This post includes a list of things I absolutely swore by during the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy. Many have continued to be favorites into my second trimester as well, but for organizational purposes, we’ll call this list my First Trimester Pregnancy Favorites!
I’ll be sure to share second and third trimester favorites in the coming weeks, should there be any new additions I think are worth mentioning in the future.
And for the mamas/moms-to-be out there, I’d love to read about your pregnancy-related favorites as well, so please feel free to weigh in below in the comments section of this post. I’m absorbing all of your pregnancy advice and insight like a sponge these days!!
First Trimester Pregnancy Favorites
These delicious candies were a lifesaver for me. And they’re popping up first on this list for a reason! (<— Pun = Intentional, as always!) My mom surprised me with a package of the lozenges soon after I told my family I was pregnant and I figured they were some gimmicky candy that just tasted good. Not the case. At least not for me anyway. The drops, developed by healthcare professionals, really, really helped keep my nausea at bay and I now always have a few Preggie Pop Drops in my purse and even have some stored in the center console of my car just in case.
Prenatal vitamins are HUGE and for the first few weeks, I took the giant pills with a glass of water after breakfast in the morning. And then I discovered gummy prenatals. Hallelujah! The VitaFusion prenatal vitamins taste delicious and make taking my prenatal vitamins 10,000 times more enjoyable. Over the weekend, I picked up the VitaFusion Fiber + Calcium Prenatal Support gummy vitamins at Target and love them as well!
Bless you, Quease Ease. This is a simple nausea remedy that really helped me more than I could’ve imagined. You simply breathe in the aroma of Quease Ease – a wonderful blend of spearmint, peppermint, ginger and lavender formulated to relieve queasiness associated with motion sickness as well as post-operative recovery, chemotherapy and morning sickness.
I carried Quease Ease in my purse and while felt like a total nut job when I basically inhaled it every 5 minutes on the plane when I traveled a bunch during the moth of February, when you’re feeling unbelievably nauseated, you’ll do anything to try to help keep that pukey feeling at bay. It is also really helpful during longer car rides which, for some reason, during my first trimester almost always made my stomach turn.
I downloaded this free app after one of my girlfriends told me there are tons of pregnancy apps out there that you can use to help track your pregnancy. I love it and always look forward to the updates. There are daily updates, but I really like the weekly updates that go into greater detail and tell me what’s going on with our baby that week and what I changes I can personally expect each week as an expectant mommy. I was surprised when Ryan began asking me to read him the baby’s weekly update each weekend! He’s really into knowing what’s going on with our little one and loves the concise summary and the way the app compares the size of our baby to fruit or veggies which makes it easier to picture how big our baby is each week.
Another app that’s highly recommended by a bunch of my girlfriends is the Sprout app, but I haven’t downloaded that one just yet… Although after looking over it for this post, I think I may have to immediately!
- Saltines
Saltines seem to be a big-time favorite among many pregnant women and I’m definitely one of them! I’ve never experienced anything in my life like pregnancy nausea and, during the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy, basically had to find something to eat immediately in the morning or I would start dry heaving. Saltines became my bedside best friend! They’re bland enough to always sound appealing and the sprinkle of salt on the top satisfies my constant craving for anything salty. Another easy-on-the-tummy favorite: Oyster crackers.
- Leggings
My intense love for leggings climbed to new heights during my first trimester when I was feeling bloated all the time. The thought of wearing skinny jeans or a skirt with a tight waistband sounded horrible so I wore leggings almost every single day. Actually, I still do. No shame. I prefer low-rise leggings that don’t cut into my stomach/sides. Favorites: Lululemon Wunder Unders (Lululemon’s In The Flow crops stole my heart over the past two weeks), Reebok One Series Capri (<—very forgiving waistband that still stays up!) and Fabletics Salar Leggings
A Child Is Born is my favorite pregnancy-related book I’ve read so far! It includes in-utero pictures captured with endoscopy and three-dimensional ultrasound technology that are absolutely fascinating, especially for someone like me who is very visual. After reading so many pregnancy updates that said things like “Today your baby is the size of a radish,” I was dying for some real images and this book delivered! I also loved all of the scientific information.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting has a ton of information… it’s actually somewhat overwhelming at first! I found the book very informative and enjoyed having a bunch of information ready at my fingertips during the first few weeks when I felt like I needed to read everything about pregnancy and wanted it to come from a reliable source.
Our insurance company actually sent me the Week by Week pregnancy book and I loved the way it breaks everything down and gives you bits of valuable information in a less overwhelming way.
I also recently ordered Panic Free Pregnancy and have very high hopes for this book, as it’s been recommended to me a few times.
