Legs + Abs + Arms Boot Camp Workout
It may look confusing, but here are some more detailed directions:
After a 5-minute warm up, choose one of the exercises from any of the above sections (cardio, legs, abs or arms) to complete for one minute. After a minute is up, move on and choose a new exercise from a different section to complete for one minute. For example, the first four minutes of the workout may look like this:
- 1 minute high knees (cardio)
- 1 minute squats (legs)
- 1 minute hand release push ups (arms)
- 1 minute spiderman plank (abs)
Rest as needed (especially during exercises like the triceps dips!), but keep things moving as much as you safely can. The workout is done once you have completed every exercise from every section.
For today’s class, I’m going to walk everyone through the workout to simplify things as much as possible and since the boot camp group is usually quite small, it should be relatively easy to contain. I’ll also have a large print out of the workout available for everyone to see and will be readily available to correct form and demo exercises again for those who may be unfamiliar with certain exercises (though this group is a rather experienced one). During today’s class, I will be incorporating short rest breaks (30 to 60 seconds) every four minutes as well, so our boot camp class version of this workout will be a little longer. Definitely do the same as needed and remember to honor your body.
The workout only requires a stability ball, so if you have one at home, you can also complete this workout in your living room. You know how I love my at home workout options!
Links to demos of some of the exercises:
- Spiderman plank
- Knee repeater
- Plank jacks
- Stability ball hamstring curl
- Walk out plank
- Stability ball plank tuck
- Scissor crunch
Get ready to get sweaty! Woop!
Thanks for sharing! I love that this workout can be done anywhere. & even broken up and done throughout the day when breaks are needed 🙂
i think I got a decent workout just reading that. Off to watch some cardio for a cool-down!
That looks like a fun workout–I bet you all will have a good time sweatin’!
I really like the abs, since having babies, my abs will never be the same and I need all the help I can get! (Not to mention I have the Kate Hudson version of Spanx coming up on your site as an ad for me,……I THINK it’s a sign.
Thanks for some great workout tips!
Fun workout! Thanks for explaining how you set up your boot camp class. I am looking to start something similar at my gym and it’s helpful to hear how other instructors design their classes. Have a good Thursday!
that’s so exciting! i loooove teaching boot camp classes. the most popular boot camp classes i’ve taught are almost always fast-paced. i’ve found that three-minute circuits work REALLY well since it gives the class enough time to get comfortable with an exercise (or three if you’re rotating!) before moving on. here’s the basic format i’m taking about –> https://www.pbfingers.com/2014/03/26/boot-camp-workout-three-minute-stations/ i hope this helps and definitely shoot me an email if you have any questions!
Thanks so much, Julie! I really appreciate the info and the link to your post. I will be reading that soon for sure. Have a good one! 🙂
Great workout post Julie! Any thoughts on a good/easy workout for pregnancy? I suppose it would have to be mainly arms 🙂
in my training, i’ve learned over and over again that most pregnant women can go about their previous exercise routine even after they get pregnant as long as it feels comfortable and safe (although things like hot yoga & workouts in high-heat environments are not a good idea) — it’s obviously not a time to train yourself for a new race you’ve never done before, but ***assuming your doctor approves***, your usual routine should be fine! here’s a quick fact sheet from the american college of sports medicine that supports these statements, since i am obviously not a doctor!! –> https://www.acsm.org/docs/current-comments/exerciseduringpregnancy.pdf
Thanks for sharing! These are my favourite since you can do them anywhere!
Great workout! I swear planks are the best for building core strength. I do all these variations to keep my body guessing.
That looks like a GREAT workout! I’ll need to take this to the gym. Would love to see some at home workout motivations tips since if I’m a foot away from my couch.. Chances are I’ll sit on it LOL! Sad, but true. So I always have to leave!
http://trendkeeper.me … TREAT YO SELF!
This is brutal is the best way possible! Adding it to my workout plans for next week.
I am loving all of these “at home” workouts you’ve been posting lately. Since running outside is typically my go-to, these are great substitutes when the weather is not cooperating (which has been the case lately!)
so happy to hear this! thanks, kelsie! <3
I love having choices like this in workouts. I know I’m ultimately going to do all of them, but I feel so strategic and sneaky when I save my favorites for last.
i am the EXACT same way! i think that’s why i love formatting workouts like this— i get the brutal stuff done first and save the “fun” exercises for the end. 🙂
Another awesome workout!!
This is great, I am looking for a new routine and this sounds fun. Thanks for sharing.
love this workout! i think i’ll be doing it this afternoon! 🙂
let me know how it goes!! hope you like it! 🙂
Love this!! I am all about making the most of my time. I teach a cardio sculpt class, and we do things very similar to a bootcamp. it’s fast paced with minimal resting time, so we keep the heart rate up. I aim to keep them busy for a few minutes, then give them a longer resting time (30-60 seconds). This looks like a fun one.
What a tough workout! But it looks like fun!
Thank you for sharing links with demonstrations! I am looking forward to trying this out at home tonight 😉
I hope the teaching of this one goes well, I know it can be difficult to get people doing what they need to be doing when you’re not watching them. But this one looks like a sweat-fest, for sure.
Nice! I love that there are no repeats. For some reason those workouts always go by so much quicker when I know I don’t have to do a certain exercise more than once.
100% agree! i love checking certain exercises off the list, knowing i’m totally done with them for the day!
Love your workouts! Ever think about making videos 🙂 I like videos bc then I don’t have to think about what’s next haha!
I am loving at home workouts lately! We recently got a puppy (a ‘silver’ lab) and it’s hard for me to leave her in her crate all day while my border collie has the run of the apartment (obviously for the puppy’s own safety as she has already chewed on a few wires!) I will be adding this to my list of At Home workouts, thank you!!
just googled “silver lab” and now I AM IN LOVE.
I love the layout of this workout! I almost always find myself cursing whoever put burpees LAST in a circuit, because I would way rather do the hard ones first when I am mentally and physically ready. 🙂 Super excited to test this one out!
totally agree!! burpees = my nemesis! 😉
Thanks for sharing the demonstrations! I’d love it if you did another post on your transition to fitness instructor/trainer… I’m considering going after a Pure Barre teaching gig, but I’ve never taught a fitness class before (just attended).
love this idea!! i know pure barre is quite different from other group ex classes though b/c you go through a set training and have to learn their specific routines. there’s definitely hurdle that comes along with getting over the “fear” of teaching, but once you get into a routine, it really does become second nature. i was SUPER nervous to begin teaching piyo since it choreographed & that was a whole different animal! if you have specific questions i can address, please let me know!
I can’t wait to try this workout! I love that your workouts are so fast-paced and you always keep moving! It makes it easy to work hard and have fun! Thanks so much for sharing!
Love the looks of this! I can’t wait to try it tomorrow morning!
Looks like a great workout. I like short intense ones, so it’s great that this one is only 32 minutes long.
Awesome! I love these kinds of workouts and I am always looking for more variations 🙂
Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to try it out. http://www.eatallovertheworld.com
Looks like a great one! Definitely stashing it with my other go-to “at-home” workouts!
This workout sounds awesome and I LOVE that I can do it from home 🙂
I love your workouts! They are always so well rounded. I’ll have to save this one and try it later.
This is an awesome idea– it looks intense!