On Sunday, a couple hours after brunch, I started to experience some cramping. This happened to me one other time many weeks ago during pregnancy right before bed and by the time I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, everything felt okay again. I just sort of figured this would be similar to my last cramping experience, but when the cramping didn’t dissipate for hours and I woke up on Monday with a continuous light cramping feeling, I started to feel a little concerned. I went about my normal work day feeling overly aware of a light cramping sensation that never let up. The cramping also seemed to migrate lower and lower which heightened my anxiety.
I started to get myself more and more worried (why I chose to consult Dr. Google when I know that will just freak me out further, I’ll never know) and eventually called my mom after work to explain how I was feeling. My mom is a nurse and asked me a handful of questions and said she thought I was fine but encouraged me to call my OB/GYN just to be safe. I spoke with a triage nurse who asked me a bunch of very thorough questions. She was so kind and calm and by the end of our call, she said she thought my cramping was likely gastrointestinal versus uterine (which she said was a good thing) and asked me to go to a local CVS or Walgreens for a quick blood pressure screening, which I did immediately. She also told me she thought my cramping could be related to dehydration and encouraged me to drink lots of water.
Once I arrived at CVS, I sat down and took my blood pressure twice before purchasing some sparkling water and calling the nurse again.
Since my blood pressure came back normal, the nurse said she wasn’t too concerned and advised me to better monitor my water intake since the cramping was likely due to dehydration, so I’ve been hydrating like crazy.
She encouraged me to call her back if cramping continued or worsened but I am already feeling much, much better today.
As I typed everything out to share with you guys this morning, I realize freaking out over light cramping may seem trivial, but I really was scared and felt very grateful for the ability to call a triage nurse who was so kind and knowledgeable and wish I just would’ve reached out to my OB/GYN sooner. I’m not sure why I let myself wait so long – probably because my cramping was rather light – but I guess part of me felt like I was being an overly paranoid pregnant woman since I have experienced more worry and anxiety during pregnancy than I ever thought I would.
Up until yesterday, part of me felt attached to our little guy, but part of me also struggled with really feeling connected to the baby boy growing in my belly. When I feel him move, there is nothing better and I am dying to meet him, but I definitely did not feel an instant bond or real connection to the baby growing inside me until yesterday.
I think it took feeling scared and overly paranoid for me to realize that I care so, so deeply for our baby boy. I want him to be safe in my belly. I want him to grow big and strong and enter this world as a healthy little newborn when the time is right for us to meet him. In looking for the silver lining in all of the anxiety I felt yesterday, I realized something rather huge: I am already falling in love with our little one. We may not have the connection I’m sure will come when I meet our baby and get to know him, but we have something. And it’s big and it’s powerful and it’s amazing.
Question of the Morning
- For the mamas out there: Did you ever struggle with excessive worry or anxiety during pregnancy? Was there anything you did that helped ease your mind and concerns?
I worried and stressed about everything while pregnant for both of my children-I think it’ s your motherly instincts kicking in b/c you will worry about everything after they are born too! I was scared to death after the birth of my first child; so much anxiety-it made it difficult to enjoy him! You do eventually overcome this and I now have a 9 and 5 y. old and seldom have this overwhelming feeling anymore! Welcome to the mom’s club! Good luck w/ your pregnancy and try to relax and enjoy it-it really is a special time that you cherish forever!
I had several days just like this one and worried a lot as well! Don’t beat yourself up and ask the questions and get the help you need!
Don’t feel silly for being anxious, I think it’s normal for all expectant mothers especially with their first pregnancy.
With my first I had some bleeding once and I panicked terribly but your cervix becomes very sensitive during pregnancy and that’s all it was.
Another time I could feel him moving and again I panicked – he was asleep. The doctor told me if I ever get worried just sit and relax with a nice cold drink. You feel more movement when you are still and the cold drink wakes the baby. It sounds a little mean, but it made me feel better.
I think the best think I ever did for my pregnancy anxiety was stop going to birthing classes. They used to freak me out! Once I had my little man, the nurses helped with everything and anything I had learned in the 3 classes I went to was outdated and different anyway.
Enjoy your pregnancy, there’s something very special about being pregnant xx
I had a lot of anxiety because we went through a lot of fertility treatments before having our twins via IVF. Every little twinge was cause for concern for me! You should not feel silly or weird calling your doctor about anything that is bothering you, and do not allow anyone to make you feel that way. You know when something is off better than anyone, and always make your baby #1!
It continues when the baby is little, too. I will call the pediatrician for any thing that concerns me, and she will always call back promptly with suggestions and advice, or I will get a convenient appointment any time. They never make me feel silly or dumb for calling. I would suggest you talk to other moms in your area to find a pediatrician that is great like that because you’ll be calling them a lot! 🙂
For better or worse, THIS is your new normal. My friend Jackie loves this quote, and I agree: “The decision to have a child is the decision to let your heart walk outside your body.” Well, I think it starts even earlier than that.
I was super anxious throughout my first pregnancy. I worried about small things, big things…in hindsight, I know that they were not worth stressing out over, but in the moment, you don’t know.
Be kind and patient to yourself and know that if you have the right support team, they will NEVER mind your crazy first-time mom stuff. If they give you a hassle or make you doubt yourself, RUN to the next office. Yes, be rational and take deep breaths but trust your instincts. If you’re worried, call and then you won’t be worried any more.
And call me. GIRL did I freak out over everything. And now it makes me laugh!