Ask and you shall receive!
Today I made sure to bring my camera to the gym and told Ryan to get psyched because I needed to capture one of his box jumps on video to share with you guys.
Heeere ya go!
(Click here to see the video on YouTube if the imbedded video isn’t working for you.)
Every time I see him do one of those box jumps, I hold my breath and get awfully nervous. The boxes are sturdy, but I freak out about jumping onto a box that comes up to my knees. Ryan swears that jumping that high is 99 percent mental and I am 99 percent mentally convinced it’s impossible for me.
Though box jumps didn’t make it into my workout today, I managed to complete a pretty stellar circuit workout that focused on lower body exercises with lots of jump roping thrown into the mix.
All the jump ropin’ kept my heart rate up and I enjoyed the mix of cardio and leg exercises. Though you can definitely do this circuit without any weights, I used the following weights for the first three exercises:
- Squats: 95 lbs.
- Stationary Lunges: 40 lb. bar
- Bridges: 25 lbs.
It was a good one!
On our way home, Ryan once again wanted his favorite hot cakes from McDonald’s, so I got an iced coffee to sip on as I prepared my morning meal.
I copied last Saturday’s breakfast and made a batch of Paleo oatmeal (adding an extra egg white and another half of a banana to Joelle’s recipe) and ate it along with a cup of key lime pie Greek yogurt.
I hope your Saturday is off to a fantastic start!
I was impressed by that jump! I showed my husband, and now he is determined to beat it…he would like to know how high it is so he can get his own private little competition started!
wow, that jump is impressive!
I always loose my balance when I do lunges, any tips as to how to stay in place?
thanks so much for the video 🙂
really impressive!
Thanks for posting the video – I re-watched Ryan jump at least 5 times, haha. That’s incredible!! I love the workout you put together – will definitely be trying that sometime soon.
That scares me too and I feel like he is going to fall off or the box will flip over when he jumps arghh! Ps. Love your voice haha- typical American accent 😉
These videos are both incredible. I can barely do the small box jumps for fear of falling.
Although still impressive…try a box jump without stepping into it…
Love your husbands shoes. I have a few pairs myself.