- Sparkling Water
I read a ton about increased saliva during pregnancy, but I had basically the opposite problem. For practically the whole time I’ve been pregnant, I’ve experienced an almost insatiable thirst and plain water just wasn’t cutting it for a while and seemed almost off-putting. Thank goodness for sparkling water! I started loading up on liters of the stuff early on and still swear by it as a great way to help keep me hydrated during both my first and second trimester.
Your First Trimester Pregnancy Favorites
Early last week, I put a call out on the Peanut Butter Fingers Facebook page and asked you guys to share some of your first trimester pregnancy favorites. Below you will find a handful of your recommendations, some of which I also shared above!
Nausea Helpers
- GinGins
- Mint Tea
- Ginger Altoids
- Sea Bands
- Preggie Pop Drops
- Vitamin B6
- Naps (<—This made me laugh!)
Stretch Mark Preventers
Feel-Good-In-The-Tummy Foods
- Bread
- Eggs
- Jolly Ranchers
- Saltines
- Sparkling Water
- Gummy Candy (Oh yesss!)
- Salt & Vinegar Chips
- Simply Lemonade
- Mint Gum
- Dried Fruit
- Peppermints
Shop My Pregnancy Favorites
Question of the Afternoon
- Mamas/Moms-To Be: Are there any foods/drinks/products/clothing that you swore by during the first trimester of your pregnancy?
Oh, and if you do get heartburn, one of my yoga teachers (formerly a midwife) recommended Papaya extract pills and they are seriously a dream! They work almost immediately compared to Tums that didn’t do much for me.
Congratulations!!! You have to watch this youtube video , “Body after baby- sh*t they don’t tell you”
CoNgratulations! I would check the vitamins you’re taking for iron. The gummy vitamins I took didn’t have any iron which turned out to be a problem. Two pregnancies in the past 5 years and my iron has never rebounded, now I’m anemic!
You’re doing an amazing job and you look great!
Yes! I’d say check and make sure the gummy vitmains have enough DHA too – my doctor told me to take the gummies only if I could not keep anything else down.
This may get covered in later comments, but the Vitafusion ones don’t have iron. I took them during pregnancy (and now while breastfeeding) and I just added a separate iron supplement. I’ve never had an issue with low iron, but just in case. I believe that it’s recommended to take iron separately from calcium so it absorbs better, so what I did was take the prenatal gummy + iron pill in the morning and the calcium/fiber gummy in the evening. I liked the idea that I could spread out the vitamins if I was nauseous so that I would still get some of it if I was sick. I never ended up having that symptom but that was my plan for if I did. Hope that helps!
None of the gummy version of prenatals have iron something about it’s not possible to get the iron in the gummy form? Anyways that’s what my doc said and they almost always want you to take something with iron, now if you have really bad morning sickness my doc had told me to take the Kong’s without the iron for a little while until I was able to keep more down. But it’s better for baby to get the extra iron!
I was just coming here to say the same thing — I love the gummies but I was told to take an iron supplement along with them.
I felt like my pregnancy nausea lasted forever with my daughter- at least a solid 5-6 months. (She’s a year and a half now!) I lived on sour patch kids, gingersnaps, and trail mix. Now, all of those things totally gross me out!
I agree with another commenter on here-you MUST get a snoogle! My hubby joked that we had a third person in the bed-but oh boy the comfort! I also bought a foam spacer that I used between my knees for awhile while sleeping-just to help with the hip pains as you grow. I read all the same books you did, and another that was suggested to me by a friend. I didn’t read it until closer to the birth though, which I recommend. It is, “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth.” It is a very honest collection of birth stories, and while I was wincing at some of the information….-at the end of it you truly feel that no matter what happens in the birth-you can deal with anything. Also-I used coconut oil on my belly and boobs throughout the pregnancy and no stretch marks!
You have to try the Snoogle pregnancy/body pillow!!! If you are having any difficulty sleeping whatsoever or wake up in the morning with hip pain or low back pain from sleeping on your sides, this is a lifesaver. Plus, it can be used for other things, like as a breastfeeding pillow. Check it out on Amazon 🙂 this thing helped me sleep through the night again as of 4 weeks ago.
My pregnancy essentials included the book Expecting Better by Emily Oster which is awesome and so interesting. Also the snoogle pillow and the womanly art of breastfeeding by la leche league, it is so much more than a breastfeeding guide. Congratulations, so excited for you!
I love the prenatal yoga DVD by Kristen McGee! I ordered a couple of prenatal workout DVD’s but this is the only one I use regularly. It has 3 yoga workouts, a pilates workout, an express workout, and modifications to use throughout your pregnancy. It’s gentle but challenging at the same time. My husband will even do the relaxing yoga segment with me! I plan on using this well after the kid is here…it’s that good!!
Kristen McGee is my FAVORITE DVD instructor! Love her!
