Yesterday I was searching for some quality workouts online in an effort to change things up a bit at the gym when I stumbled upon a 5 x 50 workout from Men’s Health magazine.
The workout consisted of 50 repetitions of five different exercises, repeated five times through. I saved this particular workout for the end of my workout, so I just did it one time through, but I really enjoyed it!
The exercises included:
- Sumo squats
- Jumping jacks
- Mountain climbers
- Pushups
- Crunches
I split the pushups and crunches up into two back-to-back sets of 25 because 25 pushups (even done the girly way) own me. It ended my workout with a bang!
Before tackling the Men’s Health workout, I completed 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill that looked a lot like Tuesday’s interval workout, followed by 5 minutes on the stair master and 10 minutes on the elliptical.
The Hover
Once I was done, I then headed up to the loft where Ryan was finishing his workout. I preceded to wait patiently for him to finish…
Well, I thought it seemed like I was patiently waiting until we were on our walk with Sadie and I asked him how his workout went this morning.
He replied saying it was good, but a little rushed at the end.
I said I was fine waiting for him to finish and hoped it wasn’t me who made him feel rushed. I was simply “hovering.”
To this he replied, “The ‘hover’ means hurry up. I use it all the time when we’re shopping. You can’t fool me. I invented that move.”
Okay, so maybe he was right. Hover = Hurry up. Having someone hover over you may be the most irritating thing in the world, so it works like a charm to get people moving! Muhaha!
Aside from the hover-talk, our walk with Sadie was also filled with kitty-spotting!
How cute is this little guy?
I wish my stinkin’ allergies would go away so Ryan and I could have a cat. They’re so adorable.
Breakfast was a move-move-move kind of meal because we spent a little too much time with the cat and I fell behind on my typical morning timeline.
Today’s meal included a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel thin, topped with chocolate PB2, frozen banana slices and chia seeds.
Time to work! See ya ‘round lunchtime.
Oh yea, circuit workouts are the best, but they really kill me!
That kitty is adorable, but I wonder how Sadie would feel about that new addition???
I love looking at Men’s Health for different workouts! Some of them are pretty challenging and I love it! And PS.. I think that kitty needs adopting – SO cute!
Does Sadie like cats? Koda points at them from a distance, but is a big ol baby when it comes to getting anywhere close to them 🙂
she’s kind of goofy with them! she likes to chase them if they’re active. if they’re just laying around, she could care less!
Awwwwwwww, that KITTY!! It looks just like my Cody 😀
hahaha love the hover, I always like to “stretch” to get things movin along!
*giggles at Sadie in the background of that breakfast pic*
Oh my gosh, I could never do 50 sumo squats in a row – much less with those other exercises AND after cardio.
I love little ginger kitties 🙂 One of my dogs absolutely loves cats & the other tries to eat them. Learned that when we fostered a couple of kittens! So no cats for me either 🙁
That circuit workout sounds intense! I’d have to break up the pushups too — yikes!
WOW! what a KICK BUTT WORKOUT!! i think the circuit alone wud be a good swear sesh!!
I don’t know that I could do 50 Sumo Squats or Mountain Climbers. You are a machine! Hee.
Oh, the hover was definitely invented by men at the mall. The wander (you know when you wander all over the mall to shop) was invented by women 🙂
Question – chocolate PB2 is powdered. DO you mix it with anything to make it spreadable?
yep! water!
I like that idea! I know I couldn’t do 50 push ups straight – WOWZA!
The hover…haha, I love that! I think my husband does that to me in the kitchen and mostly every time I say, “if you’re not going to do something, then get out!” It makes me VERY uncomfortable…still love him though!
I’m not gonna lie, but I steal the hubby’s men health the odd time and see what the workouts are like in there…they do have some good stuff and I hope you’re hurting (in a good way) over what you did!
Reese always puts her paw on my foot, I think it’s like security to her, or she thinks she is dominating me!
I want a kitty so bad but I am also allergic 🙁
That 50 x 5 sounds tough but like a real butt kicker
Loving the circuit workout!
