Our weekend was a good one. It was fairly low key which, after some back-to-back busier weekends, was just what we needed. I snapped a handful of pictures to share with you guys and figured I’d upload all of them along with a sentence or two description to recap our weekend through photos!
Weekend Recap: Sentence (or Two) Per Picture
What my morning workout looks like when I wait to exercise until after all the boys are awake.
Chase completed phase test one as he works toward achieving his purple belt in martial arts!
The comfy set I’m wearing non-stop for lounging around the house, mom life, kid activities, etc.
Celebratory lunch at Chick-fil-A after Chase’s martial arts test turned into sharing a couple of frosted lemonades for the first time. In the words of Uncle Jesse, “Haaave mercy.”
Our front porch got a spring refresh! After a few years of our front porch plants dying, I bought these faux flowers last year and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. They look real enough for me, especially from the street.
Homemade triple chip chocolate chip cookies! We followed this recipe but used three different kinds of chocolate chips instead of M&Ms.
The art teacher at the big kids’ school has a “fish wall” of pictures of students with the fish they’ve caught. She told Ryder she’s been saving a spot for his fish picture right next to Chase’s photo so we had to go fishing and make it happen this weekend!
Rhett’s room was filled with all of our baby stuff after we moved and we’re slowly morphing it into a big-kid room for him. He got a big boy bed and new nightstand a couple of months ago and then yesterday we hung the pictures he picked out at HomeGoods and unrolled his new carpet. (I’m also itching to paint his walls some kind of a steely blue color but we’ll see.)
Meal prepped chicken cordon bleu casserole to reheat for dinner tonight!
Sunday morning fort building.
Post-church bike ride + dirt bike ride on Sunday afternoon. Rhett rides his dirt bike so he can keep up with Chase and Ryder on their mountain bikes and it feels like a whole new world was recently unlocked for me and Ryan because we can actually have some grown up chat time while the boys bike ahead of us these days.
The lake is still way too cold to swim but the weather this weekend was ideal for lots of sandy beach fun!
Question of the Day
Tell me about your weekend in a sentence (or three)!
Your house appears to be gorgous. Absolutely the style I like too. I think you did the design yourself. You did a fantastic job!
I read Next Level by Stacy Sims this weekend. And I thought of you with your journey (which I’m on to) for more protein, continuing to exercise, etc. etc. Her book is not thoroughly footnoted like Peter Attia’s is and I take what she writes with a grain of salt. But, I like that she is a woman whose premise is that medicine needs to stop treating women like small men because we aren’t. Our bodies, especially hormones, make us very different. And she has recommendations accordingly, which make a lot of sense to me. I don’t become dedicated to any one regime, but the book gave me some things to think about, especially with fueling around workouts. You may enjoy the book too!
Thank you for your kind words about our home, Sarah! You’re correct that we didn’t use a designer and it’s all been a fun learning experience for us selecting things we love for our home!
And thank you for the book recommendation — it sounds right up my alley!!
do you have a recipe to share for your chicken cordon bleu casserole? It looks delicious!
Hi Rachael! Yes!! Here ya go: https://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/chicken-cordon-bleu-casserole/#recipe I added a full bag of frozen broccoli (about 3 cups) to the casserole before baking for extra veggies!
Julie! I had to fast forward through the beginning of episode 4 of Paradise. Just wanted to warn you!
We watched that one last night and I was so stressed out!!