Good afternoon! How are you guys doing today? All is well over here!
Breakfast + Teaching
My day began with a 9 a.m. spinning class that I taught at the gym after breakfast.
(Scrambled eggs with Laughing Cow cheese + Toasted English muffin + Tea)
I felt a little more inspired going into today’s class after taking some great indoor cycling classes at Canyon Ranch and hope my class felt the added enthusiasm. Everyone looked nice and sweaty by the end of our 60-minute ride, so I’ll take that as a good sign.
30 Week Prenatal Appointment
After refreshing myself with some cleansing cloths and working at the gym for another hour or so, I drove home to grab a quick snack (Greek yogurt topped with fresh raspberries) and a much-needed shower before it was time to head to my lunchtime 30-week prenatal appointment.
I chugged lots of water on my way there (I swear my water cup is attached to my hip these days) and arrived about 10 minutes early.
(Bump pic with a side of Sadie hair thanks to extra Sadie cuddles during my Greek yogurt snack time. I missed that crazy lil’ lady while we were away!)
My visits to the OB/GYN are occurring every two weeks now and everything went rather quickly today which was great! I got weighed and measured and then heard our little guy’s heartbeat (130 bpm!) before chatting with the doctor for around 10 minutes or so and calling it a day. Easy peasy!
And this is kind of random, but I’ve noticed our baby seems to like hanging out on the left side of my belly. That’s always where I feel his movements and when the doctor went to try to find his heartbeat on the right side, she ended up having to move the Doppler far over to the left to hear that beautiful thump, thump, thump.
Of course I Googled this after my appointment and it seems like a lot of babies settle into a preferred side around this time, likely due to increasing restriction of the uterus. Interesting, huh? Mamas/moms-to-be: Have you noticed your baby preferring one side to the other at some point during pregnancy?
Oh! While we’re on the subject of pregnancy-related stuff, I wanted to quickly give a shout out to the Labaree Jogger Pants from Fabletics for my fellow preggos out there (or anyone who simply loves ridiculously comfy pants).
They are the jam. They’re super comfy with a fold-over waistband that doesn’t restrict the belly at all. And they’re a nice break from my usual uniform of leggings all day every day! I ordered them a month or so ago and have been wearing them with everything from workout tops and sneakers to nicer tees paired with my favorite TOMS sneakers.
By the time my appointment was over, I was more than ready for lunch and ate a banana I packed in my purse on the drive over to Earth Fare where I took advantage of their salad bar.
I topped a bed of seasoned rice with mixed greens, lots of veggies, shredded chicken and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette and inhaled everything before I had to head back to the gym for a small group training session.
And now I’m blogging on a quick afternoon break before it’s time to round out the work day. I hope you’re all doing well and I’ll see ya tomorrow for your usual Things I’m Loving Friday blog post.
Enjoy your evening!
Those jogger pants looks so comfy! Janae from Hungryrunnergirl has posted about a pair awhile back and I briefly thought about looking for some. Now that I’ve seen them recommended twice, consider the hunt started 🙂
I’m 37 weeks and I have to lean over the left side of my desk chair at work, because my little boy beats on my right side so badly! It was cute for a while…. but it’s starting to hurt a little now! Only 3 more weeks right!?
You are so, so close!!! And I can only imagine how strong the feelings get in those final weeks. Congratulations to you, Mallory!
I’m 32 weeks and my little girl loves to hang out on the right side. That’s pretty cute that they start preferring one side to the other.
Side question: What kind of cleansing wipes do you like to use after workouts. I’m looking for some good ones.
I’ve been using the Burt’s Bees facial cleansing wipes and love them! The regular and grapefruit wipes are my favorite. 🙂
I’m so impressed that you’re still teaching! I hope to be as active as you when I”m pregnant one day!
My baby seems to love my right side! I feel all the kicks and most of the squirmy movements over there. It’s so fun being at this stage when there are constant kicks and wiggles all day long.
I LOVE those shoes — thanks so much for the link.
Aaaaand that salad looks *incredible*.
It’s awesome you are staying so active! Those raspberries in your yogurt look delicious. I love all the fruit this time of year!
I love your Sadie hair! haha I’m always finding Punky hair on my workout clothes!
I see some Sadie hairs on that bump!! So cute. I can’t wait to see how she reacts to having a sibling 🙂
That salad looks AMAZING
My little girl never picked a side, but towards the end (I’m not sure exactly when it started…sometime after you start feeling somersaults not just kicks), I could totally SEE if she was hanging out on one side…my bump would be crooked, and I could see/feel the harder spot that was her little body laying (floating?) there 🙂 Such a special time in your life, enjoy every minute!!
Those TOMS sneakers are adorable! I have a feeling they’ll be added to my wardrobe soon! 🙂
Love the pants! Are they Toms? The kind with the thicker sole? Like a cross between a pair of Vans and traditional Toms! Comfiest shoes EVER!
Both my kids favored the right side. My right ribs may never be the same again 🙂
I love the Toms sneakers!
