Good afternoon, my friends! How is your Tuesday going?
My day began with an early morning workout that was awfully similar to the 50 Rep Workout I shared with you guys last week. I really enjoyed the way that workout incorporated cardio and strength training and kept me engaged the entire time, so today’s workout was modeled off of that one and looked like this:
Links to some exercise video demos:
Once I arrived home, breakfast was on the brain and I got to work in the kitchen.
Today’s morning meal included an egg white and oatmeal protein pancake made with chia seeds and served with an apple on the side.
I also brewed myself my first cup of coffee from my brand new Keurig!
Ryan and I traded in my old Keurig for a new one at Bed, Bath and Beyond yesterday. Yes, they really do let you pick out a brand new Keurig when you bring in your old, broken machine. Super impressed with their customer service! We received our first Keurig as a wedding present and have enjoyed it for three plus years. Over the past six months or so, it has worked off and on, and only brewed about 1/8 of a cup of coffee for the past 1.5 months. It also hasn’t worked with traditional K-cups in a long time, but that didn’t really bother me since I use the refillable K-cups.
I’m quite happy to have a fully functioning coffee machine on my hands again!
After breakfast, I headed off to work (where I am currently on a quick blogging break). It will be a late night at the gym for me tonight!
Question of the Afternoon
- Coffee drinkers: Do you have a coffee machine? If so, what kind?
We have a Keurig which I love but I must admit that my mother-in-law’s Jura-Capresso machine is the best coffee maker I’ve ever used! She bought hers refurbished and it’s absolutely amazing. I cannot help but down a lot of coffee whenever Ryan and I visit her because it is so darn good.
We have a Keurig at my house (the K75 Platinum) and COULD NOT be without it! It’s actually our third one in the last 8 years or so (Previously we had hard water which killed them a little faster…). We do have the refillable K cup to use with it, but also enjoy several of the prefilled flavors – especially Green Mountain Caramel Vanilla Crème.
I love my Kuerig machine but it isn’t without issues. I have to futz with it at times to get it to go but I always manage to get it working again. Here was my Blog about my issues with my Kuerig machine and what I did about it. It worked!
Just the workout inspiration I needed for tomorrow! Made up my own variation last week of you’re previous one and loved it. Made it three rounds, 25, 15, 10…to split up the 50s!
I saw on your website a week or so ago that Bed Bath & Beyond would do that!! I tried it with mine yesterday (it stopped working after about two years, I had no box or receipt!) and they took it no questions asked. I actually had a choice between a new Keurig or a BB&B gift card for the value, and opted for the giftcard since I got a Nespresso for Christmas that I love.
REALLY?? You can take your old broken Keurig to BB&B and they give you a brand new one for nothing??? I wish I had known, my B65 Elite died and I ended up getting a really great deal from Keurig on a B45 but the smaller water resevior is killing me!! 🙁 And it wasn’t free!! I have been using keurig for like 3-4 years and LOVE it so much, would never go back to anything else!
Yes!! I didn’t have a box, receipt or anything. I was so impressed!
We have a Cuisinart espresso machine we got for our wedding and it’s been great so far! Good to know about Bed, Bath & Beyond! That’s awesome they do that.
I just have a plain ol’ coffee maker, but it is purple so that makes it fun!! The 50 rep workout looks like a good one to keep for a day I want to try something new!
We have a Keurig as well as a standard coffee machine — although, after many attempts at finding a carafe that didn’t drip profusely, we ended up with a carafe-less machine. It’s great!
I usually only make coffee at home on the weekends. I use a french press. The coffee is so good I forget the minor hassle involved with grinding the beans and heating the water.
Wow, did yours come from BB&B originally or are they willing to do that no matter where you bought it? I know a couple of people who have had their Keurig die on them after just a couple years of use. Mine is still chugging along but it’s nice to know there are options if it quits.
I wish I had your strength to wake up and get my butt to the gym first thing in the morning! I swear my life would be so much better. 🙂
I thought for a second your pancake had blueberries in it but I guess its just the seeds.
I have been eyeing a Nespresso so I can make lattes in the morning but my Cuisinart coffee maker does the trick. We have a Keurig at work and its definitely easy but not my favorite.
I’m not a coffee drinker, but a good friend of mine has a Keurig and whenever I visit her, I love using her Keurig to make tea or hot chocolate! It comes out nice and piping hot in no time at all.
Is that Keurig who gave you a new coffee maker or Bed, Bath and Beyond? My cure egg has not been working right for several months either and I would love a new one!
My husband and I got a Cockapoo puppy when we were dating. I had to beg him to let us get one (he even made me sign a contract…something about I’m the sole caregiver.) Well that was four years ago, almost to date, and our (dog) son is his daddy’s boy. I once asked my husband when he fell in love with his son, and he said the second night that he fell asleep on his chest (all three pounds of him.) I told him, I knew he was your boy, when I came home one evening and there sat my husband at the table, with his son right beside him, feeding him bites of steak off his fork. They looked just like Forest Gump and little Forest sitting on that log fishing!
I have always avoided the Keurig machines because I just couldn’t justify the waste. I was thrilled to see that you can purchase refillable K-cups! I had no idea that was an option. Thanks for sharing that info, I’m going to pass it on to my friends who own the machines.
I want a Keurig SO badly! We’re registered for one right now and I’m crossing my fingers we’re lucky enough to get one! 🙂
We have that same Jura that we ordered from the Marriott Point catalog (my husband travels a ton!). I have been loving it and had NO IDEA it was that expensive. I will savor that latte even more now!
