Let’s just say I welcomed my lunch break!
Today’s lunch included a turkey and cheese sandwich served with lots of veggies that I wanted to be sure to consume before my trip to Chicago.
I inhaled this meal so fast that afterward I just kind of sat there thinking, did I really just eat lunch? Note to self: Slooooow down.
Travel Stresses
Normally I am a very laid back traveler. I pack my suitcase, arrange for airport transportation ahead of time and always leave myself plenty of time at the airport to make it through security.
Today my travel stresses can be attributed to three different things:
- Trying to cram everything into a carry on bag. Now that airlines are charging $20+ to check luggage (Lame!), I am determined to get everything I need for my three-day trip into one carry on bag. This wouldn’t normally be a big deal, but it’s very challenging at the moment, as 3/4 of my carry on suitcase is full of bachelorette party gifts and décor.
- Transportation. I bought a deal through LivingSocial for cheap off-site airport parking and I’m a bit stressed about finding the lot, parking and taking a shuttle to the airport, especially after reading some sub-par reviews of the service this morning. (Ryan could drop me off tonight but can’t pick me up on Monday, in case you were wondering.)
- What to pack. Maybe I’m just having an “off” day, but when I went to pack my suitcase this morning, none of my clothes were jumping out at me. I have a handful of things I could wear, but nothing I’m particularly excited to wear. And, since it’s a bachelorette party, I was pumped to get all gussied up! Such a lame thing to complain about, but I’m sure you ladies out there can relate to this feeling! Oh, and my closet now looks like a dump heap. 🙂
I know everything will work out perfectly fine (it always does!), and I am just envisioning myself chillin’ at my flight gate, reading my new book and sippin’ on a Frappuccino, full of excitement about the amazing weekend ahead!
Chicago here I cooooome!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated today!
P.P.S. What on earth is the “mystery” flavor of Stride Mega Mystery gum? I’m going to say it’s “juicy goodness” until I can figure it out.
Are you going to be in the city or burbs? I will be out around the city all weekend, maybe Ill run into you!
city! i think we’re planning on going to sopo (sp?)… and maybe hang uppe on saturday night. 🙂 would be so fun to run into you!
Ohh the hangge uppe… always a good time haha
Hope you have a sweater packed — it’s only in the 50s here today! Supposed to get warmer as the weekend goes on.
Oh wow, you are going to have SO much fun! Don’t stress, everything always works out. And nice people work at airports (most of the time. ha)
Best of luck….love your veggie packed lunch, ps!
I always get stressed when traveling. Everything will work out though! 🙂 Have so much fun and have a safe flight! 🙂
Stride Mega Mystery = the taste of Christmas. I swear.
Don’t stress girlfriend! Think of that Frap and a good mag 🙂
WOAH! props to u if you can fit everything into a carry on!!!!!!!! i had travel brain farts-!
You’ll have a great time and I know you’ll get everything figured out. And if you forget to pack something then you have a reason to go shopping. And $20 for a checked bag isn’t too bad, so if it is easier to just check a bag, do it!
I agree with Chelsea (or at least the hubby does). I don’t eat mangos (so I wouldn’t really know), but he says that’s what the flavor is.
I’m pretty certain the Stride Mystery gum tastes like the old Fruit Stripe Gum. Mmm (:
Ohhh no, I hope our little Twitter peer-pressuring last night didn’t stress you out more! Have a great rest of your day and try to just think about all the fun you’ll have partying this weekend. It would be great to meet up with the Chicago blogger gals, but don’t stress about it (more)! Safe travels!
Have a fun trip!! 🙂 What new book are you reading now? 🙂
Don’t stress! My family and I were nervous about parking off site and taking a shuttle over to the airport, but it actually was an EXTREMELY smooth process. There was always a shuttle ready to go and we made it to the gate with plenty of time to spare. Have a blast in Chicago!! 🙂
I have no idea what that flavor is. I would agree that “juicy goodness” would suffice! Enjoy your weekend!
I think the mystery gum tastes just like a mixture of the flavors of the candy Dots. It tastes so much like it to me that I always want to just eat the gum instead of chewing it!!
Safe travels, have a fabulous weekend!!!
Have fun at the party, Julie! I can totally relate to all of your stresses, but especially the last one! I have to love what I’m wearing, especially for events like that!
