Three Week Check In: Chase
Chase is up almost two pounds from his birth weight and he’s gaining some adorable little rolls that I cannot help but kiss every day. He absolutely loves to eat and eats often. Right now we’re feeding on demand which means sometimes I’m feeding him every hour when he seems to want to snack more than eat a full meal, but he’s typically eating every two hours or so.
Earlier this week we began to implement supervised tummy time on Chase’s activity mat!
Chase seems to love being on his belly and we have a little too much fun watching him pick up his head and move it from left to right. (If you would’ve told me that watching a baby move their head would’ve amused me before I became a mom, I would’ve thought you were crazy. Now it’s basically the best thing ever. Oh how things have changed!) It seems to take all of his effort and his little grunts and coos are so entertaining.
Also entertaining? Sadie!
Her whole being wanted to be involved in our first round of tummy time and she took every opportunity to bring us toys to try to distract us and turn our attention onto her instead of Chase.
With every day that passes, Sadie is getting more and more used to her little brother. She still doesn’t love his crying (she moves to the opposite end of the couch when he starts wailing) but she’s also started checking on him when he starts to stir in his Rock n’ Play. I’m so impressed with how she’s handling everything!
I’ve already seen such a big change in Chase’s level of alertness since we brought him home from the hospital. The first few days were filled with sleeping and eating, but now Chase has longer spells where he loves to just be awake! He needs constant entertainment when he’s awake and seems to love bouncing, swinging on the swing outside, silly face games and kisses. He isn’t smiling yet (I can’t wait for this!), but he has a million different facial expressions that amuse us to no end. I love his big open-mouth face and pursed lips most!
(And yes, Chase is constantly naked – with the exception of his diaper – because we keep our house rather warm and it’s still quite hot in Charlotte… Plus, I’m a little too obsessed with skin-to-skin time!)
Ryan and I have been playing a nightly game with Chase where we’ll ask him a question and then turn his face toward the other person. I’ll say something like, “Chase, do you love Daddy?” and turn his face toward Ryan and we’ll crack up because his facial expression will inevitably be a scowl, furrowed brow, serious stink eye or a judgmental baby face…
File this game under “Games That Would Only Entertain New Parents.”
Three Week Check In: Julie
As for how I am doing, all is well over here! For the first two weeks, I feel like I was riding the new baby adrenaline high. I felt so happy and some how the crazy exhaustion I read about eluded me, but by Monday and Tuesday this week, I was hit was some serious tiredness.
I suppose never sleeping for more than two hours at a time was bound to catch up to me eventually! I wish I was better about napping during the day when Chase naps, but I cannot seem to get myself to sleep and tend to use his nap time to blog, check emails and get stuff done around the house, but perhaps I’ll eventually be sleepy enough to have to nap during the day at some point. I have a feeling that would help me a lot!
(The above pic was snapped on one of the three days where I actually took the time to do my hair and makeup since Chase was born. And yes, I’m in my pajamas. All day every day. The fact that I’m even wearing a t-shirt is a small victory since it seems like I spend most of my days in a nursing bra or topless right now!)
Our daily routine around here almost always includes a walk with Sadie and Chase in the morning before the heat of the day sets in. If feeding works out well and we’re able to get out super early, Ryan will join us before work which makes me love our walk time even more.
Since I wasn’t able to walk for several weeks toward the end of my pregnancy due to sacroiliac pain, the ability to spend time outside walking with my little gang is so special to me. Plus, my walks are basically the only time I get out of the house, so they help a lot with cabin fever, too. (Also, all of my hip and lower back pain went away completely after birth! It was amazing.)
My body seems to be healing fairly well (I had two stitches post-delivery) and I’m doing my best to keep myself fueled with mostly healthy food. I’ve been a snack machine between meals (I’m attributing this to breastfeeding hunger) and feel like I’m eating my bodyweight in nuts, nut butter, trail mix and fresh and dried fruit. I am so grateful to my mom for her help during these first few weeks as she’s dedicated a lot of time to making all of us delicious and nutritious meals. (You guys were so right about encouraging her to come ASAP after Chase was born. She has been amazing not only for her help with Chase and around the house but also for her support and company.)
I’ve received a few questions from you guys about whether I’ll be documenting my “Body After Baby” progress or anything like that and it’s just not something that interests me so it’s not something I’m planning to recap weekly or monthly on the blog. I did weigh myself this morning so I had something to share with those who are curious and I’m down about 15 pounds since delivering Chase. Since I gained a little more than 25 pounds during my pregnancy (I think I was up to 28-ish pounds at 38 weeks?), I still have some weight to lose, but that is obviously to be expected and I’m not really doing much to help the process along right now since it’s just not a priority as all of my energy and focus is on Chase, breastfeeding and recovery. I’d eventually like to get back down to a weight where I feel more comfortable and confident, but I’m giving myself plenty of grace and time to get there right now. Slow and steady!
