For Christmas I gave Ryan this Canterbury Naturals apple cinnamon pancake mix (the boy loves his ‘cakes) and we decided today was a good day to give ’em a go.
Pancakes are so tasty. The only thing better for breakfast might just be a Belgian waffle (with chocolate chips, banana slices and whipped cream, of course 😉 ). We both gave these two thumbs up!
I ate one decent-sized pancake before we headed off to the mall to do some more Christmas exchanges.
After popping in one store, I remembered the Starbucks gift card I received for Christmas chillin’ in my wallet! Instant smile. 😀
Ryan ordered a chai tea latte while I opted for a light mocha frappuccino.
Ryan’s drink came first and when I told him to smile with his yummy drink, the following picture was the result:
Foxy fiance, huh? 😀
When my yummy drink came I was in frappuccino heaven. I think the mocha flavor is my fav.
After hittin’ up another shop or two, we headed to the grocery store to pick up some food for the weekend before making a lunch fit for a wet and chilly day.
A hot grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of Maryland crab soup was the perfect meal.
Now I’m off to my friend Laurel’s apartment to watch some movies and be lazy. Ryan and I have plans to make a first attempt at gnocci tonight. I hope it’s tasty!
Enjoy the rest of your first day of 2010!
Oooh can’t wait to see your gnocchi!! I’m sure it will be fab lovely girl. 🙂
Happy New Year.
Enjoy your evening.
I know this is random but I love your red pea coat! That is a good color on you! 🙂
thanks! i got it from banana republic last year (on sale – whoop, whoop!).
those pancakes sound great!
haha ryans so goofy in the pic! you and ryan sure are one super good looking couple though 🙂
i love light frappucinos too! my favorite is 1/2 mocha 1/2 caramel. yum!
YAY-love MD crab soup. I’m from Maryland so I have it a lot and NEVER get tired of it!
Gnocci is SO good! I mispronounced it for years until my ex finally told me I was saying it alllll wrong.. Ooopps! 🙂