When the alarm went off, I rolled over and silently hoped that Ryan would turn off the alarm and crawl back into bed. Bad sign number one: I heard him flick off the space fan. (We sleep with a small space fan on for white noise.) Bad sign number two: I heard Ryan’s electric toothbrush start whirring in the bathroom. He never brushes his teeth and then decides to go back to sleep, so I sighed, threw off the sheets and got dressed.
Now that my workout is over, I’m glad I went even though I definitely wasn’t in the mood this morning. Isn’t that how it always works!?
While at the gym, I hopped on the treadmill and completed the following incline walking workout:
I repeated the 25-minute workout one time for a total of 50 minutes. It felt good to sweat a bit and zone out on the treadmill. Though my mind was a bit fuzzy this morning, I couldn’t completely check out because the incline frequently changed during my workout which kept me engaged.
It was a good one!
When Ryan and I arrived back home, I ate a banana as I prepared a batch of scrambled eggs with yellow squash and avocado.
The avocado was the shining star!
Time to get crackin’. I’m still in major catch-up mode and have an inbox that needs my attention.
Hope you have a great day!
Question of the Morning
- When it comes to treadmill workouts, what type of workout is your favorite? Steady state running? Intervals? Inclines? Walking workouts? Or do you just hate the treadmill with a burning passion?
My favorite treadmill workouts are interval workouts because they make the time fly by!
It stinks but you always feel better when it’s done! 😉 I’m a hate the treadmill with a burning passion people. I only use it when we’re doing circuits but I need to get inclines involved next time. As a cool down I’ll walk backwards on it and engage other muscles but it still keeps the heart rate up nicely even at 1.5mph!
I like short, fast treadmill workouts. I use them more consistently when I’m trying to increase my speed. I crank it up to a pace that’s quicker than my current comfortable pace, and just try to go a tiny bit longer than I did the last time, until my body learns that this is it’s new “acceptable” pace and that it won’t die!
Definitely interval! I get too darned bored on the treadmill for anything else.
Thanks for sharing! I have started really embracing incline walking on the treadmill as a cardio option lately! Otherwise I also love running intervals (preferably HIIT)!
I’m not usually a fan of the treadmill but this sounds like a doable workout. I may have to actually utilize my gym membership this evening with this. 😉
I’m glad you went if you feel better for it…that’s always the right feeling to have afterward.
I hate treadmills! I find they trick me into thinking I’ve run farther/faster than I have. Though i hear that if you leave it on a 1-2% incline for the run, it better mimics running outside, so perhaps I’ll have to try it. I definitely prefer to do intervals that long steady ones on the treadmill though. It’s much easier to keep track of time/intensity on the treadmill than outside.
Great workout! Did you know it’s National Peanut Day?! Not as fun as peanut butter day, but still fun!
definitely had the same breakfast this am, it is just soo good. I really don’t think there is a better combo than eggs and avocado! I like HIIT on the treadmill although I dread it before it starts it always makes the workouts go by super fast.
I love the feeling when that happens!! I feel like it makes you feel extra good bc not only did you get a great workout in, but you had the strength to push through even though you didn’t want to… Double win!!
As for the treadmill, I absolutely HATE it!! I’d rather run outside in the snow and rain!
i love the avocado and eggs combo!
I neeeeeed intervals when it comes to the treadmill. I don’t care if it’s speed, hills, or both, but they help a lot!
i am obsessed with intervals. I would say I do them 90% of the time for my cardio workouts. It makes the time fly by!
Thanks for another great workout, Julie! I’m saving this for the next time I don’t feel like doing running intervals.
Avocados in scrambled eggs is awesome! Esp with a little chicken sausage thrown in 🙂 http://www.birchwoodpie.blogspot.com/2012/03/avocado-sausage-and-cheddar-scramble.html
I’m that weird person who kind of loves the treadmill. I find it a lot easier to zone out than if I was running outside, plus I love the added benefit of being able to push myself with intervals (I find it a lot harder to control my pace outside!)
Hmmm definitely running intervals and incline walking. Everything else is too BORING! Have a great day!
I’m probably I’m the minority on this one but unless the weather is just right outside, I LOVE the treadmill. I can just jump on and do a nice easy 5 miles while watching reality tv or I can push myself and do interval sprints, or incline walking if I’m just not in the mood. The treadmill gives me so many more nice, climate controlled options 🙂
When I’m tired like that intervals or a trainer is the only worthwhile workout you’ll get from me. No way can I just bang out 5 miles when all I’m thinking about is my cozy bed but if there’s some mini interval that I can focus on, it’s way better. Maybe I just need Jillian Michaels to move in with me and be my personal trainer forever…
I actually really despise incline treadmill workouts! I find myself constantly looking at the time just wishing it were over. I DO love intervals though. Make me do some sprints, and I’m a happy camper.
I used to be obsessed with treadmill intervals but after running outside for a while I can’t get on one anymore! I also start training for 1/2 marathon soon and am taking your advice not to do my all of my training on the treadmill.
I love intervals! I get fired up when I do them!