We are due about the same day! thankfully I didnt have morning sickness, and felt pretty normal(except fatigue) the 1st tri. I will say eggs have been a favorite of mine so far. Also, gummy candy, I can’t get enough of it! Seriously jealous that you dont have to wear dress pants to work everyday.. the struggle is real EVERY DAy! I do wear a bella band which has been a lifesaver for me!
I gave birth last June. I recommend sardines in olive oil. Trust me, it tastes better than you think!
Great post! I’ll need to bookmark this for one day! 🙂
La Croix is the best!! I love it for a refreshing sip in the afternoon (or to make a fun and healthy mixed drink!)
Blue gatorade (that’s all I could tolerate for the first couple of months.. No water ) , Tonys frozen pizza and cascadian farm vanilla granola bars.
We recently ordered the Panic Free Pregnancy and really enjoyed it! It really broke down why you shouldn’t do certain things and gave you the science behind it. It also helped dispel a lot of myths, like the cat poop thing-pregnant women really can clean the litter box without worrying.
I have some third trimester favorites for you: a pillow to prop up your feet while lounging/sleeping (really helps the ankle swelling go down–hope you don’t have to deal with that!) and the book BAby Wise (talks about setting up a schedule for the baby once its born to get it sleeping through the night).
I read the Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy in my early prego days. It’s an awesome book! It breaks down some of the not-so-fun things about pregnancy that are totally normal but no one really talks about. It’s like having a conversation with one of your friends. I liked it better than any of the other “what to expect” type books.
I love talking pregnancy / baby stuff!!! Things I loved and would absolutely recommend : – she has a week by week letter she sends out, one of the best! And she has a registry checklist which I basically copied and have not regretted it (18 mos later)
Alpha mom advice smack down: a huge amount of incredibly useful advice from pregnancy to toddlers and a hilarious weekly pregnancy calendar.
The Baby Book, The Breastfeeding Book: anything by Dr Sears. So much more helpful, reassuring and not fear/ panic/ anxiety producing like what to expect.
Milk and tums: I had the worst heartburn the entire time
Comfortable shoes!
Extra pillows
Ginger tea
Foot rubs
Ginger chews helped me survive my first trimester!! .. oh and bagels with cream cheese! mmmm
Yeah for being half way through your pregnancy already! It really does fly. I will echo another comment & say down the line, watch for anemia with your pregnancy (very common). Gummy vitamins do not contain iron, and sometimes even the healthiest diet isn’t enough with all the rapid changes the body is going through. If the doc ever mentions your iron is low, I’d recommend a regular PNV before taking the iron supplement they’ll recommend/prescribe. 🙂
I loved Bella Bands during my pregnancy. I didn’t discover them until later in my second trimester, but I wish I found them sooner. I wore them overtop of my jeans with the button undone. When my belly started getting bigger, I also wore them overtop of leggings to keep them from falling down. It is hard to keep pants up without a waist!
i am not pregnant, but i looove la croix.
How did your insurance company know that you were pregnant? Are you supposed to call and inform them? Ahhhh all the things I’m learning !
We called because I had some questions about what all they were going to cover! 🙂
my insurance gives away tons of freebies so I made sure to fill them in! They actually contacted me first, though, because they got a few of my claims from PCP visits 🙂
I am 33 weeks pregnant and the two foods that have been consistent cravings for me throughout my entire pregnancy are cereal and peanut/almond butter and jelly sandwiches.
My doc took me off the vitamins you have due to no iron and the form of vitamin A that is in them. I don’t remember exactly the issue with the vitamin A but the form in the gummies is different somehow. I am now on a RX previtamin with iron. My insurance covers the full cost so it is one less expense “) They did tell me that if I can’t keep the RX pills down that I could take the gummies if needed so its not like you can’t take them if that’s the vitamin you want! Just sharing what I learned! And it’s amazing how much you learn!!
No books just yet for me but I’ve really enjoyed the what to expect when you are expecting app!
Whole food strawberry popcicles and ginger chews for tummy
Ive been drinking a big fruit and veggie smoothie complete with chia seeds flax and whey protein and have incorporated a prenatal vitamin powder to help get them down (I switched when taking 8 huge pills a day got to be too much…it’s nice having options ha)
Sour patch kids and hot tamales
Ice cream (this was pre pregnancy too though)
Baked potatoes Easy. Bland and filling
My beloved la croix had been causing too much indesgestion but the bubbles in pellagrino are just enough
Mamma mio tummy oil
Cake nursing bras – I’ve grown 2 cup sizes in 3 months!!!! Figure these are comfortable now and might fit at some point post partum
I love these posts. Although I am not a mom or pregnant, I still like getting insight into what your going through and how your dealing!
