Good afternoon! I hope you’re doing well today and that your Wednesday is flyin’ by!
Workout + Breakfast
This morning, I woke up and drove to the gym with Ryan to complete a leg workout that incorporated some plyometric exercises to keep my heart rate up. Not too shabby!
Once we made it home, it was time for breakfast. Last night I prepared another batch of butterscotch oatmeal banana bread bites and ate two while I whipped up a protein smoothie made with light coconut milk.
I used the coconut milk as the base for my smoothie and added a scoop of vanilla protein powder and one and a half frozen bananas which made the smoothie taste a lot like banana soft serve ice cream. Yesssss.
While I finished my smoothie, I worked on my morning blog post before it was time to shower and head out for the day.
Running Around Town
I spent all morning and afternoon running around town, visiting local restaurants and shops to tell managers about the Livestrong program we’re bringing to our gym in October. (I actually met a blog reader at one of my stops! Hi Meredith!) I feel like I’m back in my first job out of college when I worked at the Orlando Museum of Art and would run around town telling local businesses about upcoming exhibitions! Oh, the good ol’ days!
My mission today is to try to find a local restaurant to donate some delicious breakfast items and a healthy lunch for everyone to enjoy on October 2 when my gym launches the cancer survivor program at our gym. It’s proving harder than I anticipated. Many places require you to go through corporate which it totally understandable, but the corporations I’ve called seem to require four weeks notice before an event and we are only two weeks out. Bummer! I’m holding out hope that I’ll find someone to commit before the end of the day!
Time to head out again!
Good luck finding a restaurant!!!
when I worked at Panera in high school they did that kind of thing—typically without a problem… (without contacting Corporate).You probably want something local or different, but that is just a thought if push comes to shove!! Good Luck!! 🙂
I actually went to Panera and the gave me their contact info. for corporate. When I called they said they needed 3 weeks notice. Bummer!
Ugh!! That stinks! Sorry it didn’t work out…I know how tough it is to find donations, hopefully you have better luck today!!
Chick-Fil-A is usually pretty good about that -obviously fries and their original sandwiches wouldn’t be so healthy – but their wraps and salads and fruit trays would be!
I’ve never thought of using canned coconut milk for smoothies. Great idea! 🙂
Good luck with your search! Sounds like fun work 🙂
Your smoothie looks & sounds delicious!
Are there not any locally owned bakeries or sandwich shops/restaurants you could ask? And maybe you’ll just have to talk to the business owner and won’t take long. Hoping you find someone!!!! good luck and have a blessed day!
You would think so! I went to a handful, but for whatever reason I wasn’t able to talk to even ONE manager today. I got a lot of business cards to follow up with people though, so that’s my next step.
Good luck with your search! And I am totally drooling over the thought of using coconut milk in my smoothie – thanks for the idea!!
the protein smoothie looks delicious! i looove bananas 🙂
good luck! i really hope you find a new restaurant willing to help out such a great cause!
The last time I threw a cancer benefit I had a hard time getting in touch with restaurant managers. Good luck!
Ummm how can it be 2 weeks til OCTOBER?! EEEK
I’ve been meaning to make those butterscotch oatmeal bites of yours. Thanks for the reminder!
Do y’all have a Bruegger’s bagels? They usually will donate without any issues 🙂
Your nephew is so stinking handsome!!!
Sorry about that! wrong comment-wrong post!
hope you are able to find a place to donate soon! have you tried a more local, small business instead of a national company for donations? they may not need the four weeks notice
I grew up in Ocala and still have tons of friends and family in the area. Try Mojo Grill and Catering. Rondo is the owner and is well known for supporting good causes in the community.
Thank you for the suggestion!! They actually JUST donated food to our gym for a different event on Sept. 11, so we didn’t want to ask too much of them. They are great!
Good luck finding a restaurant! Hope you find what you are looking for 🙂
Good luck on your search! Great idea to use coconut milk in the smoothie, too!
I was super busy today too- class, a psych experiment, shopping, and homework! Almost time for youth group… phew!
that smoothie looks SO GOOD! good luck finding a business to donate!!! i’m sure at least one of them will come through! 🙂
I love using coconut milk in smoothies! It makes them nice and thick and the taste is delicious. Good luck in your search!
I have some coconut milk in the fridge that I need to use up and putting with a frozen banana sounds perfect.
mmm coconut milk in smoothies. delish! good for you for putting on such an event like this..and perhaps you’ll have better luck if you try a smaller local restaurant.
Best of luck with your restaurant search!
That smoothie looks oh so creamy and delicious. I absolutely love banana soft serve, so I think I might just make a smoothie like that sometime this week!
Your smoothie sounds delicious, nice & tropical. I never thought of using coconut milk as a base for a smoothie, but it sounds great. Good luck with your restaurant search – I used to work for a nonprofit, so I know what it’s like to ask the community for help.
Julie I can help!! If you don’t have someone yet let me know, I believe we can support this great cause!!
You should tweet at corporations… they might be able to help you out a little more than calling because they have some pull! 🙂
Smoothies that look like frostys are the best!! Banana soft serve- yes please!
I’ve tried quite a few of your smoothie recipes (the one with peanut butter and viva coffee is my favorite!!) and I’ll have to try this one now too! Coconut and banana…you don’t get a better combo than that!!
That smoothie looked so delicious and thick and tasty. I’ve never tried one with coconut milk before!
Good luck rounding up those donations, I am sure once businesses here about the cause they will be more than willing to donate breakfasts etc 🙂
Try a Starbucks for coffee/pastries (which may not be the MOST healthy but are certainly yummy), or a grocery store. Publix, Kroger and Fresh Market are all very philanthropic as well, and may be able to donate sandwiches, veggie platters, etc. for lunch.
I would try somewhere local. Maybe Bettycakes of Bagelicious would be willing to help out!
Bettycakes or Bagelicious
What about contacting a grocery store like Publix or Trader Joes??
I never would have thought to make a smoothie with coconut milk, what a great idea!
Try contacting the Chamber of Commerce and see if they can put you in contact with someone. A lot times, they have local businesses who are members and can give you their direct contact information. Good luck!
Light coconut milk is a great idea for a smoothie base! Will have to try that!
Do you have a First Watch in Ocala? They donate food to a lot if events in my area.
I feel ya with donations! They are tough to come by. You will find some place to donate though. Just keep your hopes up and don’t get discouraged!
I believe you can access my email through the comment system. If you haven’t found someone yet please email me and I will invite you into a closed FB group called Ocala’s Word Of Mouth. I am positive someone on there will have ideas for you.