We’re one week into the new year and hopefully any goals to live a healthier and more active lifestyle are still going strong! Buuuut just in case they aren’t, it is my hope that today’s post will give you a little workout motivation.
Today we’re chatting about fitness apps!
I’ve been using fitness-related apps to help inspire my workouts and motivate me in the gym for years. They’re especially handy when I’m traveling (I used the Nike Training Club app a number of times when we were in Florida last month) and I am hoping that at least one or two of the highly-rated fitness apps mentioned in this post will pop out at you. There seems to be a fitness app for everything these days and below you will find apps that cater to everything from strength training and yoga to running and bodyweight at home workouts.
Get ready to get sweaty!
8 Must Try Fitness Apps
This is, without a doubt, the fitness-related app I use most often. It’s fantastic and allows you to pick and choose the type of workout you’d like by selecting your workout goal. (Categories: Get Lean = Cardio intervals // Get Toned = Light weights with intervals // Get Strong = Increased weights // Get Focused = 15-minute workouts that target specific areas) You can then select your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and the app takes you through a workout. NTC takes care of the timing and offers video demonstrations of every exercise so you can learn proper form if a certain exercise is unfamiliar to you. I love the format of their workouts and find them fast-paced and challenging.
I downloaded this app a couple of years ago and still utilize it when I find myself in a fitness rut. It’s $2.99 but in my opinion it’s well worth it. In addition to offering workout routines and programs catered to beginners, strength-building, weight loss, glute definition and more, the app breaks down various exercises by muscle group which is my favorite! It’s easy to get in the routine of doing the same exercises for the same muscles over and over again, but this app helps you branch out and incorporate new effective exercises into your strength training routine by including a seemingly never-ending list of exercises, complete with picture demonstrations and quality form descriptions.
This interval timer app is great if you have a workout that requires you to complete an exercise for a certain amount of time. You can adjust the length of your intervals, create a customized cycle, add alerts so a sound can tell you when you’ve completed an interval and more!
The no-frills workout provided by this app doesn’t vary at all but it’s one I love to use as a “finisher” at the end of a workout. In just seven minutes, you’ll take your body through 12 high-intensity bodyweight exercises and complete each one for 30 seconds, making this app a great option for those who get bored easily!
This app is great because you can use it to take yourself through a strength, cardio, yoga or stretch workout that’s anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. The app is user-friendly and visually appealing and it provides short video demonstrations of the exercises, making it a great option for beginners.
RunKeeper is a free app that tracks runs, walks, bike rides, hikes and more using the GPS in your phone. The app also reports your pace per mile and can give you audio splits by time or distance during your workout. You can also set goals and play your music through the app.
This app features 5-10 minute targeted workouts (abs, butt, arms, etc.) and 10-30 minute full body workouts with video demos for each exercise. The workouts are easy to follow, making them a great option for beginners. The only downside is that the workouts are rather limited and can get a bit redundant after a while.
This app offers “yoga for everyone” and with 500+ five-star ratings, it’s clearly a winner. You can create your own customized practice or follow one of the 65 ready-made video classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced yogis. The app also allows you to schedule you classes to sync with your calendar to help keep you accountable!
Question of the Day
- Do you use any fitness apps to inspire your workouts? What are some of your favorites?
My favorite is definitely the Nike Training Club app! It’s the best!
I really like SWorkit! But I’m definitely going to try the 7 Minute Workout one too! Sometimes that’s about the only time I have so it would be great to just get it done 🙂
That 7 minute workout app sounds right up my alley! 🙂 You’ve been really inspiring me lately with all of the at-home workout routines and options you share. I find it easy to come up with excuses and reasons to not work out on a regular basis just because I don’t belong to a gym right now (I joined one for a day back in November and my daughter freaked out in the child care room and my mom guilt took over and we never went back, hah!). Thanks for sharing all of these awesome tips, now it’s time for me to actually implement them!!
Never tried a fitness app before ~ but…..I’m excited to try one because I used to go the hour long Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD’s but my IVF clinic has banned though. IVF patients have to take it easy and you’re not supposed to do rigorous exercise. Walking is a bit boring at times, so I need to find apps that let me stay active without going overboard. The 7 minute one might be ideal! Thanks.
I’ve used the nike app before and it’s great! I’ll definitely have to try out these as well 🙂
NTC is stil the best! I also love the foam roller app and tabata timer!