Interval for sure!! I just cannot get into long distance. sprints, incline walking, walking backwards, gotta keep it interesting : )
I also did a walking incline workout this morning! I just wasn’t feeling the gym either as my alarm clock went off, and decided that I would go, but let myself walk. INCLINE walk that is! It still makes me feel like I’m ‘being lazy’ but giving my buns a good workout in the process 😉
Happy Thursday!
we’re workout twins today! 😀
I’m all about the running on the treadmill. My heart’s just not in it when I’m walking … (and I’m actually more paranoid and worried about tripping/falling when I’m walking, is that weird?! haha). Though, I have to admit that I like the inclines.
Your egg scramble from this morning sounds delicious!!
I need to do intervals on the treadmill or else I just get too bored!
haha! Umm… I pick e) hate with a burning passion…. But if I do ever have to suck it up and workout on a treadmill I like to keep challenging inclines and change up with intervals so I don’t get bored. I mostly walk. I am unreasonably afraid of falling off of treadmills!! I have watched too much AFV!=)
definetly agree witg you, intervals make the workout pass by so fast! I love one of your 45 min treadmill workouts. Its saved on my phone so I can do it at the gym whenever I get the treadmill blues 🙂
Having someone work out with my is definitely my motivation! I typically do steady runs on the treadmill unless I’m short on time, then intervals all the way!
I definitely like incline workouts the best.
I love reading books/magazines on the treadmill – I usually start out at a slight incline, and do some type of hill interval if I’m feeling adventurous 🙂 Sometimes if the person next to me starts running, I’ll run too because I feel like I can be working harder!
Is it just me or are avocados way better than usual lately? I can’t get enough of them (which could be a blessing and a curse).
yes!!! i said the same thing this morning. they’re on point lately!
Awesome! Can’t wait to try this! I’m not really a fan of the treadmill, but this gives me a way to mix things up and make the time fly by!
That’s so funny. We sleep with a fan in our bedroom to for the noise. My husband can’t sleep without it.
I like zoning out to a movie or something for those long, easy running days, but more so, I LOVE fartlek workouts on the treadmill. Feels good to move fast… but still have some recovery built in.
Please continue with the walking interval workouts! I have a hard time running on the treadmill so I tend to use it for mostly walking. Thanks! Great post. 🙂
Love interval workouts and on the days my motivation is low, it’s nice to have a walking one. That avocado looks yummy!
I can totally relate to your morning! But once you get up and go to the gym, you almost never regret it!
And I was also going to comment about how today is National Peanut Day… but it looks like someone beat me to it! 😉
haha I don’t really like the treadmill but in the winter it’s def a must since I never know how the weather is going to be in the mornings.. but I like walking on an incline when I do use them :p
Oooh I’m headed to the gym and needed something new – thanks!
I thinking any kind of treadmill activity sucks monkey feet but it is a necessary evil…so I try to do 20 minutes of walking/jogging/sprinting intervals 3x a week. I’ll do 2 minutes walking at 4.0, 1 minute jogging/easy run at 6.5, 30 seconds sprinting at 9.0, 1.5 minutes cool down walk at 4.0, then repeat the cycle until I get to 20. It is tough, and the cooldown walks before the jog really go by fast! LOL
9.5 is killer!
Squash and avocado in eggs… hmm I never would’ve thought of it but it sounds good!
As for the treadmill… I hate running on the treadmill (I’d way much rather be outside!) but I don’t mind walking on inclines so long as I have a good book or magazine in front of me while I’m doing it.
My favorite thing for the treadmill is definitely running intervals, it keeps my mind busy and it’s entertaining! Outside though I love steady state running because I can just zone out
I would prefer to run outside. It goes by so much faster for me. Unfortunately, since the streets along my apartment are usually so busy, I have to use the treadmill. I have never tried walking inclines. How does calorie burn for walking inclines compare to running outside?
I love a good treadmill incline workout when nothing else sounds appealing at the gym..or when I just don’t even feel like getting to the gym in the first place. I rotate the speed between 4 and 4.5 and keep the incline at 15..With a good trashy celebrity gossip magazine, or a health magazine of course, the hour just flies!
Going to do this today! Thanks!
I am not a crazy fan of the treadmill or any cardio machine for that matter. I prefer to keep my cardio workouts under 30 minutes and full of intervals. They get the heart rate up and make the time go by much more quickly!!
I don’t really enjoy the treadmill, especially the one in the fitness center at our apartment complex. It is rather old and clunky, and sounds like it is going to fall apart when you get up to speed! I love running outside. Fall weather is arriving here in the midwest, my favorite time of year for running. 🙂
I think I’ll do this treadmill workout today! I can already tell it’s going to be one of those days for me too!
Intervals, definitely. It makes the time go by. LOATH tempo runs. And I try to stay away from the treadmill all together.
The Kidless Kronicles
Do you remember the walking workout with the different speeds and inclines or do you bring a cheat sheet with you? I think I’d have to have a cheat sheet!
I love interval workouts. LOVE ’em. Time flies, I feel awesome, and I feel good & tired afterwards. I sometimes add in walking intervals on an incline to the running intervals–and that’s always major killer 🙂