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! 😀
The mystery is that its ZEBRA GUM!! : ) I don’t know about you, but I grew up loving Zebra gum (the other ones were too “spicy” for me)..whattayathink? : )
Super safe travels to you, Julie. Have a great time this weekend! 🙂
Hope you were able to get all of your traveling stresses sorted out.. have an amazing time in Chi-town!
Don’t worry–I am the exact same way about packing and it really bums me out when I don’t have anything I’m excited to wear! I’m sure once you get there, you’ll like your clothes again–or you can always go shopping! 😀
Safe travels & have a super fun time!!!
I just got back from a weekend trip to Chicago too and I was stressed about the same things! I used Fast Park & Relax (there should be one in Orlando) and their service was excellent and fee was cheap. I was nervous about having one carry-on too–I was sad I couldn’t take my perfume because of the no liquids larger than 4oz. rule. Oh TSA. Have a great trip!!
I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog because you seem so “real” to me. I know that probably sounds weird but I can totally relate to looking at your closet and not finding anything and sometimes I find myself so frustrated at that….and my boyfriend thinks I am being ridiculous! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one. :)\
Have an awesome trip!
Sounds very familiar to me! 🙂 Sometimes I can’t find anything that I really WANT to wear.
I am one of those who stresses wayyyy to much before traveling. It usually takes me a couple hours, at the least, to pack a little carry on. I don’t know what I am going to do, when I go to Israel this summer and have to pack for a whole month!!!
I know you’re gonna have a lot of fun this weekend! For us, traveling is always stressful because we’re usually flying internationally!!!! blegh! hahaha
I have never seen those little bellpeppers. you eat them whole, so i am guessing no seeds like the bigger ones? I am intrigued by this little veggie i suppose! haha have fun in chicago!
Pretrip jitters are totally normal. I’m sure you’ll have a great time this weekend though!!
I’m definitely more of a relaxed traveler. And it’s only when I have stressed-out people with me that I become a little frazzled. I think that the key to cool traveling is planning WAY in advance.
Would you be able to bring a larger 2nd bag/duffel bag to fit the extra stuff in? You could cram your purse in there while going through security!
I’m sure you’ll work out all the kinks and end up having an unforgettable trip 😉
i hate that airlines are now charging to check in luggage! a second bag i can kind of understand, but your first bag too?!?! it’s ridiculous! and now boarding takes so long b/c everyone is bringing huge carryons now and it takes forever to find space for them. it’s a nightmare!
with that vent said,
have a great weekend! whoop it up and take lots of pics!!!
You’ll find a great outfit 🙂 I have faith in you hehe!
Have a great weekend in Chicago!
ps. it is also RIDICULOUS all the extra charges that airlines try and pull…. It seems that they keep charging for things that used to be free… but at the same time, their service is declining! The food is junk 99% of the time!
Grr, isn’t it lame that airlines charge now? Although, 20$ seems to be a steal… i’ve experienced 25+, never 20! I hope you have a safe flight!!
I’d like to point out that Southwest Airlines doesn’t charge a penny for checked bags! {Yes, I work there. But it’s fact!}
Ugh, travel stress is the worst. Most of mine comes from packing for my trip- no matter how short the trip is I always get packing anxiety and when it comes time to pack, all I want to do is do anything but lol which usually means taking a nap.
But my favorite time is just what you described- sitting at the airport with a book and a coffee!
Have a wonderful trip!
Travel always stresses me out, but I’ve learned to just take it in small steps. Have fun with your friends this weekend!
I know exactly what you’re talking about with not having anything exciting to wear. I had a friend’s bachelorette party last week and it was out of town. I packed at least 6 different outfits. I went out that afternoon and bought a new dress because I was so frustrated with everything I packed! I was happy with a new dress though 🙂 I’m sure whatever you end up wearing will look great! Have fun!
I went through the exact same thing last weekend when leaving for my girl’s trip. I literally sat and stared at my closet for hours before choosing the right dress. Then, I ended up buying one anyways once I got to KC. Have a great trip!!
Sounds like you have a fun trip planned! Have a great weekend! 🙂
Whether i’m off for a weekend or month, packing always stresses me out. Ill put my hands up at being a serial overpacker, better safe than sorry, eh? 😉
You and I are having similar weekends only that I’m flying from Chicago to Minneapolis to throw a bachelorette party for one of my best friends. My carry on is full of exotic bachelorette party items and there was barely room for clothes! Good times!
Packing is never fun, although I don’t usually have the problem of not knowing what to pack. I only own a couple of bottoms and a few tops, so everything comes!