Our family was invited to Great Wolf Lodge along with a handful of other families for their media weekend and walked into a winter wonderland. (Disclosure: GWL hosted our family for the weekend but I was not compensated for this post.) The lobby was completely decked out with holiday lights and greenery and the giant roaring fire that never ceased gave the place a cozy feel despite its enormity.
We checked into our room and spent all of 10 minutes unpacking before we set out on a quick walking tour of the lodge before dinner. It became very clear very quickly that there was going to be no shortage of things for us to do during our brief stay. We practically had to drag Chase along on the tour because he was captivated by every last thing but we managed to sit down for a quick bite to eat at the media welcome dinner at the Lodge Wood Fired Grill and concluded our meal with decorate-your-own sugar cookies and s’mores.
As we left, we walked right into the Hustle and Howl dance party happening in the lobby and Chase practically sprinted into the middle of the action. It was so cute to watch him attempt the Cupid Shuffle because he was blissfully unaware of his lack of choreographic knowledge. Ryan, Ryder and I couldn’t resist joining in (I had Ryder in my baby carrier) and I loved seeing so many families let loose and just be goofy with their children.
We made it up to our room a little before 8 p.m. and Ryder was clearly ready for bed, so I hung back to nurse him and settle him in for the night while Ryan and Chase changed into their pajamas and headed back down to the lobby for story time and pictures with Santa. I had Ryder snoozing in his pack ‘n’ play by the time they returned and listening to Chase attempt to whisper everything that he just saw to me — Santa! A moose character! Snow! — was so adorable.
Our family fun got put on pause from about 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. because we admittedly had a bit of a rough night. Ryder was very restless which woke Chase up and while Chase was thankfully not cranky, he kept thinking it was morning and wanted to “help” me with Baby Ryder which got Ryder all the more awake. Couple that with Ryan having a coughing fit he couldn’t kick and I was quickly reminded why people call time away with kids “trips” and not “vacations.”
Our whole crew was awake a little after 6 a.m. and somehow the buzz around the lodge helped energize us along with some much-needed coffee. I had a media breakfast and tour of the property on the books first thing in the morning, so I said goodbye to Ryan and the boys as they were digging into doughnuts and headed off to meet up with our group.
We kicked things off with quiche and yogurt parfaits (so good!) before we learned a little bit about the lodge’s history and other locations. I had actually never heard of Great Wolf Lodge before we moved to the Charlotte area (the Concord location where we stayed is about 40 minutes from our house and people in our area seem to go all the time for staycations), and I was surprised to learn that they have nearly 20 locations.
Once we were all acquainted and our tour was complete, we had free time with our families and I met back up with Ryan and the boys and we immediately headed to the water park.
The water park is HUGE and admittedly our kids were too young to really take advantage of all the water park has to offer but Chase had a BLAST and didn’t care one bit about the giant water slides and tube slides he was too little to ride. (The Explore by Age tool on their website gives you a good idea what activities might be appropriate for children of certain ages.) We saw a lot of large families and big groups at the lodge and traveling with a whole crew of people makes a lot of sense to me since it would give parents a little more flexibility to swap watching each other’s kids so Mom and Dad could take advantage of some of the bigger, faster water slides, too.
Even though we couldn’t experience the entirety of the water park, the parts that were three-year-old friendly were perfect for Chase. He was 100 percent obsessed with the jet ski in the Cub Paw Pool and when I say he didn’t leave that thing for 45 minutes (other than for brief moments when another kid approached for a turn), I’m not lying. It was the hit of the water park for him!
We also made sure to pack some swim trunks for Ryder so he could get in on the water fun!
He was a little skeptical at first…
But quickly started kicking and splashing.
He loves bath time at home, so we had a feeling the water park would be right up his alley!
The biggest shock of the day for me was the moment when Ryan and Chase headed up to the top of the water fort tree house and Chase came down the big orange water slide all by himself.
I was surprised he was brave enough to attempt such a giant slide but he acted like it was no big thing and then asked to go ride his jet ski again. Ha!
After several hours at the water park, we were all hungry so we headed up to our room to change into dry clothes. Pizza sounded good to all of us so we ordered a large cheese pizza and a family-size salad to share and brought it up to the large sitting area outside the elevators on the fourth floor for a lunchtime family picnic. With full bellies, we were ready for our next adventure which included plenty of time at the arcade and the miniature bowling alley.
(In case you are wondering, yes, Chase is wearing slippers. One of the BEST things about Great Wolf Lodge was the casual anything-goes dress code. We saw kids and parents in holiday pajamas all day long and swimwear and cozy loungewear was the norm. I wasn’t sure what to pack so if a trip to GWL is on your radar, know that comfy and casual is the way to go!)
I loved that the arcade had a lot of decent prizes for not a lot of tickets so we we re able to walk away with a few small toys for Chase — a small whale shark and a snake — without feeling like we needed to spend hours in front of the games to win anything. Ryan and I may have had a little too much fun at the wack-a-mole game and felt our competitive sides come out a bit. I swear I am the least competitive person on the planet in most aspects of life but when it comes to games (mostly board games), I feel that fire emerge!
When we looked at the time and saw it was only 3 p.m. Ryan and I had to laugh because we felt like we had already lived 5 days in one short morning. Great Wolf Lodge is heaven for kids but man oh man it’s stimulation overload at the same time! I was shocked Chase wasn’t ready to conk out in our room but he was fired up and ready for more fun so we activated our wands and spent the rest of the afternoon on various quests thanks to Great Wolf Lodge’s MagiQuest.