And I think that brings us up to date! I hope you guys are having a great Thursday so far!
Hi! I’m super happy for the update, and so happy to see a pic with you and Chase facing the camera for a great view of you two! He’s such a cutie and you look great! Speaking of which: I don’t like the pressures put on women, post-pregnancy, to regain their figure, so I find it refreshing and inspiring that you won’t be doing any “body after baby” posts. The only thing I’m curious about with women’s bodies after pregnancy has to do with how they’re doing physically, and not their weight – i.e. how they’re healing, how sore they feel, stuff like you mentioned here (like the sacroiliac pain update), how much sleep they’re getting, etc. I love your healthy blog, and I especially love how little you focus on weight/pounds. Thanks for that!
Really loved reading this update, I was curious about everything you shared with us today. I’m so glad you have your mom’s help and companionship – so priceless! Looking forward to watching your journey unfold. 🙂
Thank you for putting that little part in about a Body After Baby Series. I feel like new moms are already under so much stress from learning about their babies, breastfeeding, dealing with lack of sleep, etc. There is no reason to add to it.
Chase is so handsome and you look so happy!
You look just fantastic!! I absolutely love reading your posts about Chase! I am hoping to have a baby soon and reading your posts brightens my day!! Thank you for sharing!
Julie – I am so obsessed with your blog (I check it every single day). Thank you for being so willing to share your life with us. 🙂 Your little man is too precious, and I hope you plan on framing some of these photos (specifically the one with your hubby holding Chase + kissing Sadie). Talk about a heart-melting family. Sending hugs your way my friend! -Sarah
My goodness – he’s just the sweetest, little guy! So great to hear you say that you’re giving yourself time. As somebody without a child, I always feel like we’re adding so much pressure into our lives with the “body before baby” idea (who knows, I may feel differently when I have a child.) But you just made a MIRACLE. I think we should all celebrate that fact and welcome all of the changes our body sees in such an amazing time.
Keep rockin’ it, lady!
“’ve received a few questions from you guys about whether I’ll be documenting my “Body After Baby” progress or anything like that and it’s just not something that interests me so it’s not something I’m planning to recap weekly or monthly on the blog”
There is enough pressure on moms and HL bloggers to get right back to things and it’s so not a needed pressure!!! My youngest is 16 months old, and it wasn’t until a few months ago that I had the time, energy or desire to really put MY needs and wants about my body as a priority.
Chase is absolutely adorable, congratulations!
I love your updates, especially all the photos of Chase and Sadie bonding! So precious!
He is so so cute!! I love all the pictures <3
With my first I didn't check my weight at all and simply went back to working out/teaching fitness when I wanted to/felt good and things eventually clicked into place. I agree that there is way too much pressure to get back to a 'certain size' super fast, and it's just ridiculous. Good for you for doing what feels best & at your own pace!
Chase is just such a doll, Julie! You sound like you have a great attitude about being a new Mom. I’m so happy for you. And I think it’s great that you are staying in with him. My family is Greek and we believe in staying at home with your baby for 40 days after birth. Your family comes over and cooks/cleans for you and you rest and recover and bond with your baby. I did it with both of my kids (save for daily walks – much needed!) and I am so glad I did. My kids are both very healthy and that special time together in the beginning is something you can’t ever get back. Errands can wait 🙂
Julie– do you like your nursery glider/ottoman? I am considering the same one for our nursery.
Julie – you are an inspiration! You are making me that much more excited for our baby girl to make her debut in November. I love love love reading all your recaps, random updates, registry suggestions, etc… I also appreciate that you’re not focusing on the baby weight loss on the blog – your body will do it’s thing and you’ll be back to your old body in no time – Chase is totally your priority! 🙂
I have been reading your blog for YEARS and I don’t think I have ever commented – love it, and so happy for all of you 🙂 Also – THANK YOU for skipping the body-after-baby stuff. You have always been healthy, you’ll continue to be healthy. It is what it is. I really appreciate your focus on the true priority – the new human! 🙂
Chase is absolutely adorable! I love all of these baby updates! So happy for you and Ryan! Enjoy all the time you can with you little man!
