I am beginning to wonder if it’s possible to travel from Florida to the west coast without experiencing delays. It seems like nearly every time I travel out west, I am faced with delays.
Fortunately today’s delays only set me back two hours which is a heck of a lot better than the eight hours of delays I experienced when I traveled to San Francisco in June. I’ll take it!
I actually was supposed to experience 4 hours of delays, but when my delayed flight landed in Houston for a three-hour layover, I checked the monitors and saw that a flight to Los Angeles was boarding at that very moment. I hauled my hiney from terminal B to terminal C and was able to book a seat on the earlier flight since I didn’t check any bags. Score! Carry-ons for the win!
Backing up a bit to cover lunch…
My first flight flew out of the Jacksonville airport and once I made it through security, I grabbed lunch at Starbucks.
I bought a grilled chicken caesar salad and enjoyed it with a decaf vanilla latte and a Naked green machine smoothie that I picked up on my way to my gate.
It did the trick!
I also bought a small packet of almonds that I ate about two hours later.
I initially hoped to grab dinner in Houston during my layover, but that didn’t happen since I rushed to make the earlier flight to LA. Now I am blogging from the plane and food is on my mind! (This post will be published once I land and have internet access again.)
I hope you sleep well tonight. I am already looking forward to a solid sleep in a fluffy hotel bed. I love hotel beds!
Delays suck but at least you made it! 🙂
Oh, are the Naked smoothies good btw? I’ve been meaning to try them for a while now but haven’t had a chance…
Enjoy your trip!
I think they’re pretty tasty! Homemade is better (thicker!) but they’re yummy for a grab and go option.
I’ve been curious about those “Naked” green juices also since I don’t juice and I don’t have juice-shops nearby, I was thinking it would be a good source of juice that everyone raves about. But the only place that sells it is Starbucks (near me) and its 4.99!! Holy moly.
Anyone know if a basic, SIMPLE juice can be made in a magic bullet? Without breaking the bullet?
Everytime I have tried to juice something in the magic bullet it came out more like a smoothie than juice.
I hope when you arrived it wasn’t too crazy as of all days for you to come to LA a certain “somebody” I was flying in to be on The Tonight Show and LA was experiencing road closures in major traffic…. welcome to California, 🙂 Have a great couple of days here!
I love the sleep number beds!! The first time i had one i spent a good ten minutes playing with the settings until i ended up in a huge ditch hahaha.
FL to CA is sooooooooo far. It’s rough travel either way. Boo.
See you soon 🙂
Carry-ons are the best way to travel. It saves so much time when you have to connect to another flight. FYI, love your bracelets!
Ah delays are totally a pain in the booty.
At least you made it safe and sound!
Have a blast!
Delays are the worst for sure especially if you have a connection. Glad to hear that everything worked out!
I was stuck at a 3 hour delay once and it wasn’t pleasant, although as least it wasn’t too long. Your trip seems good too and just asking is the naked smoothie as good as it looks ?
I love the Naked green smoothies! Whenever I drink them around people they think it’s so gross but I just have to give them one sip and they realize it tastes nothing like vegetables! Also, hotel beds are definitely the best. Especially because you leave the next morning, come back, and they’re alllll put back together for you 🙂
I’m from Canada so I really never tried starbucks, although they do exist in Canada, there are more Tim Hortons than Starbucks. Anyways it sucks you got a 2 hour delay, but at least it wasn’t the 4 hour one you expected.
That’s awesome that you didn’t have to wait that long for your next flight! Delays are awful and definitely put me in a bad mood.
I always grab food at Starbucks when I travel as well :). And I agree, carry-ons make traveling a heck of a lot easier!
Yum thank goodness for STARBUCKS! Thanks for sharing have fun in LA!! Love + Shine CourtStar
Hope you got some delicious dinner 😉 I love your bracelets by the way. They are so fun, yet pretty!
Delays are SO annoying! It seems like almost every time we fly somewhere, our flight never leaves on time!
I just saw this article posted from The Healthy Apple….you may want to eliminate the Naked Drinks….https://www.facebook.com/TheHealthyApple/posts/10151856984357448
I saw this too! Very disappointing.
Oh my gosh! Thanks for sharing. I had no idea.
Delays while traveling seriously are the worst. I feel like I am so organized when I travel and a delay just throws off my entire day. Awesome that you made the earlier flight though! Have fun in Cali!
I am a carry on girl all the way too!! Sure beats having to wait in line to pick up your bags at your destination…AND it can help you snag an earlier flight (like in your case!) Good job!
Glad you finally made it there safely!! enjoy your trip!! 🙂
I love the room in hotel beds but never sleep as well as at home!
Delays and traffic, welcome to LA. I hope you get an opportunity to explore a little while you are there. The Channel Island are north of you but they are definitely worth you checking out since you dive. It’s no Key West, but still pretty amazing.
Airline delays are the worst! At least you only had to deal with a couple of hours 🙂 And totally agree with you on hotel beds!
Much more sugar and much less natural fruit in Naked drinks than they want you to think:
I had no idea about all of this. Thanks for sharing, LM. Yikes!
Hotel beds really are the best! We have a king now at home that is out of this world but before then I would stretch out like a star and try to cover as much of the bed as possible!!
I live on the west coast, and everytime someone I know flies, they too are always faced with delays, I can’t seem to figure out why. I hope you made it with no may delays!
I used to travel frequently and often w lay over in Houston.. That’s a spread out airport to haul yourself around quickly! I feel like my flights out of there were always delayed (there and ATL).
Nice work grabbing the earlier plane! About a week and a half ago I had 6 and a half hours to kill at the Houston airport, so I definitely feel your pain.
Since this post was published, I’m assuming you arrived safely in LA. Hope you’re having a great time!
I love hotel beds too! There’s nothing like my bed at home, but for hotel beds, there always seems to be more blankets and pillows that you can just sink into. Plus, traveling can be pretty exhausted, so crashing makes it just that much better!
ugh that’s the worst! Earlier this summer I spent 15 hours on a plane getting from Seattle to New York with my sister!
This is random but every time you say you love hotel beds I feel like I must be missing out on something because I hate them! Maybe I need new hotels? 😉
Those almonds from Starbucks are always a go-to snack when I’m out and about without food.
Welcome to the west coast! 🙂
I don’t miss long flights with layovers, or flying at all for that matter! But I agree – hotel beds are the best! I love their pillows. They always give you so many! And great work still eating well while traveling. Anytime I travel, diet goes completely out the window, unless they have a sandwich or bagel shop in the airport. Mmm Potbellies sandwiches!
I love those almonds from Starbucks! They’re delicious!
You should write a post telling us how to pack for trips with only carry on luggage! I am the worst at packing unless I’m travelling to a warm/tropical place 🙂
Mixed nuts are my fav snack to bring when traveling – they don’t take much room and won’t do too much damage if they spill out into your bag 😉
Sorry about your delay, that’s no fun. I love your bracelets though! Where did you get them?
I feel like we are living parallel lives today! I am on a flight out west (to San Francisco), my flight was delayed, and I had a naked Green juice and Caesar salad at the airport! 🙂
Delays are the worst! glad to see you made it safely1
I love those bracelets you have on in the above picture.. what is the brand of them?? Please let me know! You are so fashionable!