I was the exact same way during my whole first and second trimester – I had chronic dry mouth!! I had to have some sort of liquid with me at all times, because I could go from perfectly normal to so dry I thought I was going to puke in .5 seconds!
Sprout and Ovia Pregnancy were my favorite apps when I was pregnant. I CANNOT take horse pills so I swore by these prenatal gummys too (and am still taking them 5 months postpartum) – just make sure you are also taking an iron pill, there is very little (or none) in the gummy versions, which I didn’t realize until I tested very low in blood work during the 2nd trimester.
I tried everything when I was pregnant and nothing seemed to work!! I was pretty nauseous all 9 months long, but that’s pretty abnormal I think. Definitely makes me appreciate my energy and health now that I’m no longer pregnant! 🙂 My first trimester I loved my Snoogle pillow, and wintergreen gum helped a lot too. I also loved the chewable prenatal vitamins once I could stomach taking them. 🙂
During my first pregnancy ginger hard candies, ginger ale, saltines and eating immediately after I woke up saved my life! My 2nd pregnancy was a different story. During the first trimester this time around…NOTHING helped. It was awful.
My favorites were the Bella Band from Ingrid and Isabel. And my Snoogle pillow. I think those were the only purchases I made in the first trimester. I also loved the Panic Free Pregnancy. And I have sworn by the Honest Company Prenatal vitamins and DHA/Omega 3 vitamins my whole pregnancy.
Rice cakes! They were my savior at the worst dry heaving moments.
I loved reading about childbirth and breastfeeding. I recommend Ina May Gaskin’s books. They’re a bit graphic but that helped me visualize and stop worrying about labor, etc.
Love your updates !
I agree with the earlier comments that the Bella bands are the best! I was able to wear most of my regular pants so much longer with those by keeping them unbuttoned… the bands do a great job holding them up!
Grapefruit!! Could have seriously eaten 5 a day. So helpful for nausea. I also loved making my own ginger ale, which has a lot less artificial stuff in it. Also, as far as the prenatal vitamins go, I tried the gummies from Walmart (diff brand) on a whim and somehow they are even better than the vita fusion ones. I do agree with the comments about iron though, but obviously check with your doc.
Crackers and seltzer water were must haves for me too. I knew about preggy pops but for some reason didn’t get any. Now I really regret that as I had really bad nausea in the first trimester.
It’s fun to see all the things available now that weren’t when I was pregnant many years ago…and yet, you are reading the same books I did 20 years ago. Some things never change. 🙂
Hello! I was researching the Orlando Science Center when I came across your blog. Congratulations on the pregnancy! I have 2 little boys so I’ll share what I did during my pregnancies. Yoga pants- couldn’t get enough of them. I always hated maternity pants- leggings were a little too tight. I just bought a couple of cotton yoga pants with a folded down waist top. I wore them through both pregnancies- very comfortable. I also wore a lot of my husband’s t shirts when I went to sleep or for just being around the house.
I didn’t have any nausea, but I had really bad heartburn for the first half of pregnancy. I think that’s why I ate so much cereal (since milk is basic and counteracts the stomach acid). I could down a box of cereal in three days.
I travel for work quite a bit and I haven’t been able to get a clear answer from anyone yet about airport security. Did your doctor recommend to go through the xray machine, the new scanner or to tell someone at pre check. My main concern is that I travel with my boss (who I wouldn’t want to tell until at least week 10-12) and I would like to be desecrate about it.
Do you have any insight into this given your recent travel?
I LOVE Your Pregnancy Week By Week! I am going to make it my gift to any friends who have babies in the future. It was so informative without being scary. They also have your baby’s first year week by week, which was so helpful when my twins were tiny.
Another commenter mentioned belly bands, which I also recommend. I got one at Target. It was good both during pregnancy and post partum when you can’t quite button the jeans yet.
I bought a soda stream and it is still the best $20-something I have ever spent! I just do sparkling water plus some lime juice during dinner.
I just found out that I am pregnant so this guide is already helpful for me! I trust your opinions and can’t wait to read more. Keep them up! 🙂
I happened to come across your post via Pinterest. I loved it. Great items here. Also, on a side note, the QueaseEase you used was put together by my husband. He works for the company that produces these, Soothing Scents. We keep the products from Soothing Scents with us all the time. I am so glad you found it useful for your nausea. It has been a blessing for me, especially when I was pregnant with our boys. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for sharing! Great tips!
Great post! Keeping a stash of goldfish by my bed to eat the first thing in the morning was a lifesaver to help me through the first trimester. Plus they were a little easier to keep in my work bag to help keep morning sickness at bay during my work meetings. I definitely plan on trying the Quease Ease to help with motion sickness during a trip we have planned in the 2nd trimester.