Hey hey! How are you guys doing this afternoon? I’m happy to be checking in today after a very normal 36-week prenatal appointment. Hooray!
I arrived at my appointment this morning matching my Bubba Keg (I told you it doesn’t leave my side) and waited for about 30 minutes before my doctor was ready to see me. We listened to the heartbeat and it sounded great (127 bpm) and then my belly was measured. I’m still measuring about three weeks behind (up a week from my last appointment though!).
Before it was time to go, my doctor did the group B strep test (I’ll have my results in a few days) and also checked my cervix. She said I was not dilated at all (totally normal for 36 weeks) and she could definitely feel our little guy’s head! From here on out, I’ll be heading to the doctor every week until our baby boy decides to make his debut.
After my appointment, I grabbed a quick lunch from Earth Fare.
I am loving anything cold and crisp lately, so spring rolls called to me and I grabbed a shrimp and avocado roll to eat along with a chocolate chip cookie from the bakery.
Let’s see… What else has been going on here since the weekend aside from the usual work business? (I’m still working at the gym but had to give up most of my classes that require me to do the workout with the class at this point.)
Last night we had a pretty darn delicious dinner! I threw together a simple dish that included sweet potato gnocchi, bacon and Brussels sprouts.
It was so easy to prepare and we loved the combination of flavors. And if you have tips for getting bacon grease out of clothing, I’m all ears. The bump is currently a landing board for all crumbs and stains.
After dinner we spent some time assembling baby gear! Our stroller, rock ‘n play and pack ‘n play are ready to go but we still have to install our baby’s car seat.
Our baby isn’t even here yet and he’s already taking over our house! With the exception of the baby’s toys, Sadie is highly unamused by all of our baby’s gear. The stroller, in particular, totally freaks her out.
And before we settled in for some quality couch time after dinner, my sweet tooth started raging so I experimented in the kitchen a bit and made a batch of “dessert” popcorn by tossing air-popped popcorn in coconut oil, honey, brown sugar and unsweetened coconut flakes.
It was delicious and I’m sure I’ll be making something similar again soon. I’ll try to take notes next time to share it with you guys because I think my fellow coconut lovers out there would really enjoy it!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. I’ll see ya in the morning!
Julie, glad to hear that your appointment went smoothly this week. Our due dates are 1 day apart (I’m due August 9th). We got the same stroller (in green) and exactly the same pack’n’ play, hah! What a coincidence 😉
No way! Love it! And congratulations to you! <3
All the food in this post looks amazing!! Look at Sadie checking everything out like what’s going on!?
She is so confused by all of the new stuff! Anything large w/ wheels freaks her out. Haha!
That popcorn sounds amazing. I’m going to have to give that one a try!
Dawn dish soap for the grease 🙂
I second that for grease on clothing. Just put a few drops before washing as normal. Works great! Praying for a healthy baby and smooth delivery for you!
So glad to hear everything we well at this appointment 🙂 love all the baby stuff around the house – just wait till it turns into toys…right now the boys I nanny are obsessed with hot wheels…they. are. everywhere!
Glad everything went well. It’s amazing how many things we buy for our babies that take over our homes. The pack and play will be useful esp. During traveling. The graco ones fold up nicely and don’t take up too much room.
Trader Joe’s sweet potato gnocchi?? We had it for the first time last night and LOVED it! If only we waited 24 more hours to try it this way. 🙂
Congrats and it’s so good to hear that everything is going well.
I just want to say, I think you might be confusing the fundal measurement with how much you’re showing. The measurement is how big (tall) your uterus is and doesn’t actually matter how long (or short) your torso is. I’m currently measuring 2 weeks ahead which could be a) big baby b) lots of fluid c) baby’s position (not dropping).
Just wanted to share so you don’t confuse readers!
Oh that is confusing! I was just repeating what my doctor said to me but I definitely would’ve appreciated a bit more clarification. Thanks for the info!
I also just edited the post to avoid confusion. Thanks again!!