Baby hung out on my right side for months! After I delivered my uterus was actually favoring that side. I straightened out.
Have fun with those 5am wake ups in the hospital when the dr wants to check your stomach. Ugh.
Yep! My daughter hung out on the left side a lot too. They have personalities even before they’re out!
For the longest time mine would favor the left side as well. When I went to the doctor last week, the doctor thought the baby might be breach because of where he found the heartbeat, when he did an ultrasound this week though she’s head down facing to my right. Since then, all of the kicking has been right in the middle and not with a lot of variance. I’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow so I’m sure things will keep me on my toes!
Amen on the water drinking, I used to have to force myself to drink water but it’s amazing now!
I am 31 weeks pregnant and she is almost always on my right! My 1 year old was also a right baby. It’s such a funny view when you look down!
My daughter hung out on the left side for as long as I could remember. Then, when I am assuming she went into the head down position, she feet must have been heels up into my ribs. It was sometimes uncomfortable and hard for me to breathe, but it was so fun to feel her move like that. When she was born, and still to this day (she is 7.5 months), she still puts her feet up in the air heels first…just like how she must have been inside me. So weird and so amazingly cool at the same time 🙂
thanks to you, i’m am now addicted to the laughing cow pepper jack wedges!
The Fabletics pants are so cute!!
I’ve definitely noticed that my daughter stays on the right side, very high up under my rib. I wish she’d move down a bit!
Your salad looks delicious! And it’s been really interesting to read your pregnancy posts! I don’t know much about pregnancies so it’s been really informative for me 🙂
Those scrambled eggs look delicious! I love laughing cow cheese, but have never put it in my scrambled eggs. Do you add them in while you are cooking or afterward? I am so happy to read your appointment went well! I feel as though your pregnancy is flying by (at least for me it is!) Before I know it, I’ll be seeing photos of you and your little guy… which I am so excited for!
My sweet baby girl (9 days old) loved my right side and that preference continues now that she’s here. She prefers laying on her right side all the time. It’s really fun seeing what her behavior was in my belly and how it looks outside. She also loves to tickle her face with her hands and I never knew what the feeling was in utero until she was born. Enjoy this time!
Have you ever heard of s’well bottles?
I just got my first one in the mail this week and LOVE IT! It doesn’t sweat and keeps cold liquids cold for 24 hours and hot for 12. Plus they are gorgeous! I highly recommend one if you are looking for another great water bottle! I am so glad your pregnancy is going well! The last 10 weeks with my daughter felt like a lifetime. I hope they fly by for you!
From about 25 weeks on my little girl was head down, feet up and wedges onto my right side. I would always have to tell the ladies at my appointments to just look on the right cause she was ALWAYS there!
my baby staying on the left side, head down, from 27 weeks onward:) He is still chillen there at 37 weeks!
With my first, he was almost always laying directly against my rib cage with his head poking me in the right lung and his feet dangling down my left side. He made it nearly impossible to breathe (or have any heartburn free time) from pretty much 28 weeks on 😛 With my second I didn’t notice a specific position he liked, but I’m told since he had the cord wrapped around his neck he must have been doing a lot of moving around towards the end…
I’m at 29 weeks right now and Fletcher is all over the place yet so he hasn’t found his spot quite yet. I’m looking for some suggestions of athletic shorts while pregnant. I’ve been having the hardest time with finding shorts that are not super baggy and still are some what flattering. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them! I’ve bought 2 pairs of shorts in larger sizes but they sort of look ridiculous as they are huge on my butt and legs. Thanks so much, have a great baby shower! My first one is next weekend!
When I was pregnant with my little girl (who’s four now – what??) towards the end she was totally camped out on my right side, to the point where I looked really lopsided! It drove me crazy! Haha, good to know it’s normal though! Congrats on 30 weeks! 🙂
You are going to love looking back on these posts! You are looking fab! The last few months fly by! Love your babymoon posts 🙂
Those pants look really cute and like they can be easily dressed up as well. Sounds like a pretty busy day for you between teaching and appointments!
so glad things are going well for you!! and my baby girl liked the left side too 🙂
My little guy totally hung out on the left side (with his butt sticking out!) pretty much the whole second half of my pregnancy! They say that this is one of the best positions when it comes time for birth, so hopefully your little one stays there too!
My son hung out on my right side all the time. I could feel and see a huge bump right below my ribs throughout the third trimester. I think it was his butt?! The last trimester went by so quickly for me, enjoy it!
Mine seemed to prefer my right side!
30 weeks is so close. There’s definitely a shift in thought at that point – my little guy was born at 39 weeks. 9 weeks is nothing. The frequent appointments help things move along, too!
I swore I was going to be THAT WOMAN on the cover of the National Inquirer: “woman give birth THROUGH abdomen”. Seriously, I felt like my son was trying to make his debut by coming through my left side, just under my ribs. I would spend my 45 minute commute pushing his foot back IN!