The pancakes of choice for today were cashew butter pancakes that I made the same way I make almond butter pancakes, but with cashew butter in place of the almond butter.
Topped with some syrup, of course.
After breakfast and a quick change, Ryan and I headed out for the 9 a.m. service at our church. It took us a while to get there because the guy in front of us was driving like an ass.
Just kidding. His driving skills were just fine and you simply cannot beat that kind of a view on a Sunday morning. Yeah buddy.
Today’s service was a great one and Ryan and I had a good time discussing it before running some errands.
Our first stop took us to Gander Mountain at Ryan’s request. As the daughter of a hunter, I am all too familiar with Gander Mountain. Though it carries basic necessities for hunting, fishing, camping and hiking, Gander Mountain always has a few hidden gems to be discovered that are quite amusing.
Would you care for a lovely camouflage vest with a built in butt rest?
I told Ryan that I think there’s a huge market for vest/butt rest apparel in sports merchandising. I can see football and baseball fans who sit in the nosebleeds sections of the stadiums with the super-hard seats absolutely loving a vest with a built in butt rest. Plus, they’d look lovely with a matching beer helmet, don’t you think?
On our way out of the store, once Ryan was done looking at hiking gear, we found the real winner of the day.
A 3-D camo poncho! Can you see me?
Why they don’t sell these things when it starts to rain at Disney World, I’ll never know. Ryan and I are currently trying to brainstorm some kind of a Halloween costume that would allow us to wear these, aside from Weird Swamp Thing.
When we arrived home, it was time for lunch. I started out my meal with a smoothie that ended up tasting like banana cheesecake in a glass!
I owe it all to these little Laughing Cow cream cheese wedges.
The company sent me their new cream cheese spreads to sample last week and the cinnamon cream and strawberries and cream flavors are my absolute favorites.
I used the cinnamon cream cheese spreads in my smoothie this afternoon and they added a cheesecake-like flavor to the smoothie that I adored.
I combined the following in a blender:
- 1 1/2 frozen bananas
- 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
- 2 Laughing Cow cinnamon cream cheese wedges
Garnished with graham cracker crumbs!
The smoothie filled me up more than I anticipated, so I ended up waiting another hour or so until I fixed myself a salad for lunch.
Our waiter at dinner last night told me that the chef loaded up my salad with an extra portion of the ahi tuna which was awesome since I was able to box up a few of the remaining slices to enjoy for lunch today.
I topped my salad with the tuna, sunflower seeds, avocado, tomato, mushrooms and a ginger dressing.
I’m off to spend the remainder of the day working on a top-secret craft project that I’ll be sure to reveal to you guys within the coming two weeks. Should be fun!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
that vest with a butt rest is hilarious!! who needs these kind of things?!?
Haha, only your feet gave you away!!!
I never would’ve thought to put those wedges in a smoothie! Thanks for the idea 🙂
Ahhhhh I need those cheese wedges. They sound so good. I’ve never seen them in the store before though 🙁
Hahaha that camo poncho is priceless. The smoothie looks delicious! What a cool idea to use those in a smoothie!
The camouflage pics are hysterical! The hubs and I just returned form DICKS SPORTING goods and there was a HUGE section with just gear like that! I even made the joke that “I almost didn’t see the section ..cause it was CAMOUFLAGED!!” Yes a somewhat cheesy joke that got a huge laugh!!
Craft project eh!?!? I cannot wait!
I love the cinnamon one! Never thought to use it in a smoothie, though. Good thinking. And I’m dying over the camo poncho. I didn’t notice you were actually IN the pic until you said.
That smoothie looks amazing!!! I must try to make it right away!!
I never thought to add laughing cow to my smoothies! Yours sounds delicious!
I love looking at all of the camping/hunting/outdoors stuff. There are certainly some hilarious and head scratching finds haha.
Hahahaha I love hunting stores, they have the most amusing stuff!
Your ability to sneak cottage cheese into various concoctions and still make them look tasty is a true gift!
Ha! I loved all the gear and I agree, who doesn’t need a butt rest? Can you imagine if all hikers wore something like that?
Oh god, the 3D camo is ridiculous. Hunters are intense, apparently.
Whatta fabulous smoothie! 🙂 and thats funny you were behind a butt. Have a blessed day!
Hahaha that poncho….at least it works, I could barely see you! And the smoothie looks so yummy!
