Luckily the sun is staying out a little longer, so we still had time to take Sadie on a long walk after work. The weather outside was gorgeous! The freezing cold seems to be gone (for now!) and we enjoyed 70-degree temperatures on our walk. I hope these temperatures stick around!
What’s the weather like where you are?
When we got home, we cooked up ravioli with broccoli and portobello mushrooms for dinner.
Of course I topped it with marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese.
Dessert was quite simple, too!
A couple of handfuls of Reese’s peanut butter chips satisfied my sweet tooth.
I’m off to watch Friday Night Lights with Ryan and Sadie. Ryan discovered this show yesterday on Netflix when he was at home sick and he’s sucked in! I fear I may be next… 😉
Free Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee
I figured you coffee lovers out there might be interested in a free sample of Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkin’ Turbo coffee.
Click here to receive your free sample in the mail.
Free Yoplait Greek Yogurt + $1 Off Chocolate Cheerios
If you live in the Southeast near a Publix grocery store, click here to receive a coupon for a free cup of Yoplait Greek yogurt and $1 off chocolate Cheerios. Yum!
I used those peanut butter chips in my banana muffins yesterday. So yummy!!
Oh my goodness isn’t the weather awesome?! It was 75 degrees here today, 0% humidity and not a cloud in the sky! LOVE ME SOME TEXAS SPRING!! 🙂 Have good night Julie!
I’m happy it was 42 degrees here today! felt like a heat wave.
Its in the 50s here and I saw people wearing shorts.. thats new england for you!
The weather has been AWESOME here in GA as well, it got up to around 73 today…but I think its supposed to rain the rest of the week, boo! Sadie is so precious, I definitely get that face from my puppy too!
Mmmm…love those pb chips! We’re having great warm weather here too!
Oh my goodness! THe weather in Texas is completely nutballz! But luckliy absolutely gorgeous today! yesterday was an absolute, excuse my french, turd floater down pour, but today was like the best day ever! It was 70 here too! I got to comehome and work from home (due to an infortunate incident at my office, see blog for details, eeeek!) I made me a spread in my backyard and worked outside for a while. LOVELY!
Hi Julie
I found your blog and now I check it almost every day. You have lots of good food ideas !! I am also newly engaged 🙂 and I’m getting married this summer.
It was cool here in Seattle today, probably in the 40’s
omg I LOVE Friday Night Lights, I found it on Netflix instant play and was hooked. I watched all 3 seasons 🙂 You will love Tim Riggins
It seems like Ryan gets sick a lot! Does he have a weak immune system? I also noticed that you never seem to get sick! Must be all that heart-pumpin exercise you do! 😉
i (knock on wood) hardly ever get sick. ryan does get sick more often than i do, but thankfully it’s usually just the runny nose/fatigue-type sickness. he’s a healthy boy most of the time, don’t you worry!
It reached the 60s yesterday and was fantastic! Oh, and FNL will totally suck you in, it is the most underrated show on TV. The new season comes back soon I think.
it was 77deg here yesterday!! we dont have Spring here…we go straight from Winter to Summer…gotta love SE Texas!
Thanks for the coupon!! And as usual your ravioli bowl looks yum yum. 🙂