We were new to North Carolina, first-time homeowners and thrilled to own a home close to a lake in a community we were quickly growing to love. I can still palpably feel the excited emotions coursing through my body as we walked through our new home and began brainstorming how we’d make this new-to-us ’90s house feel like our own.
We did our best to turn our first house into a home with furniture we had from IKEA, some odds and ends we picked up from HomeGoods and a lot of love. It quickly became our favorite place on earth. We filled it with babies and crumbs and scuff marks on the floor from a million laps around the kitchen on the boys’ Plasma Cars.
And now we’re leaving it. We’re onto the next phase of life in a home we’re thrilled to be moving into (eventually) but there’s a huge part of my heart wrapped up in the brown brick home we’ve called ours for the past eight years.
It feels strange to think I won’t ever walk down the upstairs hall to tell our big kids it’s time to stop talking and go to sleep. I won’t hear them blasting “It’s Raining Tacos” and jump-dancing above me in their room as I prepare dinner in the kitchen below. It’s crazy to think I won’t ever hear Rhett babbling his baby-talk as he plays with trains in our screened-in porch. Knowing I won’t look around the side of our house to see the boys lifting up rocks as they search for slugs and worms feels a little too permanent. Leaving the last place Sadie called her home and the house that contains so many memories of our beloved dog of 13.5 years feels conflicting and sad. I know our next home will bring new memories but today, as I get ready to say my final goodbye to our first home tomorrow, I’m leaning into the mixed emotions I feel swirling around in my chest; emotions I can only describe as beautiful heartache for a home that has meant everything to our family for so long.
Our first home was our family’s safe place. It was the perfect place to bring our babies home to after they were born. It was the most comforting place for us to return to and curl up together as we cried and experienced heartache and loss. Our first home was the place we could all go to exhale and unwind and be the truest version of ourselves. It was our family’s favorite place on earth. We’ve been blessed to call this wonderful brown brick house our home and the memories we made in our first home are memories I will carry with me always.
Congrats on your new home. I can’t wait to see it. 🙂
Awww….I wanted to cry with you just reading about it. I totally get it. I was the one who cried leaving the car dealership when we traded in our first Suburban. My husband asked why I was crying and I sobbed, “Because we brought our babies home from the hospital in that truck!” Enjoy your new home and making more great memories there!
I literally kissed the steering wheel of my last car before we got our new one! LOL! I feel ya!!!
How fun to go back and see the post from when you bought your house! (I remember reading it the first time around lol!) It must be so nice to have all these memories archived.
Homes evoke emotions that you don’t know you have. There is something so special about a sense of place. Best of luck with the moves! I can’t wait to follow along to your new home!
Closing a chapter can be so bittersweet but it is a beautiful time. Good luck with your moves! As chaotic as it may be, enjoy your summer!
Good luck on your move! It’s so hard to leave behind the place that holds so many special memories. Maybe frame a picture of this house for your new house or make a Christmas ornament from the key so you have something tangible to remember your special first home.
Beautifully written.
Would love any tips on how you provided closure for the kids saying goodbye to their first home/memories! Same boat over here! Sending you a big hug <3
Ugh, yes! I understand your feelings completely. We moved from our first home 3 years ago and it tore me up emotionally. That was the place we brought our 3 babies home, had our fist puppy, & so many other wonderful memories. It’s tough & I actually still think about that home often. I’m sure you will quickly make memories and fall in love with your new home though!
aw Julie! I’ve been a longtime reader and I remember when you and Ryan moved from Florida!! It has been so fun seeing your family grow and can’t wait to read along as you guys make memories in your new home. I was a first time home buyer right in the middle of COVID and it was an overwhelming experience but so worth it. When you sleep in your new house that first night I hope it all feels worth it to you, too oxo
Oh julie! I’ve been on this walk of life with you for 10+ years. had babies the same years. and now i’m just a little ahead of you with selling and moving. we said goodbye to our first home last fall. i cried the whole 2 hour drive to our rental, as we are also building our next home. the emotions get a little easier as time goes. “home” is truly where your family is at the time. our rental has become “home” for now. but as you will find out it will never feel like your true home. can’t wait to see the updates on your new place! it looks beautiful!
Congratulations on your new home. You and you wonderful family will make all new memories there that you will always treasure. It is always hard to say good bye to a home that has brought you so much happiness but the memories will always be strong in your heart and your mind. God bless you and your wonderful family!
I’m so excited for your family but I also completely understand how hard it is to leave a house that meant so much to you! Reading this post made me go back and look at my own blog from when we moved almost 2 years ago. I moved in as a single 25-year-old and moved out with a husband and two boys!
Bittersweet. 💔
We all know you & Ryan will do wonderfully in the new home!! 🏡 The boys too, most certainly. 🙂
There’s so much love and ❤️ kindness in your family Julie.
You are the most amazing mom. My favorite of all the blogs I read. Really and truly.
The boys will quickly adjust.
New and more wonderful memories ✨️ will follow.
It’s always okay though to reminisce. I do it all the time thinking of all the fabulous events, family and friends, just everything imaginable we experienced in our previous 2 homes.
A new journey awaits you all. ✨️
It’s gonna be just great!!! 😊
When we left our first home, I went room to room and wrote down as many memories as I could. I cried, I smiled. We left the new owners a note wishing them well and a bottle of champagne in the fridge.
On a fun twist- the most current owners are a family from my son’s class – so I’ve seen photos of them enjoying it!
My co-worker is moving from their first home this weekend too. To a new home closer to family and to welcome their new baby in!
Wishing you all a blissful and blessed move!