I am so excited to share this workout with you guys today.
Before heading to the gym this morning, I sat at the kitchen counter and jotted down a bunch of different exercises with the goal of creating a super-fast circuit workout that would kick my butt and leave me dripping in sweat in 25 minutes or less.
I present to you the Cant Stop, Won’t Stop Circuit Workout:
Why “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop?”
- Can’t Stop: It was very fast paced so I felt like I could never stop and had to keep moving so I could stay on point
- Won’t Stop: It made me dig deep because it was so challenging so I had to really commit and tell myself “I won’t stop” a few times
The good news? I was technically only kickin’ my butt for 20 minutes of active exercises, though the workout took me about 25 minutes to complete. I warmed on the elliptical before diving into this bad boy which helped my muscles feel ready to go when I started in with the first 30 seconds of burpees. I was so sweaty by the end of this workout!
After my workout, I looked over at Ryan to see if he was ready to head home. Please check out my crazy husband:
He takes box jumps to a whole new level.
Allow me to show you my box jumps:
My bravery is astounding.
Breakfast this morning was a new one for me.
I tried Joelle’s Paleo oatmeal that I pinned on Pinterest a few weeks ago. No, I’m not going Paleo, but I’ve seen blogger after blogger rave about this “oatless oatmeal,” and I’m always game for trying a new recipe. I gave it a go this morning and am definitely a fan. (I used an extra egg white and a whole banana in my version.)
I’m just about the least picky eater in all the land, so I could see people who are easily skeeved out by strange textures not enjoying this dish, but I loved it. I had Ryan try a bite and he thought it was good, too, though he happily chowed down on his beloved McDonald’s hot cakes that we picked up on the way home from the gym.
I ordered my usual iced coffee to sip along with my hot breakfast and enjoyed it with a cup of key lime Greek yogurt.
Yum! It instantly made me wish I would’ve used the yogurt to make my key lime pie protein smoothie. Maybe I’ll make one after our morning walk with Sadie?
Off to exercise that crazy ball of love!
Hahaha, totally with you on the ‘bravery’ for box jumping!
I just always feel like i’m totally going to fall flat on my face & break all my teeth so i’m very impressed with Ryan!
Love your workouts, happy to see some of yours posted again. Can’t wait to see more weight/cardio circuit workouts. You have a great blog and should write a cookbook too :).
Holy Superman, Ryan! Haha! That’s, well, redic. He must be wearing Nike Airs :p (ok ok I’ll stop with the cheese factor) I mainly wanted to comment to say how impressed I am with you variability in workouts and eats each and every day! It’s an admirable quality! I also appreciate your ‘get in and get out’ philosophy at the gym- being satisfied with workouts that don’t make you spend hours at the gym. Your approach to eating healthfully is really so great, too. I never see you going crazy about portion sizes and measuring amounts- you eat well to feel well. There aren’t too many girls out there like that- so thanks for inspiring 🙂
Holy crap to Ryan’s box jumps! I can do the 18 inch box but that’s about it. That seems dangerous to stack them like that. Eek!
Ryan’s box jump high is INSANE! Very impressive. I’m pretty sure I’d have to climb up that thing.
*height. you get what I mean 🙂
I share your fear of box jumps. One summer I was doing box jumps at volleyball practice and my foot slipped and I ended up scraping the front of my shin on the edge of the box (which was carpeted) and scraped a few layers of skin off my leg. I could barely walk after that and needless to say I now have an aversion to doing box jumps.
Ryan’s box jumps are impressive, damn!!
This is how I feel with my boyfriend at the gym! Between him doing box jumps, battle ropes and burpee things with a medicine ball I look like a 5 year old running in circles compared to him! I’m happy I’m not the only one
Hahahaha your box jumps are definitely as high as I’ll go! And I love the Oatless oatmeal recipes!
Ohmygosh! Ryan is a freak! That is quite an intense box jump! Mine look much more like yours. =]
This workout sounds really intense…I can not wait to try it thank you! I am a huge lover for oatmeal, it is my go-to for breakfast most mornings…i have it mixed with yogurt and cinnamon. this paleo recipe sounds different though and I like the idea of it, I will definitly give it a try. Thanks!
I thought he was standing on top of the cardio machine in the back when I first saw that picture! I thought, he must have been bored and ready to go, and finding a way to entertain himself. Then I realized – WOW. Video please!
Are you SERIOUS?!?! Can he really jump that high? My mind is reeling… I feel accomplished to jump two feet, but that? Wow.
Awesome workout, btw! LOVE it! Totally doing it sometime soon. 🙂 Thanks!
Oh my gosh! I don’t even like doing box jumps on the step in Step class! I’m so paranoid.
And who says “white men can’t jump” ?? Holy cow that’s high! Is he human? That circuit workout looks insane…and scary. Might just have to try it. ‘Oats’ look awesome!
Haha OK your husband looks like spiderman there! Love that you showed your own box jump after. Very cute.
Hey, I did your workout this morning — it was a nice change of pace for me. I loved every minute of it though my fiancé was cursing the day I was born for inviting him to do it with me.
He’ll live I’m sure!
Thanks for sharing!
i’m so glad you liked it!!
two ‘boxes’ stacked on top of each other does not seem very safe. seems like a pretty easy way to break a bone if something slipped.
1. I kind of don’t believe Ryan is jumping that high. Damn! Video or it didn’t happen!
2. Honestly his jump looks a little dangerous. One minor slip and he’s got a broken leg.
My hubby is 6’10” … Bet he can box jump higher than Ryan (of course in a very HIGH room
CANNOT … He is the Golly Green Goofball !!!
HOLY…Your husband is an AMIMAL! …In the nicest way possible! Dont sell yourself short though, box jumps are no joke. I may be a “creeper” blog reader but you inspire me so much. xxoo
This post cracks me up and I hollered for my boyfriend to come read it as well because this IS us. His box jumps put mine to shame!
Thanks for sharing the recipe AND the workout 🙂 Both look great! I’ll definitely have to try both, hun 🙂
Your box jumps are so cute. I seriously cannot believe how high Ryan jumps! I am so scared, too! You’re not alone love.
Wow! That’s crazy high- a machine. Haha I’m with you on the low box jumps…I can just see an injury coming my way otherwise hehe.
I love that this comment chain has turned into a “box jumps terrify me” support group!
It’s so nice to know…I’m not alone!
hee hee
can’t wait to try this circuit! It looks awesome!
just out of curiosity..what type of shoes does ryan work out in?
OMG!!! I showed my sister the pic of Ryan because I was awestruck. He is a psychoooo. I am with you. Little box jumps are good for me…or ya know, good old floor jump squats 😉
Tried this workout today and LOVED it. Thank you! I recommended others try it on my blog.
This looks like the perfect circuit to kick my butt back in shape!
Love the length of your tank! What brand and style is it? I have a long torso, so I have a hard time finding long enough tanks! Thanks!
thanks! it’s made by casall and you can see all the details here: https://www.pbfingers.com/2012/06/19/sleep-in-walk/
Thanks! I actually thought it looked familiar, so I searched your site with the word “torso.” Is that creepy?! Haha… I remember you mentioning that you liked tanks that were longer because of your long torso and I thought I was the only one out there! Anyways, I ended up finding your previous post. Thanks so much for commenting!
When Ryan jumps that high and lands on the edge of the second box, isn’t he afraid it will topple backwards with him on it? That looks really HIGH. Quite limber. Wish I could do that.
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Those box jumps are killer! Nicely done!!
I have a client that is scared of heights, but she is always willing to try these. Got to start somewhere!!