This morning I took a spinning class at the gym. Ryan and I signed up for an indoor triathlon on Saturday where we’ll be swimming, biking and running for 15 minutes each and I figured getting my butt on a bike would be a good idea before the race.
During the spinning class, I was able to motivate myself to go all out during the sprints, but during the hill climbs, I began to slack a bit.
Then the instructor said something that changed my attitude and motivated me to push myself for the rest of the class.
This sounds like something I need to add to my list of my favorite exercise mantras!
“Determination now or regret later.”
I can think of a handful of times when I’ve slacked off or veered off track, only to regret it later.
Maybe we didn’t stick to a training plan for a race. Maybe we didn’t put all of the effort we should have into studying for a test. Maybe we didn’t take the time to go above and beyond for a project at work.
Holding onto the motivation within us and tackling a goal with determination and conviction rather than bowing out or taking the easy route always leaves us with a better feeling than the feeling of “I could’ve done better.” Being uncomfortable and going outside our comfort zone for a little while is almost always better than feeling regret later.
I must admit that if I slacked off during today’s spinning class, I wouldn’t be filled with regret for the rest of the day. A subpar workout doesn’t stick with me and ruin my day, but these words can be applied to the areas of my life where I’m striving to achieve something important and need extra motivation to stick with my goals. I figured they might strike a chord with some of you out there with big goals in your life at the moment.
Breakfast this morning was my favorite breakfast sandwich.
Eggs + Jelly + Cheese
Plus a hot mug of coffee!
Questions of the Morning
- What is a goal that you have in your life right now?
- What do you do when you feel your determination start to waver when you’re trying to accomplish a goal?
I really like how exercise mantras/ determination in exercise sincerely translates to hard work in other areas and in a professional sense!
My goal is to get a 4.0 (or as close as possible with maintaining my fitness/ mental health) next semester at school. To put it in perspective, no student has graduated my school with a 4.0 in a few years! So this is a big goal. When I’m faltering, I admit I haven’t been that great about getting back on track. But I think focusing on what I enjoy about something helps me to get through it, for example the interesting topics I’ll learn about. That part is still my challenge though!
I really needed to hear that mantra today! My husband is on business for two months in Tampa, and since I am a teacher I came with him. Two months in an extended stay is stressful, so I am trying to focus on working out. Today, however, I am struggling to get moving. This just did it for me!
My Goal: To get pregnant haha! My husband and I have started trying this month and we’re so eager to start our family now :). We’ve been married for a year now and have done the traveling thing, socializing thing, accomplished fitness goals (done 3 5ks this summer so far), success in work…now time for babies!!
Wish us luck! 😉
This is a great mantra…I’ve written it out and posted it on my desk! When I’m pushing myself through a really tough workout I just keep repeating “health” over and over again in my head. It reminds me that a future me exists who’s super happy that I pushed through!
Ah we all do this, but determination is one thing that successful people never put aside. I always allow myself days for lighter training, though, just in case I don’t have it within myself to go all out. It’s okay once in a while so we shouldn’t beat ourselves up about it. It’s when slacking becomes a habit that it becomes a problem.
One of my goals is this half marathon I’ve registered for. I’ve never been a long-distance runner, so keeping up with my training and my long runs on the weekends is really important.
Got through my biggest run since 2009!
Still trying to figure out how to keep myself going each week 🙂
Love this post! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 Im training for a half marathon and I like this mantra that you shared!
A goal I have in my lifetime is to run a half marathon in all 50 states! I have 3 down and I am running one in Alaska August 19! The next one I am signed up for is the Tinkerbell half at Disneyland!
These were just the motivational words that I needed to here today! I’m struggling to fing my motivation to study for my nursing final today, but you helped me find them! Thanks!
Julie, such a random question but…
I am {working on} getting back into shape after a few lazy years and am finding out that my skin just isn’t what it was when I was in hs/college. How do you keep yours so clear with the amount of exercise you do?! All of this sweaty, nastiness is causing mine to go all retro-sixth grade on me. Not cute. Or are you just one of those blessed with perfect skin types? 🙂
Right now I am training for my first half marathon, never been a runner and today I hit 6 miles and am feeling super proud! I only regret the workouts a don’t do, which I think it a quote floating around pinterest land somewhere haha.
When I’m running and it’s hard, I always try to think that not everyone can go out and run, and I am blessed to be able to!
That’s a great mantra–I’m going to have to remember that one!
I’ve been training for a few races this summer, and have a big half marathon this fall that I’m running with myTEAM TRIUMPH Wisconsin, but outside of training with mTT I’ve really struggled to find motivation to run. My husband suggested signing up for a big race to run on my own to really gauge where I’m at, so I’m considering signing up for a full marathon next spring… eek!
After hitting snooze for a 1/2 hour this morning, I literally said out loud, you will regret it tonight if you don’t get up for that run! And then I saw this post. I always love a good inspirational workout quote!
My goal is to run 3 half marathons this year, 1 down 2 more to go…and run the IMT Des Moines half in under 2 hours.
That’s a fantastic mantra! Not only for exercise, but life in general.
I’m starting grad school in a month – I know it’s going to be challenging, but I’m making it my goal to get through it with good marks! Especially the thesis – I’m most worried about that aspect so my goal is to completely own it. 🙂
I really need to make this mantra. I’m so horrible about coming up with excuses and definitely regretting after the fact :/
strike a chord…
whoops! thanks! just updated the post.
I signed up yesterday for my first spin class in a few years. I must say I love that you posted this today of all days! Im sure I will be saying it over and over in a few hours! Thanks for sharing!
What bagels do you use for those DELICIOUS looking sandwiches?? They always look so amazing. Would love to know and try!
I love your new mantra! One of my favorite exercise mantras to get me motivated is “Make an Effort, Not Excuses!” It is so easy to make excuses about not have time/energy to exercise, so I remind myself if I just make an effort then I am on the right path to getting and staying healthy!
That being said, doing a triathlon scares the crap out of my. I would be afraid of drowing in the pool.
this is SO perfect for me right now, working 3 jobs and taking 3 summer classes… BUT my summer classes end this weekend, so i just need to chug through and not have to deal with the regret if i didn’t give it my best. thank you!!
I literally said out loud, you will regret it tonight if you don’t get up for that run!