Ryan and I were both unfamiliar with MagiQuest before our stay at GWL, but it’s basically one part video game, one part scavenger hunt and one part fantasy! You first choose a wand to activate and then pick your magic name and run all around the lodge searching for crystals, jewels and other odds and ends on your quest as you try to accumulate various runes. It honestly didn’t appeal to me at all at first but Ryan and Chase were all about it, so we got two wands and then quickly realized that despite Chase’s young age, he was REALLY into searching out crystals and even more into pointing his wand at various things to see if they would light up. We completed three quests that took us up and down and all around three floors of the lodge and left us totally wiped!
We headed back to our room to refuel with some snacks and relax for a bit (and catch some of the UCF game — Go Knights!!!) and about an hour later a knock on the door came from Oliver the raccoon with a special delivery of milk and cookies!
Such a sweet surprise!
The rest of our time at Great Wolf Lodge included revisiting some of our favorite activities from earlier in our stay — the Hustle and Howl dance party and story time in the lobby — before it was time for us to head home.
In case you are wondering how long it took for our boys to fall asleep in their car seats, the answer would be less than five minutes. They were wiped but clearly had the best time! Thank you so much to Great Wolf Lodge for such a memorable experience!!
Where was sadie this weekend?
She stayed with our friend Ben! They have quite the bond!
Thanks for sharing your review! There’s a GWL about 30 minutes from us and I definitely want to check it out some winter weekend when my girls are a little older! Looks like a lot of fun!
I’m sure they would love it!! It’s total kid mayhem and Chase hasn’t stopped talking about it since we left!
Wow that sounds like heaven for a pre-school aged child! I’m legit tired just reading about it as a parent though haha!
Hahahaha, I thought the exact same thing! Exhausting!! But so fun for kids.
Julie, I know you said it was fun for all ages-but at what kids’ ages would you pay to go back? Now, or would you wait til they’re a bit older? We don’t live too far from you and I’m curious when my kids and I might have the most fun with this!
Honestly, I’d totally pay to go back now! Chase was truly in heaven the whole time so, even though there were a bunch of things he was too small to do, there was PLENTY for him to do and enjoy at 3 years old. He loved the toddler part of the water park, the character experiences, the lobby activities (story time, snowing, yoga, dance parties) and even MagiQuest which I totally thought he’d be too young to enjoy but he was really into the seek-and-find aspect of the game and the fact that he could point his wand at things to light them up. However, I DO think that a little bit older is the “sweet spot” for GWL. If you’re thinking you might be one-and-done on the GWL experience, I’d probably opt to hold out until your little ones were 5+ years old to really maximize everything!
Thank you! Great feedback.
Oh man we crashed HARD when we got home!!! It was very, very fun but, yes, exhausting at the same time!!
Wow! That looks like fun for children! I love that they were all decorated for Christmas!! 🙂 I also love how Chase is wearing slippers while bowling, haha! Super cute!! Hope you are having a great Monday, Julie! Xoxo
He saw another little boy in his Christmas pajamas and slippers and was so excited when we told him he could wear his Paw Patrol slippers outside of our room. It’s the little things, right!?
What a fun weekend, Julie! We have a GWL down here in Grapevine near us and I always think it looks like so much fun!! I’ve had a few friends do staycations there just to get away and feel like they’re out in the wilderness 😉 The boys look like they had a blast!
Looks like so much fun! Also, love your white fuzzy sneakers (boots?) in the first pic – where are they from?
Mini getaways are great. I’m always surprised at how relaxed I can feel after just a weekend away. There’s a place we go to that’s only a 3 hour drive away. But it’s so different from our city that it always feels like we’re so much farther away!
My son is 12. Is he too old?
Definitely not!! There were actually big groups of teens there who seemed to be having a blast in the water park! One party of kids I would guess were 14-15ish actually rented out the water park from 9pm-midnight on Friday night and it looked like a blast!
I cannot wait until my kids are old enough to enjoy this! We live in south Charlotte and I’ve always thought GWL looks fun even for adults haha. This will definitely be in our future in a few years!
I think this place sounds great too – We actually just looked into going to a local one shortly after Christmas before New Year’s. After a quick view of their website a lot of things were extra money… $40 per family for story time, charge for milk/cookies, etc. I’m guessing since you were an invited media guest it was all free to you. I loved your review showing all the place had to offer, but it was definitely misleading that it’s all included. Perhaps you didn’t know any different, but nevertheless there’s no denying it’s an expensive getaway.
I can only speak from personal experience, but we just visited the one in Concord before Halloween, and things like storytime and such were included. They also did treat or treating for the kids, and gave away a ton of candy … without any additional charge. Now, don’t get me wrong … the costs still add up quickly haha! The snack food at the pool, the arcade, the bowling … all of that was additional cost and not cheap. But it also comes with the territory. It’s like going to any other theme park … they always get you with the extras. But I did want to share that from my experience, the dance parties, story times etc were all included. 🙂
There is a GWL about an hour from me and I’ve wanted go take my 3 year old but honestly was afraid of the crowds. Your post has swayed me though, I think we will brave it this holiday season!
Hi Julie! Have you heard of the Slumberpod? My neighbor and her mom invented it for families staying in a single hotel room (or guest room) with their babies. It’s a breatheable black-out tent that pops over the pack and play. Definitely dulls noise, too, and you can slip a white noise machine and monitor into it. Check it out! I have two boys almost exactly Chase and Ryder’s ages and it is a lifesaver for us.
That sounds amazing!!!!!! Researching now!
I went to Great Wolf lodge when I was about 12-13. We went to the Ontario, CA one and it was awesome!! My sister was 9 at the time so we were all the perfect ages for the experience. If you go to the Ontario one, you can also go to Niagara Falls since they are 10 mins apart.