating healthy are very important to me and I’m always excited to find other people who feel the same and also who share thier experiences with others. But at the same time people who are willing to admit they don’t have to adhere to a STRICT diet to be healthy! You are a girl after my own heart! So anyways I’m writing a post today to share your blog since I am so ‘smitten’ with it. Thank you for sharing your experiences and life!
I usually hate leg workouts too! But when I play floor hockey with the “boys” (they’re all at least 30 haha – almost 10 years older than me!) from work and we have a lot of subs … I challenge them all to wall sits when we sub off. I can’t stand sitting on the bench!
Ahh tiny frog! So cute!!! And weirdly, I don’t seem to find wall-sits very difficult. I’m usually pretty good for about a minute and a half and then I’ll start to feel it… lol maybe I’m doing it wrong?
awww!! such a cute frog! my sister used to have frogs haha I also hate working my legs, I always figure running works haha
Random but just signed up for the Savannah Half Marathon again (before the price increase). I know you ran it last year. I ran last year with my SIL and two nieces and we are all committed to doing it again. There is a new course apparently (haven’t looked at it too close yet). Nov 3rd! Here I come!
we used to do wall sits in cross county after each warm up everyday. I guess it was a way to build up our mental toughness and endurance. You learn to zone out and you dont really notice your legs shaking. 🙂 And, the tiny frogs everywhere really gross me out. My dog tries to eat them! I just moved to Gainesville last year, and I’m still not used to the wildlife and weather down here. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a jungle!
Ah! The worst part of leg day? The NEXT day. Ya know, the one where you can’t walk. 😉 Most of my workouts involve body weight exercises. My heavy lifting hubby makes fun of me until he tries them himself. They get the job done!! Cute frogs=)
I miss those little guys! Living in Florida was challenging to avoid frogs and lizards constantly crossing the sidewalk right before my feet. I was always afraid of stepping on one : (
My mom found a toad in our living room a few months ago and she killed it with one of my dad’s boots 🙁 I would have at least trapped it and set it free!
Wall Sits are brutal! I incorporate them into my leg workouts too! I also will combine them with a bicep curl to shoulder press just to spice things up- they really get the heart rate goin’!
I LOVE leg days. LOVE them. I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved doing squats. SO tough but yet so fun 😉
I totally agree. I would do arms over legs any day! But I feel like usually my arms are more sore than my legs which is annoying when carrying groceries or laundry around
We had frogs and toads when we were little too!! It was so gross to feed them crickets..
Hi Julie, I know I read awhile back you were planning on doing a post on Ryan’s eats or have him write one himself. I’d love to hear how Mr. PBF structures his meals and diet and hopefully help my own boyfriend eat healthier!
So cute and tiny!
That frog is adorable! I hate leg days too. I started taking power yoga, and the day after is the worse! I guess I don’t realize how much our legs are used because the class moves so fast.
Wall sits are intense! I’ve found some of the most intense exercises don’t require weights at all – wall sits, jumping lunges and jumping squats. Just ow.
We had a huge backyard when I was a kid, my brother and I spent many afternoons running around catching them and trying to convince my mom to let us keep them as pets – she was definitely not on board.
I didn’t even know they made toads that small! 😉
It’s so interesting that you were a toad-child! hmm that doesn’t sound right. 😛 But it’s always fun finding out lil things about the blogger! oh and wall sits are crazy! I should get back into them again, thanks for the reminder Julie~
I actually don’t mind working my legs! What I really hate working is my shoulders haha. And wall sits are definitely legit. I like doing them with my back against a stability ball!
My husband and I used to have wall sit contests since it was the one thing I could beat him in. I was devastated the day his old wrestling coach told him it is one of the few exercises that is easier for women! Grr!
my legs did not want to do 20 minutes of cardio after that workout this morning. They were all like, hey, I know, let’s stretch instead. That last set was brutal.
My son would have been in toad heaven!! A few weeks ago he found two of the teeny little frogs in our backyard and came running into my room, grasping them in his hands so proud of himself, ha!! I on the other hand could do without them!!
haha, cute toad! I hate when it rains around here because they are all over the road and I can’t be swerving everywhere to avoid them! Its so sad!
aaaaaaaagh wall sits remind me of my days as a rower! Nothing gets your quads shaking like 60+ seconds of those babies.
Random, but do you make toast your bagel in the toaster or a toaster oven? How do you get the cheese to melt like that?
Wall sits are intense. Sometimes at boot camp we do them with bicep curls and the curls almost distract me from the wall sits.
Ew that toad is nasty!!! Haha, I hate frogs and toads. But I love working legs 😉