I’ve used Nike Training Club before at the gym when I don’t want to come up with my own workout. I used to use RunKeeper all the time before I got my Garmin; I still use it sometime when I don’t want to run with my Garmin (or I forgot to charge it). I’m going to look at the yoga app now!
I have never used a fitness app but these all sound great! I follow a workout from home program but have challenged myself to try yoga this year. Even though I’m following youtube videos I have been worried about being on vacation without my laptop and trying to look at a youtube video on my phone with the screen being smaller. I am certainly going to be using the yoga app you have listed above! Thank you Julie!
NTC is my favorite app too! I’ve downloaded a couple others, but I never seem to gravitate towards them as much as I do the NTC app.
I have an Apple Watch, and Apple’s fitness tracker is not my everything for my long runs. I’m trying out Nike Plus. I still like Garmin Connect the best.
The interval app is fantastic! I teach classes and use it on my iPad and it’s so nice with all the intervals and different sounds you can set!
I use NTC and the interval timer too! Also, I recently downloaded Spring and find it to be really great for workout music! I haven’t signed up for the membership, but I think it’s only a couple of dollars a month. Downloading music and making playlists seems to be a never-ending process for me, so I really like that they have tons of playlists catered to different workouts. They choose songs with beats that correspond with your workout (i.e. a particular cadence for running).
I love NTC and Sworkit. They have so much variety! The interval app is awesome for customized workouts, and I also use HIITTimer for some tabata workouts. The 7-Minute Workout is a great study break too 🙂
I will need to try that yoga app! Ballet is my thing these days along with PiYo, but sometimes you just need some good yoga stretching!
I use Blogilates app daily and it is awesome! She has a daily schedule, all videos organized by body part and has a customizable interval timer.
Love this list!! I don’t know if I’d call it a fitness app, but I really enjoy Charity Miles. It tracks the distance I run and then its’ corporate sponsors make a small donation to my selected charity (ASPCA).
I like the feeling that I’m doing good through my love of running.
Great recommendations! I have tried a few of these, but will have to try the others!
Scott loves Sworkit! He often meets me at the gym and completes something killer while I do my own thing. I never envy him. 😉
I completely agree; my favorite fitness app is definitely NTC! I also love the Nike Running + app. It’s similar to runkeeper (from what you have described) by keeping track of where you run through your phone’s GPS, it will tell you when you reach a mile mark, and you can even have it ‘cheer you on’ throughout your run as well as a handful of other fun features.
7 minute workout is the BEST!!
The Nike Training App has always been a favorite! I also like the Tone it Up app, with links to tons of their free workouts! I’m going to try out the Yoga Studio one you mentioned, maybe that will inspire me to do you more often 🙂
Totally with you! I’ve been using the Tone It Up youtube channel sporadically with you for a while, and I’ve heard that the app is just as fantastic!
First of all, great evergreen content. 😉
I love my yoga apps. I don’t feel judged when I can’t do a headstand, but I still feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and like I can a great workout that toned a variety of muscles groups. My mom will actually be writing a post on one that’s really helped her to fit in workouts when she can’t get to the gym! Anything that can help us fit fitness into the schedule is great in my book.
I’ll have to check out the NTC app. I used to take classes at the facility in Chicago before moving out to Denver, and I’m sure the app is just as fantastic!
Thanks for the tips!
XO, Jessica
I LOVE Nike Training Club! It’s so easy to use at home or while traveling. I used this in a hotel gym in Seattle this summer and it’s a great app when I want to do something other than running.
I loooooooove the NTC app. That was basically all I used last winter, when it was too cold/dark to do anything outside and I didn’t have a gym membership. I used it for strength training a bunch during marathon season, too. It’s a great one! Thanks for the yoga app suggestion – I’ve been looking for a new one!
I am training for a half and have previously done 3. I have used mapmyrun previously but wanted to see what you thought between that and runkeeper? When you have trained, do you like to use an app or do you like a running watch? I kept going back and forth with a running watch and an app. I do like that the app I can hear what my splits are and times instead of looking down at the watch. But just wanted to see what you thought.
I also do use GymBoss – which is what I use when I need timers. It is pretty good timer and works well for what I need it for!
The 21 Day Fix app is everyyyyything to me right now- I could never keep track of all these containers without it!
