Our car is already packed and we’re ready to go just as soon as I hit publish on this post, so we should arrive in Sarasota around dinnertime. I can’t wait to see my in-laws and dig into some of the best food in the world. I am convinced my mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law should publish their own recipe book because everything they make tastes incredible. Ryan’s grandma also used to own her own restaurant, so she’s a pro!
Once I arrive in Sarasota, I’ll be doing my best to soak up time with family during the Thanksgiving break, but I wanted to at least say a quick hello this morning and have a little fun in the form of a survey!
My lovely blogger friends Monica, Gina and Brittany tagged me in this survey and since I’ve never met a survey I wouldn’t do, naturally I had to participate. Feel free to play along in the comments section!
Four Facts Survey
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
- Juju
- JB
- Juboo
- BooBoo
Four jobs I’ve had:
- Lifeguard
- Public Relations and Marketing Assistant
- Marketing Manager
- Content Team Manager
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
- Father of the Bride
- Christmas Vacation
- Elf
- Pitch Perfect
Four books I’d recommend:
Four places I’ve lived
- Harrisburg, PA
- Palatine, IL
- Orlando, FL
- Ocala, FL
Four places I’ve visited:
- Hawaii
- Galapagos Islands (<— Scuba diving in the Galapagos Islands = One of the BEST experiences of my life.)
- Ireland
- Machu Picchu
Four places I’d rather be right now:
- Little Palm Island
- Hanging out with my family in my parents’ living room
- Meeting my friend Leah’s baby boy
- In NYC drinking mulled wine at Rolf’s with my college girlfriends
Four things I prefer not to eat:
- Red Bull (<— Bad experience mixing this with vodka in college and now simply the smell of it makes me gag)
- Canned green beans
- Canned mushrooms
- Veal or lamb
Four of my favorite foods:
- Ice cream
- My mom’s stuffing (<—The best!)
- Peanut butter
- Whipped cream
Four TV shows I watch:
- Scandal
- New Girl
- The Voice
- Big Bang Theory
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
- Thanksgiving with my in-laws in Sarasota
- Girls On The Run 5K
- Christmas with my parents, sister and brother-in-law in Jacksonville
- Secret Santa gift exchange with friends (x2!)
Four things I’m always saying:
- I miss you (<—I live far away from too many people I love)
- Bye bye baby girl! Love you! Be good! (<—Yes, this is to Sadie… every time I leave the house. I am a crazy dog lady.)
- I love you
- Dessert?
Four people I tag to answer these questions:
Questions of the Day
Your turn!! Tell me…
- Four names people call you other than your real name
- Four movies you’ve watched more than once
- Four foods you prefer not to eat
- Four of your favorite foods
I love these surveys too!
Four Favorite Foods
– Pizza
– Ice cream
– Strawberries
– Banana muffins
I had a VERY similar experience with Red Bull in college. I can’t stand even smelling it on people’s breath. ugh!
I love Father of the Bride as well. I think the only other movie I love just as much is Bruce Almighty… especially with the scene on the boat in Niagara Falls… ERODING. Bah, I crack myself up!
Four names people call you other than your real name
1.EA (the video game- EA Sports- It’s in the game- gave me many nick names)
2. It’s In the Game
3. Sport
4. Toots
Four movies you’ve watched more than once
1. Steal Magnolias
2. Bye Bye Birdie
3. Mary Poppins
4. The Lion King – best nap movie EVER
Can you tell I like Musicals 🙂
Four foods you prefer not to eat
1. Coffee
2. Vegemite
3. sausage
4. Anything from Jack in the Box
Four of your favorite foods
1. Macaroni and Cheese
2. Yellow Cheese dip and Guacamole
3. Mangos
4. Dr. Pepper
This was fun reading everyones answers, thanks. http://www.eatallovertheworld.weebly.com
I love Pitch Perfect! Drive safe 🙂
I always say, “be good!” to the dogs before I leave! It can’t hurt lol
Four foods I do not like:
1. Coconut
2. Raw tomatoes (ketchup, tomato soup, sun dried tomatoes- all good! So weird!)
3. Mushrooms
4. Stealing canned veggies!
Four foods I love:
1. Ice cream!
2. Seafood of pretty much any kind
3. Sweet potatoes
4. Cheese
Four names:
Bunnycat (a joke between my friend and I)
Four movies:
Gone with the Wind
Stand By Me
Foods I’d rather not eat:
Diet Soda – I hate artificial sweeteners
Croutons – I don’t get it!
