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About Julie

My name is Julie and I am a full-time blogger, new mama, fitness enthusiast (certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor) and food fanatic (mostly healthy... but also not-so-healthy) living in North Carolina with my husband, dog and baby boy. Thank you for visiting Peanut Butter Fingers! I hope you enjoy little glimpses into my life and have fun trying the sweaty workouts I frequently share and making some of my favorite recipes along the way!


  1. Kristen says

    I’m halfway through None of This is True and I can’t stop thinking about it. Like, if I wasn’t on a deadline I’d have called out sick today to finish it.

    I really enjoyed The Other Mothers by Katherine Faulkner and ended up reading her other book, Greenwich Park, as well. Both are twisty thrillers set in London (thrillers set in London hit different!).

    I also really enjoyed Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano. It’s part of a series, and I look forward to book 2 becoming available on Libby. It’s light & funny despite being centered around an accidental murder plot. It also takes place close to where I live, which is really fun.

  2. Anne says

    Unrelated to books, but what nature Disney Plus shows have your boys enjoyed? My 9 year old son has been interested in nature shows lately, so we just watched Kingdom of the White Wolf this weekend, but I was curious what your family has liked!

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