Best wishes to you and Ryan, it’s such an exciting time!!
I’ve also been measuring 2 weeks ahead since 18 weeks (currently 32.) Is your OB ordering a growth US to see why? Mine won’t unless I measure 4+ weeks ahead. I’d love to see my little guy again!
Glad to hear everything went smoothly this time around! The coconut popcorn sounds good (I say this as I eat a coconut greek yogurt from Trader Joe’s, so yes, I’m a coconut fan).
So glad your appointment went well! We have a baby boy due in October and I still get so nervous before each one.
It has been so fun to follow your pregnancy journey right alongside ours! Was there was something you really loved about the Chicco Bravo? There are so many options and it is so overwhelming. I did a lot of research and landed on the Britax B-Agile travel system but we have not purchased it yet so I am all ears when it comes to recommendations.
I’m so glad your appointment today went well! I also had my 36 week checkup this morning (although I’m due 3 days before you), and everything looked great. Luckily, the doc didn’t want to check my cervix — I’ve heard it can be uncomfortable and that it doesn’t really tell you much since some women stay just a little dilated for weeks while others go into labor as soon as it starts to dilate at all. Just an FYI that you can turn down these cervical checks if you want, at least for a couple more weeks!
Congratulations to you!! My doctor did give me the option for the cervical exam, but I was curious so I said okay since they were already in the area for the group B strep test. 🙂
Yay for a good appointment! Your belly is adorable!
The pack n play is one of my very favorite pieces of baby equipment! Sooooo handy!!
We have the same PnP and RnP! I agree, all of the baby items are taking over our house. We have a bouncer, PnP and swing all in the living room! glad your Apt went well! I did all of that fun stuff last week!
Glad you had a good exam! That dish looks amazing – I’m loving anything and everything with Brussel sprouts right now! If you had a recipe, that’d be great 🙂
We used dawn to get grease stains out of clothing. It was a huge help when I was a server in college!
Was about to say this same thing – use Dawn (dishwashing liquid) to get grease out of clothes. Just rub it into the stain and let sit for a bit before tossing it into the wash. 🙂
So glad everything went well with the Dr. appointment! You’re so close!!
Did you follow a recipe for the gnocchi and brussel sprouts? It looks delicious and I would love to try it!
Putting together baby gear was the most maddening thing… the directions were terrible I especially disliked assembing that same darn pack n play!
Your so close:) enjoy your last weeks. I had my son at exactly 36 weeks very unexpectedly and still to this day feel jipped that I didn’t have a full pregnancy ha-ha.
Looks like your almost all organised!! Excitement must be really setting in now!!!
That popcorn sounds so good! I will definitely be recreating very soon!
Our vizsla was terrified of anything on wheels, so when we found out we were having a baby I wAs so worried that our vizsla wouldn’t enjoy our walks once a stroller was involved. The first time she saw our stroller she went bananas, but now she refuses to walk anywhere but right beside the stroller. She has to be right by our babies and she never barks at strollers anymore. It’s like she understands now. Just don’t fly by her on a skateboard…those are still considered evil. Lol
Hi Julie!
So happy to hear about your normal doctor’s appointment, I was so nervous for you reading the post about the last one.
Also wanted to pop by and tell you my trick for getting grease out of clothing is to wet the area and put a drop of dawn on it. From there i usually scrub it in and let it sit a little. Then rinse it and toss it straight into the wash machine. I’m such a clumsy lady, I am always spilling things!
I am so excited for you all!!! You mighht want to do some “practice” with an empty stroller and Sadie before the baby gets here. Get her used to it. Prayers and well wishes for you four !!!!
Dawn dish soap on the stain followed by baking soda…..let it sit overnight and then wash! ☺️
The product Oxi Clean is magic!! I use the Max Force spray for grease & really tough stains, and the regular spray for other things. You can leave it sit overnight too if need be.
Hope that Sadie gets to like the stroller … she will get used to it.
totally stealing that gnocchi combo. sounds amazing!