Oh my gosh, so happy to see this on your blog! I just switched from mostly at-home DVD workouts to going to the gym, I could SO use something like the Nike Training Club app! And I completely forgot I downloaded that yoga app and have barely used it. I love the interval timer app, that’s basically the only fitness app I use (plus Fitbit!)
I HIGHLY recommend Spitfire Athlete! It has a variety of training programs you can follow based on your goals, and all of them have the exercises performed by top female athletes/bodybuilders. Whether you’re looking for HIIT workouts or powerlifting, Spitfire has programs catered to different levels and interests that last anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. My college friends and I (now scattered around the country) love picking a program to follow together!
I literally use none lol but then again I’m not working out consistently so maybe that’s why – I think I’ll check into the at home workout ones!
Love the Nike training app! 7 minutes is good too.
Sara | Lipstick, Lattes & Lunges
I first started using Nike Training Club a couple years ago when you first mentioned it on here. I still use it a ton and love it! I definitely want to try the Yoga Studio one now.
OH, I’m definitely going to check some of these out! With a small kiddo at home, as much as I don’t always like working out at home, I don’t really have a choice most days lol. I’ve only used Nike Running + app which I really like for mapping and keeping track of my runs. It also plays your playlist through it for you. I just don’t like that it uses data while I’m out (not sure how your cell plans are in the states, but we don’t get unlimited data up here, boo!)
I use Polar Beat for heart rate that I love and Edmondo for running when not using my gps watch.
I love the Nike app, but will definitely be trying some of these others. I haven’t even heard of most of them, so thank you!
FitnessBlender is my go to app. They have hundreds of workout videos and I just love them, especially their HIIT/strength combos! They have workouts geared to all different fitness levels
Strava! Mainly tracks runs and bikes, but you can add any activity you want. Can track your run like runkeeper, but has a community base so that you can follow your friends and comment on their workouts. Very motivating!
Thank you for the app recommendations! I haven’t even heard of some of these so I am pretty excited to check them out.
I just downloaded the Nike app in anticipation of being able to workout again after I have my second baby in early March. Thanks for all your at home workouts – I have bookmarked so many to do during naptime! x
map my run! it will tell you your pace, mileage, and splits right in your ear as you are running! it also gives overall pace, elevation, etc. after you finish.
I tried NTC but thought it was boring and hated just listening to the trainers monotone voices! My favorite app is Fitness Blender’s. They do all the moves with you and they are so relatable and down to earth 🙂
I didn’t realize they had an app!! I love their YouTube videos!
Mapmyrun! Been using it for years and I love it. I have never had an issue with it being unable to map a route. So helpful for being able to keep track of your pace (says your overall time, overall pace, and split pace in your headphones at every mild) as you run, and look back on your runs over the years. You can also use it on your computer to map out runs or search for routes in your area!
Down Dog is also a great, free source of quality yoga workouts. I love the music!
I just got back into using NTC and I am loving it! Such great and effective workouts for whatever part of the body I want to target and I love that there are video demonstrations of how to do each move!
My husband turned me on to strava this past year. He’s into competitive mountain biking, but they have a running option as well. I use it for my hikes / walks / runs. I love that you can compete with everyone that uses the trails and try to beat your own (and other) times. You can give kudos to each other and encourage everyone in your group. The app also will track weekly and annual progress. It’s pretty cool!!!
Just installed sworkit and its great!
Hi Julie, which of those apps would you recommend to help guide some pregnancy workouts?
I am starting to get into a rut of doing the same thing and would love to mix it up!
Thanks in advance!
I love Grokker! They do yoga, fitness, meditation and recipes for ~15$ a month AND they release new content every day! The videos are super high quality and I can mix it up between HIIT and yoga. 🙂
I’ve never tried SworkIt but it looks like such a great app! I’ll have to add that to my list for when the weather outside isn’t great!
x Lisa
I already share 2 fitness apps with you! Looking forward to trying out your other recommendations!
The suggested fitness apps are effective if one sincerely follows it to the letter. I really could not believe that it would only take 7 minutes a day to be fit!! A must for those who always lack time!!!
I’m surprised no one has brought up Skyfit here! It’s my go-to fitness app right now, and while it isn’t free, the quality of the workouts is incredible. I’m so motivated by the music and the choice of classes – it’s really like going to a studio for a fraction of the cost.