Kitties are the best, rather just as wonderful and stinking cute as pups! 🙂
5 times through that workout would be killer! once or twice would be more than enough. Men’s and Women’s Health have awesome workouts. 🙂
Hahahaha! Love the hovering!
I love my two kitties so much, but I wish I could have a dog, too!
Adding your new find to my list of must try routines!
Side note: love your tennis!
That workout actually sound great…I think I’ll be soon that this afternoon!
love sadie in the background of your self portrait bagel pic! btw, your blog is amazing! love love love it!
I just started a new job and Im trying to figure out a schedule that works best for me…..and I am curious as to your morning schedule! What time do you get up, gym it, walk with sadie/breakfast, and need to be at work for? It seems like you have so much time to get a lot done in the morning and I want to find a way to feel the same!!! Thanks!!!
check out the “my morning routine” post on my favs page!
That workout sounds really tough!!!!!!!
The cat is sooo cute! We have one, and he’s cute, but he’s also kind of mean….:P
I love reading Men’s Health, they have such great articles.
I actually like my cat allergies, as I can’t stand them and their attitudes 😉
Haha I can hover sometimes without realizing it. It’s awesome that he’s so understanding!
Awww, kitty 😀
Sadie is awesome. Her foot on yours is classic!
Aw! That cat is so cute! 🙂 I love cinnamon raisin bagel thins. They are my favorite.
That workout looks great! I am constantly on the hunt for new workout ideas – i will definitely be giving that one a go today!
How long do you usually workout for in the mornings? about an hour?
I find that I get so bored after about 30min
Oh yes, “the hover”… it is definitely a move used in my household. 🙂
You are a champ! How did the sleeping bag rate?? 🙂
good! a definite keeper!
I like yo style. I’m queen of the hover… buuut I hate when it’s done to me. 😉
and I’ve been master of the bagelthins + strawberry cream cheese + strawberry jam + sliced banana + cinnamon. try it… promise it’s to diiie for!
Since you love your cutie Sadie so much…would you mind sharing this link on your blog or Twitter?
I’ve organized a registry on Amazon benefiting the Joplin, Missouri Humane Society who is currently handling hundreds of dogs and cats who lost their owners in the tornado a few days ago. I’m calling it the Blogs for Dogs Registry! We’ve already sent over $4,000 in supplies. You can visit my blog at to read more.
Cats are cute…but dogs steal my heart! Sadie needs a doggie brother or sis!! I swear two dogs are easier than one b/c they entertain each other
Ha. Kevin isn’t allowed to workout with me due to hovering issues. We limit our joint workouts to long walks or hikes!
Haha I’m such a hoverer but i dont feel too bad about as so is the rest of my family! Love that circuit idea, although I think once will own ne…5 rounds may just kill me!
That workout sounds intense AND awesome!
I saw a baby deer this morning! It was the cutest thing ever 🙂
My dream is to get a dog and cat together! (It’s a “Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul” story just waiting to happen)
Adorable! Do you have a new camera? Your photos have been looking extra great lately. Also, I love the little captions!
no i don’t, but thank you!!
That kitty looks like my cat, Igor! I love him to death! 🙂
How do you like PB2? I just got Chocolate PB2 two days ago and I really love it..! It is so easy to mix it with 1 TB of water. Once I am done with Choc PB2, I will try the regular PB2. 🙂
i like it! it’s no replacement for real peanut butter, but i think it tastes pretty good.
Caaauuuuuuuuute kitty! 🙂 🙂
The hover tactic is very clever! I need to get on the PB2 train. Sounds amazing!
I love the little captions for Sadie! They are too adorable!
I can’t think of anything better than a box full of food to “test” 😀
Girl pushups absolutely kill me so I’m impressed you did 50 of them!
And hovering = genius 😉
I def do the hover sometimes with the husband. haha 🙂
I love pushups!!!
Hey Julie! I’ll see you at the Urban Runner: Blogger Summit. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now so it will be fun to meet!
Looks good & cute cat! I need to get some of these chia seeds!