Fells naptha works great for grease stains and other hard to remove stains (blood, pen, marker). You can find it in the laundry detergent section (I found mine at target). It comes in a bar, and works wonders!
The popcorn sounds delicious, too!
Dawn dish detergent will take out any kind of grease stains. Just rub a little on the spots and then launder as usual. Works like a charm!
Gnocchi, brussels, and bacon? That sounds great! Thanks for sharing, and hang in there! North Carolina summers are so brutally hot and humid, I couldn’t imagine being pregnant AND dealing with that heat!
So happy you had a much more calm 36 week appointment. That must be such a relief! That popcorn looks so yummy. My sister makes a similar version with maple syrup and cinnamon and it takes just like homemade kettle corn but without all the junk in it. Moderation right? It’s a good alternative when I want something a little healthier
Ummm…I will definitely be recreating your popcorn creation! That looks so good and seems like it would be so easy to whip up!
I’m loving all of your bump pictures! Also, glad to read your appointment went well! I cannot wait to see the little guy and for your family to grow.:)
So glad to hear your appointment went well! Seems like you were just announcing you’re pregnant, and now your little guy is almost here!
Thanks, Abbey!!
Love following along on your pregnancy journey. I am a first time mom and 27 weeks pregnant. All the stroller choices are overwhelming! I just need to go for one. Do you like the one you picked?
I LOVE experimenting with popcorn flavors! It sounds gross, but one of my favorites is to air pop the corn, then drizzle with pb2, sprinkle with a little kosher salt and stir around. I put it in the freezer for JUST long enough for it to harden up, and it’s delicious – especially in the summer when hot popcorn isn’t all that appealing. 🙂
oh YUM! coconut popocorn…sign me up! (please share!! :)) I’ve also heard that Dawn dish soap will help with getting stains out (especially grease stains)
hey 🙂 i am so glad that your appointment went well! I have my 36 appt next monday and Im starting to get so nervous because I think after 36 weeks youre officially on baby watch! Ive been experiencing some of the lower back pain/glute pain as well, I iced last night and felt so much better! I miss running tho and being able to be so mobile.
I have the same stroller and pack and play! so funny 🙂
Maybe Ille see you around the hospital since we will both be on weekly appt visits after next week! praying for our back pains!
I love sweet popcorn! I hope you can share the recipe!! I’m glad you appointment went well!
Glad everything went well at your appointment!! We have the exact same car seat, and it was actually pretty easy to install. That popcorn sounds delish – I may be making some this evening!
That’s awesome on the normal appointment!
I just wanted to add that my cousin’s dog, Bear, is also afraid of the stroller. I would recommend getting Sadie used to it (even if it means walking Sadie with an empty stroller). Bear will not go on walks next to the stroller so my cousin will always have to wait until someone can go with her or watch the baby. Funny thing is he won’t walk next to it but doesn’t have a problem sitting in the cargo area underneath the baby! Dogs are so funny.
Hi there! I have to recommend Kiss-Off for stain remover. I’m an artist and this stuff works wonders on oil paint etc.
So, might be worth a try! Just thought I’d pass it on.
I see most people responded with Dawn Dish-washing Liquid soap. My mother-in-law swears by it, and it’s worked for me every single time.
Spring rolls are a major craving for me in my pregnancy, too! So good!
It is amazing how something so small can need SO MUCH STUFF! I am glad your appointment went well!
Hi Julie, not a mom, but on the northeast girl’s Instagram account (she is a fashion blogger who is also pregnant with her 2nd) several followers shared NOT to install the baby seat until the baby is actually here and anytime the baby is not in the seat to not have it in the car. They all said if you are in a car accident (even a small fender bender) your insurance company will make you buy a whole new baby seat. Just a tip! Maybe you know but I thought I would pass the info along. Maybe some other moms can confirm.
Glad your appointment went well. I always enjoy reading your post. And what sauce did you use to mix everything together for the sweet potato gnocchi, Brussels sprouts ,,,,and bacon???
I actually just used a little bit of butter, salt and pepper! 🙂