Ohhh art project! How exciting 😉
Maybe I’m just extra hungry for dinner while reading this but OhMyGoodness your food looks exceptionally amazing today!! As in, “I need to get some of that STAT or I just might break down in tears” … Yum!!
Okay that Banana Cheesecake smoothie looks to die for! I will definitely be trying that one. The Ahi Tuna salad looks amazing too. I LOVE Harry’s! We live in Jacksonville, FL so for our date nights sometimes we drive to St. Augustine to enjoy Harry’s and the night life there. Adore your blog! You have killer yet simple recipes that are up this mamas alley. Thank you for sharing.
Haha! I am sure someone, somewhere in the world is using that butt rest vest as we speak! Hilarious 🙂
HAHHA. Yep, the feet gave it away.
I too enjoy those cinnamon triangles of cheese–sooo tasty with nuts & crackers and apples too, actually 😉
AHHHH I NEED to try that smoothie! I’m a fan of basically anything involving cheesecake…thanks Julie 🙂
I had no idea they had cinnamon cream cheese wedges, I’ll for sure be picking some up tomorrow, this smoothie has my name all over it!
I still cannot find those cinnamon wedges. Boo.
Omg adding that Laughing Cow to your smooth = pure genius! I bet that tasted so decadent and fabulous!
Tried the smoothie with honey instead of the Laughing Cow wedges and it was still cheesecake-ish. Very yummy!
I couldn’t even tell that you were in the photo! Until I noticed your shoes… but if you hadn’t of said anything, I would’ve kept right on scrolling/reading through!
Smart idea, packing up the rest of the fish! I like to do that with dinners that come with salad bars. I fill up on the salad, and then make my entree an extra meal for the next day!
This sounds so good. I just used a Laughing Cow wedge for my veggie burger and can’t wait to use it in desserts.
Looks like you two had a great day! It’s so nice for you that you take all these photos of your day to day life. Great for the memory keeping.
Oh Gander Mountain! I much prefer a stop at Dick’s Sporting Goods. At least I can go luck at work-out wear! My husband is an avid hunter/fisherman, so we frequently are visiting the golden 3…Ganger, Bass Pro, and Dicks!
haha! you really are hard to see in that poncho! besides your feet! 🙂
and i have never seen the cinnamon laughing cow yet… yum!
At least hunting could be more comfortable with a butt rest 😉
You have super intrigued me about blogging. Well, you and the Pioneer Woman – which you wouldn’t think go together, but in my world they do. I love to eat and am a 40-ish mom of 3. I also hate to diet and therefore have added fitness into my lifestyle, proving it’s never too late. I don’t know if I will blog or not. My husband says “Go for it!” Proving yet again why we’ve been married for 21 years. Anyway, all this to say I really have been enjoying your blog! Thanks! 🙂
Are those new Laughing Cow flavors? I’ve always wanted to try Laughing Cow but i’ve generally only seen savory flavors that I don’t love. How exciting!
yes! i think the strawberries & cream is the best. it’s so, so good!
That smoothie sounds AMAZING! I must try this whenever I find the Cinnamon Cream Cheese. I have been looking everywhere for months for that stuff with no success.
But the strawberry is great!
Putting laughing cow cheese in a smoothie is genius! I’m going to have to try that. I’ve been adding cottage cheese to my smoothie for a while, so I can definitely vouch that it is the secret to a great, creamy smoothie (even for non-cottage cheese lovers!).
Immediately after reading this post I wrote down this smoothie recipe and plan to try it later today. (I only have the plain cream cheese, but figure a little added cinnamon will be comparable.)
I logged onto Facebook this afternoon and what do you think Laughing Cow has posted on their page? Your post!!!
I had no idea LC was coming out with new flavors..this is awesome!! great post. and LOVE the look of those pancakes 🙂
Oh, I need to try the new laughing cow flavors! They sound great!
Creative smoothie idea, I like it!
That salad looks so delicious! Love tuna!
That ammo their sounds amazing
So what I wrote but iPhone auto correct didn’t like was
That smoothie sounds amazing
Cheese in a smoothie… how interesting! I haven’t tried these “sweet” cheeses from laughing cow yet, but now I’m intrigued!
Genius about the Laughing Cow in a Smoothie! Good thinking – bravo! Unfortunately I only have French Onion Laughing Cow right now – I don’t think that’s gonna work. I’m going to look for the sweeter varieties next time I’m at the grocery!
Smoothie looks delicious Julie.. so as your tuna salad 😛