Not much else!
Favourite foods:
Sweet potatoes
Almond butter
I swear I say the exact same thing to my cat when I leave the house! Haha. Enjoy your thanksgiving! Safe travels:)
Wishing you a happy thanksgiving and safe travels 🙂
Thanks for the tag Julie!!! I love these surveys and have to agree with ice cream too!!
Four names people call you other than your real name
1. Mandi (real name is Amanda)
2. Mana
3. Bug (a childhood nickname)
4. Darebear (from my middle name Daryl…)
Four movies you’ve watched more than once
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Sleepless in Seattle
3. Anchorman
4. The Lego Movie
Four foods you prefer not to eat
1. Pineapple
2. Crunchy Cookies
3. Chili
4. Beans
Four of your favorite foods
1. Soft Cookies
2. Green Beans
3. Popcorn
4. Turkey
Soft cookies = <3 <3 <3
Such a fun survey!
Four movies you’ve watched more than once:
1) Anne of Green Gables
2) The Parent Trap
3) Eight Below
4) The Chronicles of Narnia
Four foods you prefer not to eat:
1) raw onions
2) tabasco sauce
3) bacon (I know, it’s a crime)
4) soda
Four of your favorite foods:
1) peanut butter
2) ice cream
3) oatmeal
4) sushi
Chocolate, Nutella, Cake, and Oreos. Super healthy over here!
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
1. Celest (Actually nobody remembers my full name Celestyn)
2. Cel
3. Celly
4. Baby (the husband)
Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Substitute teacher
2. Private tutor
3. Public relations executive
4. Commodities Editor
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
1. The Sound of Music
2. The Holiday
3. Home Alone
4. Titanic
Four books I’d recommend:
1. Norwegian Wood
2. Intuitive Eating
3. My Sister’s Keeper
4. The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Four places I’ve lived
1. Singapore
2. London, United Kingdom
3. Leuven, Belgium
4. St. Gallen, Switzerland
Four places I’ve visited:
1. The Maldives
2. Bali
3. Barcelona
4. San Francisco
Four places I’d rather be right now:
1. Anywhere in California, really
2. Hanging out with my parents and dog in Shanghai
3. Chilling out with a book by the pool
4. Hawaii
Four things I prefer not to eat:
1. Any kind of innards
2. Ginger
3. Pork
4. Chinese green bean or red bean soups
Four of my favorite foods:
1. My grandma’s tofu stirfry
2. Hokkaido langue de chat cookies (thin butter cookies with a slab of white chocolate in between)
3. Sashimi
4. Prawn omelettes
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Criminal Minds
2. The Blacklist
3. Bones
4. The Mentalist
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
1. Spending two weeks in London and Paris
2. Christmas with my whole family! (very precious because everyone’s living everywhere now)
3. My sister’s wedding (okay that’s at the start of January… but!)
4. The commodities markets winding down to give me a break at year-end!
Four things I’m always saying:
1. I love you
2. Hi Cowie! (When I facetime my dog)
3. No way
4. I wanna go home 😛
My dad calls me Bou Bou 🙂 I had never heard anyone else with this nickname (besides yogi bears son) so this made me happy 🙂
I love what you say to Sadie before you leave the house! I always say “Mommy loves you! Mommy see you later!” to my dog Nutmeg before I leave 🙂
Palatine?! So funny…I live right by Fremd High School! 🙂