My son is 9 weeks now and so much of what you’re going through hits home. Even now when I’m home I live in nursing tanks (I put on a shirt on just to take it off too frequently to bother)-and I swear you cannot own enough of them! My son was 4 weeks early so we’re still going through frequent eating-but since having his lip & tongue tie corrected a week ago, I’m starting to see improvements in his eating AND sleeping. But seriously, how can anyone sleep during their nap time–especially when they don’t sleep long?! It looks like everything is going great-and they do say you get sleep someday, right? I know I can sometimes find the whole new mom thing stressful, both personally & in my marriage. Date nights and communication are really so important-as is getting out of the house!
Everyone is healthy and happy, and as a new mom I’m sure you have a lot on you’re plate! I think you look great, and Chase is adorable:) I’m glad you are not putting any pressure on yourself…that is a positive message more women need to hear!
I love all of your baby posts Julie! Chase is absolutely precious and the pictures of him always make me smile. I am so glad that you are getting along so well after having him, and I know that you will be a fantastic mom!
Julie, how warm do you keep your house? Weird question, but I am thinking about adjusting to warmer temps for my baby due in a month since the babies room gets so cold and I don’t know where to start!
Loving these updates! I’m due with my first next week, and I’m anxiously waiting to meet my baby boy! So glad things are going so well for you all! Especially Miss Sadie! Hoping my two fur-babies adjust just as well! 🙂
Chase is so sweet! I love that picture of Ryan, Sadie and Chase. You look great and I think you have the right attitude and priorities right now. 🙂
Your little man is soo handsome, I cant get over it!! Also you look so great after just having a baby. God bless you girl 🙂
Chase is adorable. I know you say he’s in a diaper because it’s so warm, but my pediatrician told us last year when my baby was born (he’s an August baby too!) to always keep him in one more layer than what you feel comfortable at. Babies can’t regulate their body temperature like we can. So we always just kept him in a light cotton sleeper, or a onesie and socks. Just an FYI! I know I didn’t realize that when he was first born!
Everyone looks so happy and healthy, and DANG. That is one handsome baby!
I’ve always loved your blog. I might just love it a bit more right now because of your whole body after baby attitude. I think so often people get so wrapped up in the after that they lose out on these special newborn moments. I’ve had two babies, and breasfed both. My body was one of those that liked to hold on to the extra 10 lbs while breastfeedings,o I could never really get back to a point of being “pre-pregnancy” right away. And that’s ok. Your positive attitude is refreshing, and the fact hat you don’t want to document it because it’s not your thing is wonderful. You keep feeding that little baby and enjoying new mommyhood!
Chase is so precious, I can’t even handle it! You look like you are soaking up every second with him. Aren’t babies amazing?? I kept my little guy in diapers for the first 6 weeks, because he lost a bit of weight (BF issues 🙁 ) and it was going into fall, so our house was pretty warm. And not much fit him right anyways! Now you would never know that he had been on the smaller side for the first week of his life.
Astonished that someone had the nerve to ask you about “body after baby”. I love your response. Your little family is just the cutest!
Just have to say…motherhood looks so good on you! Little Chase is adorable, and I am excited to hear more of these little updates!
I love your attitude regarding your post-baby body. So inspiring! I hope I feel the same!
Two things:
1) I love, love, love how you have handled the introduction and integration of your canine love and your new tiny human love. Kudos to you and Ryan! (I volunteer in dog rescue, and sadly, to many couples pitch their dog they previously professed to love so much — that you both took plenty of time, added plenty of supervision, and just made things RIGHT for both Sadie and Chase makes my heart very, very happy.)
2) The pic of your mom with your son is beyond precious. The love in your mom’s smile knows no bounds. What a precious photo.
Thanks for giving me many smiles with this post!
I just have to comment to say it’s SO refreshing to read a blog with such a healthy outlook on motherhood and post baby body. I get so frustrated with constant “weigh ins” and pictures of “abs after baby”! While I’m all for being healthy, that shouldn’t be the focus of this special time and sends the wrong message to moms. I’m a first time mom and it took about a year until I felt and looked like my “normal” self (and let’s be honest, the tummy will never be the same…sorry…but that is such a small price to pay for my beautiful son!). I love that your priorities are in the right place!!! My son just turned three (wahhh!) so keep on enjoying every precious moment with Chase…the other stuff is just stuff, and can totally wait.
Thank you, Tiffany! <3
Its great to hear that despite you being so into your workouts pre-baby that you are taking the time to refocus on what is really important here- time and energy with your newborn! I am glad you also are not concentrating any of this on “body after baby” like its some race to lose weight. Its very very encouraging. Thanks.