I don’t own a Keurig, but I LOVE the customer service at BB&B! That’s the kind of thing that makes me really loyal to a store. I wonder if they do the same for regular coffeepots (what I use)?
I have one of those little silver stovetop espresso makers- I prefer lattes over cups of coffee so it’s perfect for me!
I have the Mr. Coffee Keurig because I got a heck of a deal at Target. I love it and make everything from morning coffee, afternoon iced tea or iced coffee, and evening cocoas. I’ve really gotten my money’s out of this machine!
everyone is saying how great that policy is, but i would be embarrassed to return something if it broke three years later, especially without a box or receipt! if it’s not guaranteed for life, then three years is pretty good i’d say. if it broke a little over a year later, or even a year and a half, i’d say return it. but three years, i wouldn’t go there.
sorry i reread my comment, and it sounded b*tchy… i didn’t mean it like that! but i just think that after 3 years, we typically accept that something served it’s purpose. unless it’s like a dining room table that crumbled to pieces after being sat at once, or the coffee maker that was brand new out of the box and didn’t even turn on.
That’s SO great to know about BB&B! That is most definitely excellent customer service – I’m impressed! I just have a basic Mr. Coffee coffee pot that has worked great for me the last few years, but I’ve been looking into getting a Keurig lately. Are you pleased with the current model that you have? There’s so many to choose from it seems!
I’ve had my Keurig for three and a half years and still love it! I also use the refillable cups!
I don’t know why, but I am obsessed with coffee makers! It drives my husband crazy! I have a single cup Keurig and a regular coffee maker. I usually stick with my Keurig since it is just me drinking coffee in the mornings. We received a French Press for our wedding and I have yet to use it!
How amazing! I shouldn’t have thrown away my broken one : (
We also received a Keurig for our wedding. I love it and also use the refillable device (money-saver that thing!) It does the deed, but there are times i would love to wake up to one of those relatively cheap coffeemakers that brew at a set time! Like in commercials! haha. But then I’d drink the whole pot and wouldn’t be fun for anyone
YAY for a functioning coffee maker!! Praise! There is a HILARIOUS SNL skit from several months ago that mocks the Keurig 🙂
This is so great, my kuerig just took a crap. I’m sure they’re easily fixed and resold that’s how they can take them. I’m definitely trying this! Thanks!!
Loving the workout!
I am coffee obsessed. Surprisingly, I use a Mister Coffee coffee maker that I got for $5 on Black Friday a few years ago. Simple, but it does the trick!
Any reason you don’t eat the whole egg?
I have a Nespresso and a french press. I use both all the time. I used to have a Cuisinart coffeemaker but it kicked the bucket after 4 years.
That is really awesome that they do that!! Enjoy your new Keurig! I use the refillable K-cups too! They work like a champ!
Our Keurig just broke and I’ve been using a drip machine again for the past few days. I’m really loving having regular old drip coffee again. I also have a coffee grinder so I get to freshly grind my own coffee beans in the morning and it’s soooo soooo good.
I’m a Keurig user, received it as a wedding gift and love it! I do sometimes miss the smell of a big pot of coffee though!
Loving these 50 rep workouts!
I love the fact that you can the Keurig back if something is not working, I love companies like that!
I have a Keurig and love it, I also use the My K-Cup and love how I can put whatever coffee I want in there!
That’s amazing they let you trade in your Keurig! I’m a fan of old-fashioned coffee makers, but that’s mostly because I usually have 2-3 cups during the workday and I like just having to set it up once and let it stay on all morning.
I have one of the mini keurigs. It’s so convenient with 4 roommates who all have different schedules/preferences. No cold coffee, no wasting, and everyone gets their favorite flavors!
Why do you use the refillable k-cups? Are they better? I’m nervous to try them because they seem like a pain to clean!!
They’re cheaper to use in the long run, better for the environment and I love that I can fill them with my favorite flavored coffee that might not be available in traditional K-cups! They really aren’t a big pain to clean, I promise. 🙂
We just got a Keurig for Christmas and I am so obsessed. I don’t know why I waited so long to get one!
So excited for a Part Two of this workout–I really enjoyed Part One last week! It was just the right mix of challenging cardio/strength that I am currently looking for.
We use a regular 14-cup brewer during the week and on the weekend, my absolute favorite, French press!!! I have the same mug as you (except with an “S”). It was a gift from a co-worker at Christmas. Anthropolgie?
The starbucks shop is my coffee maker. Haha I seriously can never make a cup of coffee to save my life.
We have a Nespresso Pixie and milk steamer. It’s awesome :).
Yay! So glad you were able to get a new one! I’m new to Keurig but now have both a K cup machine as well as a Vue. Love them both!
Wow, now I really want a Keurig! I have a regular coffee pot and only use the machine when my parents or guest come over to the house. I think I’d drink more coffee from home if I had a Keurig being that it’s an easy clean up.
I LOVE my Keruig!! And it is perfect because I am the only coffee drinker in my home. BONUS>>>when I want coffee in the evening, I don’t have to brew a pot. THAT was the selling point for me!! Don’t forget to get the little adapter that you can fill with regular coffee. Those Kcups tend to get expensive!!
We LOVE the french press. It always seems like such a treat 🙂
I am always so impressed with BBB return policy. My grandmother talks ALL the time about how she can bring ANYTHING back to the store and they will take it back.
I got a Keruig for Christmas and it has been amazing. I absolutely love it! Though my coffee drinking habits have gone through the roof since I got it! I also have a refillable cup and I love not having to buy the k-cups – they aren’t cheap!