After slipping and sliding all over the floor during various plank exercises and other positions, I found myself feeling increasingly frustrated during class. Planks are hard enough when you’re totally stable, so when I found my feet slipping out from under me time and time again, the frustration began to build. Since my love affair with Pure Barre hit me pretty quick, I waited a few weeks to make sure I wasn’t just in the infatuation stage. (What is this, The Bachelorette!?) When I felt like this whole barre thing might stick, I bought a pair of grippy socks.
They make such a difference. Seriously. I kind of thought they wouldn’t, but I am a believer now and think it may be time to order another pair or two since I feel like the gross kid in class wearing the same socks day in and day out. (I also feel like the stripes on my socks make it rather noticeable that I’m wearing the same *unwashed* socks, so I’m opting for a more muted pair this time.)
I really wish I would’ve remembered to bring my barre slippers with me to temp housing!
After my 6 a.m. Pure Barre class this morning, I headed home to assemble a quick breakfast.
Breakfast began with a snack plate that centered around almond butter.
I paired Nut Thins with almond butter and let Sadie lick the plate when I was done which made her way too happy. (I’m so glad to have her back!!! We missed her way too much.)
Plus a cup of key lime pie Greek yogurt topped with a sprinkling of granola and a few crushed raw almonds.
Not too shabby!
And now let’s move right along to your StitchFix FAQs…
StitchFix FAQs
After my visit to the StitchFix headquarters, I received a few questions from you guys about StitchFix that I wanted to quickly address.
1. Does StitchFix offer maternity clothes?
No. But you can make a note when you request a fix to tell your stylist that you are pregnant and they will do their best to select clothes to flatter your bump! Here are two StitchFix maternity reviews from two of my blogging buddies that may be of interest:
You can also request “accessories only” fixes if you’d rather not take your chance with clothing. By asking for only accessories, you will receive fixes filled only with jewelry, handbags, scarves, etc.
2. How to I request specific items in my next fix?
You can do this a number of ways! Pin a StitchFix item you’ve seen on blogs or Instagram to the Pinterest board you have linked to your style profile. (I’ve personally never done a full review of a fix, but they are ALL over the internet, so simply Googling “StitchFix review” or searching the #stitchfix hashtag on Instagram will bring up a bunch.) You can also request an item by name (or provide a direct link to a picture of it) when you order a fix. I requested the pink dress I’m wearing above by simply linking to the previous blog post I published where I am wearing the dress.
3. Does requesting an item guarantee I will receive it?
Unfortunately, no.
4. How can I get better clothes in my fix?
Give incredibly specific feedback. I was frustrated with a handful of fixes because even though my style profile requested loose bottoms and more form-fitting tops, I received boxy tops time and time again. (Not the most flattering for someone with a pear-shaped body!) I was frustrated but then I realized that even though I was sending the tops back, I never actually provided feedback that said “no boxy tops” so my stylist could’ve thought I sent them back for a number of reasons (color, design, etc.). I now make it a point to give much more detailed feedback!
5. Is StitchFix planning to offer clothes for kids or men? Do they plan to ship outside of the United States anytime soon?
Not in the near future. They are still a very young company and don’t have the resources to ship internationally or expand into men and children’s fashion at this time.
6. Is StitchFix a subscription service? Do I have to sign up to receive fixes every month?
No and no. You can opt to receive monthly fixes, but you can also order one fix at a time.
Hope this helps!!! Have a great Tuesday!
I felt the same way about the grippy socks until I bought a pair – wow there is definitely a difference! It is much easier to do the moves, hold a pose and really get into the workout. I haven’t gone to class in a few months, but your posts have totally motivated me!
Nut Thins??? A nut and rice cracker??? Finally! I need to get a box of these asap!
They are so good! They are my favorite with guacamole.
I’ll buy grippy socks as long as I can still change into my slippery socks when I come home and slide around my hardwood floors :p It’s nice to know you can get a one-time fix with StitchFix and that it isn’t a service. My need for some new wardrobe items comes in infrequent waves, so the fact that I can pick and choose when to receive clothes is perfect! Thanks Julie!
