It’s Friday and I am so, so happy the weekend is here. Ryan and I are hitting the road for Pennsylvania right when this post goes up and will be staying in an adorable house I found on with my whole family. It will be so wonderful to be around people who loved Mimi most and her visitation and memorial service will take place on Saturday. I know this weekend will likely be incredibly emotional and draining, but I am also hoping it will help the grief we’re all feeling and bring comfort to the heartache we’re all experiencing right now.
Knowing I’ll be surrounded by family in a few short hours is without a doubt what I’m loving most right now (It’s also my sister’s birthday today!), but I still wanted to take some time to focus on the little things in life and share your weekly Things I’m Loving Friday post with you guys where we all chime in and talk about what’s making us smile most every week.
Let’s get to it!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Flowers from Thoughtful Friends
On Tuesday I received the sweetest bouquet of flowers from a group of my best friends from college who have only the best memories of Mimi. Dealing with the passing of a loved one is hard, but incredibly thoughtful and supportive people help so much. I am so grateful to have such wonderful girlfriends in my life.
- Fresh Cherries
My cravings for fresh fruit knows no bounds these days. I ate an entire watermelon all by myself in two days this week. Ask me what I want for dinner any given night and I’ll probably just say “fruit,” and while I try to get a more balanced meal in, sometimes sitting down with a big bowl of fruit salad sounds way too appealing.
On our Wednesday night boat ride, a giant bag of cherries almost became my dinner and I replenished my supply on Thursday after work only to eat every last one in the bag last night. I love them way too much!
I’ve talked about my never-ending pregnancy thirst on the blog before and have mentioned the fact that I never go anywhere without a water bottle. Well, over the weekend, I found an old Bubba Keg hiding behind my usual water bottles and practically jumped for joy. It holds one liter of water and keeps everything cold for up to 12 hours. I know I probably look like a bit of a spectacle walking around with a big belly, my Bubba Keg and a serious limp (still dealing with lots of pain – I have an appointment with a physical therapist next week and appreciate all of the insight you guys shared on my 32 week pregnancy post!), but my Bubba Keg is the jam and I have been bringing it with me everywhere.
And oh my gosh as I was looking to link to Bubba Kegs online, I found out that they sell travel mugs that hold 34 ounces (this would fit way better in my car’s cup holder) and even BIGGER Bubba Kegs that hold 52 to 70 ounces of water. Someone hold me back before I buy them all…
- Tiny Perfume Dish
For some reason spritzing a little perfume on my wrists and neck makes me feel a little happier, but I would always forget to do it until I bought this little dish on sale from RueLaLa and began displaying some of my favorite fragrances on our bathroom countertop. Now that my favorite perfumes are staring at me as I get ready, I am much more likely to use them regularly and love the little pick-me-up I get from the lovely scents.
- Surprise Teddy Bear from Mema
Last night, after my in-laws left around 7 p.m., I walked past the nursery and an adorable teddy bear caught my eye! Ryan’s mom left a little surprise present for our baby boy and I thought it was so cute. Thank you, Mema!
My sister got me hooked on rosehip seed oil about a month ago. I love it! I use it daily as an eye makeup remover (I apply it to a cotton swab first) and will occasionally massage it into my skin if it’s feeling extra dry. The oil absorbs easily and is apparently a great natural way to fight skin discoloration and sun damage.
One of my best friends’ husbands created this app with a friend and it is totally taking off! I’m so proud of them! The app is pretty cool and if you’ve ever texted pictures of outfits to your girlfriends to help you decide what to wear, I think you’ll love it. Pickfit is an iPhone app that allows you to upload your outfit selections for the Pickfit community to vote on to help you decide which outfit looks best. Bonus: It’s extremely user-friendly!
- Around the Web
12 Netflix Documentaries That Will Inspire You To Be Healthy (For my fellow documentary lovers out there!)
34 Ways to Eat Watermelon At Every Meal (Yessssss!)
Three HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere
General Mills Removing Artificial Colors and Flavorings From All Cereals (Remember that BIG news I alluded to when I visited General Mills’ headquarters? This is it! This was a big piece of the feedback our group of bloggers shared with them and I’m so happy to see the company making huge strides. They’re planning to use natural dyes and flavorings — like radishes, tomatoes, and strawberries to replace the bright colors in cereals like Trix and Lucky Charms.)
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
When I was pregnant with my first, it was all the fruit, all the time! I couldn’t get enough!!
Good luck this weekend, Julie. Praying for you, your family, and for pain relief. I have sciatic pain on and off due to a car accident years ago and I know it can be frustrating. If it’s any help, sleeping with a pillow between my knees gave a lot of relief at night.
That app sounds so fun!! I am dying to check it out
Taylor xo – T’s Spoonful of Sugar
That’s adorable that Mema left a teddy bear – what a great surprise!!
On Friday, I was actually having a reunion in South Beach with some of my best friends from college. We haven’t been able to all be in the same place for the past 6 YEARS! It was wonderful… though I’m feeling it this morning, haha!
Hi Julie!
What perfumes do you wear? I recognize the Dior J’Adore bottle (I think?) but I always love hearing what other people are wearing. I love the perfume dish idea! I’m the same way- if it’s not where I’m getting ready, I’ll forget to put it on.
I’m downloading the pickfit app, and I immediately texted my friend who is someone who ALWAYS tweets her outfit options ahead of time. THanks for sharing!
I am always changing! Lately I’ve been loving Dior J’Adore, Jessica Simpson Fancy, Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue and Marc Jacobs Honey!