I remember when grippy socks first came out here in Ireland…that makes me feel so old! They were such a revelation…the must have house sock!
mmmm Almond butter and nut thins! Love that combination <3
So I scouted out more pure barres and found one a little bit closer to me and I will definitely be doing their unlimited $100 month option soon!
Grippy socks are a must for me when doing Barre!
I heard that Stitch Fix is planning to start offering athletic wear. Have you heard anything about this to confirm whether that rumor is true or not?
Nut thins?! Those sound delicious! I’m a little weak in the style department so your post about Stitch Fix always make me interested in trying it out. I need to sign up!
That snack plate looks delicious! Cant pass on the almond butter!
what are your plans for pure barre after your month ends? i think we discovered it around the same time, and that decision is looming for me!
I really hope to continue. I love it so, so much! I also would love to teach it when I feel more confident. I just need to practice and improve a bit before that is possible!!
Grippy Socks are a definite for me too 🙂 If you think the Pure Barre ones are boring – Lucy makes Ballet Grip socks that come in fun colors sometimes and also has some fun styles 🙂 So happy you are loving Pure Barre !!
Fun! Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks for answering those questions. I feel much better about getting a “fix” started now!
i wish with a bump was available when i was pregnant!
I have bought grippy socks from TJ Maxx for 4.99 – 6.99! 😉
Check out Shashi Socks! They are my absolute favorite for barre and other classes like Piloxing.
That’s pretty cook that stitch fix allows you not to do the monthly subs rupturing. That’s what turns me off about other places.
I wasn’t a believer in the grippy socks at first either, then I tried them and the 90 second plank during warmup got SO much easier! You probably already know this, but Lulu occasionally has them (they’re my favorite ones) and as a fitness instructor you can join the your local Lulu’s R&D program and get 15% off everything Lululemon. Game changer. 🙂
My grippy socks and I are going to barre tonight. They definitely help (especially clumsy people like myself!). I get my first fix in early August. I can’t wait!!
Whoa, 6 am class! Why? How? Why?
I have been wondering about Stitch Fix because I am always hearing so much about it. Thank you for answering pretty much all of my questions!
If you want to save some money, you can make your own non slip socks!! I make them for my kids all the time! Just use any sock and puffy fabric paint!! Works like a charm!
I have spent so much $$ on Pure Barre grippy socks alone, it’s insane! I’m definitely guilty of wearing the same pair over and over…the advantage of getting the plain black colored Pure Barre brand!!
HA! I would totally feel the same way- everyone can tell I’m wearing the same socks! bahaha. I like the idea of making your own with puffy paint. brilliant!
My Mom and I moved to NC together when I decided to go to Wilmington for college. She just moved down to Florida and I told her she would be near my favorite blogger! Then I looked at your description and you are in NC! Can’t wait to see what you recommend, my bf and I love Charlotte… it’s nice to be somewhere a little bigger than Wilmington
I would just like to thank you for writing about Pure Barre. Your posts on it made me want to try it and I went to my first class this week. I had a blast!
And I got the grippy socks in black so that it would be a bit harder to tell that the cleanest pair. ;-D
Yay!! So glad you like it!
Darn! Sad to hear that they won’t be expanding to Canada yet!! I guess I will wait patiently. Or, wish I lived close enough to the border and had a mailbox there!! Maybe one day 🙂 haha
Hey Julie!! If you are looking for cheap and cute barre socks, I’ve found that this company has some fun ones:
I definitely became obsessed with barre a few years back and had amazing results. I was getting tired of doing my regular workouts and lifting and needed some inspiration. I was anti-group classes, but honestly I loved it and it kicked my butt back into shape. I’ve also just tried BodyBump (thanks to you!) and really like it, as well.
Also, congrats on your new move! My boyfriend and I just moved to California (where I’m from) from the Outer Banks of North Carolina (where he’s from). Despite the OBX being a beautiful place, it was like how Ocala was for you..not much to do and far away from everything. I always wanted to visit Charlotte when I was in NC, but never made it. Looks like a great city! Enjoy!!
I love that you recommended “StitchFix with a Bump” – the writer of that and I went to the same high school – she was a year younger than me. I just received my first “Fix” yesterday and I’m so excited about it. Most of the pieces my stylist picked are perfect.