Well, it’s the most money I’ve spent outside of my Invisalign treatment and the time I contributed money (along with my dad) for the purchase of my car… or the time I paid for car repairs following an accident or two.
I consider car purchases/repairs a necessary expense, but what I bought today was purely for fun.
I bought… drum roll please… my first digital SLR camera.
This beautiful baby is a Nikon D3000, and I found it for a reasonable price on Amazon.com (+ no tax + free shipping!) and am excited to take picture after picture with my new toy.
Ever since Ryan’s mom let me borrow her SLR camera before Christmas I’ve been pining for my own. The image quality from my point and shoot camera from my college days just isn’t cutting it.
When I returned the amazing borrowed SLR camera to Ryan’s mom after more than a month of use (have you noticed my pictures have returned to less-than-stellar status?) , I felt an ache and longing for a wonderful camera of my own.
I shopped around, did some research and compared pricing and finally settled on this model. I hope to have it within a week! Yippee!!!
I must admit I feel a little anxious about making such a big purchase.
Are you a spender or a saver?
I am a “saver” by nature and get an antsy feeling if I spend more than $40 at any given store (yes, even my beloved grocery store).
Buying something this expensive is a big deal but I know it is something I will use daily (gotta keep the blog lookin’ pretty) and a nice camera will be wonderful throughout the wedding planning process and on our honeymoon. Heck, I hope it’s around to snap some pretty pictures of lil’ babies one day! Until then, Sadie will be my muse. 😉
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever purchased for yourself?
As for dinner, I didn’t eat dinner tonight because I’m broke and can no longer afford food.
Kidding! 😉
Dinner was an economical meal though. Ryan and I enjoyed a big ol’ helping of Monterey Pasta Company’s spinach and ricotta ravioli with marinara sauce, Parmesan cheese, portobello mushrooms, onion and broccoli.
Gahhh, I’m full!
Off to watch the last two episodes of Gossip Girl season two (with Ryan – shhh!) and dream about my new camera! Enjoy your evening, friends!
Congrats on the new camera! I was just looking at buying a new one today. I am a total saver and planner so I will have to figure out my budget before making the plunge. My most expensive purchase was my first lap top a few years ago. And then another computer last year.
Oohh your dinner looks yummy! I had pasta tonight too — Barilla Protein Plus bowtie pasta with steamed broccoli, grilled chicken, and light alfredo sauce…with a side salad of course! 😉
I’m a spender! DSLR is next on my list!
Same as Whitney, a laptop was my biggest non-essential purchase. My mom has a Cannon Rebel and I’m itching to borrow it so I can figure out which new camera to save up for.
Lucky girl! Can’t wait to see pics from your new toy!
congrats on the new baby! cant wait to see the pics you take with it! most expensive thing I have bought was my Jeep!! and love it so so so so much!
I think I like to spend some and save some 🙂
Congratulations on your new camera! I know you will really enjoy it. Your thriftiness is paying off. Now you can feel comfortable with this treat! Enjoy! xo
thanks, mama! :o) get ready for me taking even more pictures!
You are so lucky!! I totally have camera-envy right now!
yayy for the new purchase- that camera looks amazing!! you are going to really enjoy it
I got that camera for Christmas… LOVE IT!! 🙂 So much fun… and oh how my pictures have changed!!
Welcome to the Nikon D3000 family 😉
hooray!!! i’m so glad you’re enjoying it. i hope it’s amazing!
Congrats on the camera! I thought I was a saver – but $40 at the grocery store! I’m more like $100 per shop!!! (not just for me…)
I think my biggest non-essential purchase was my bike. I bought myself a real road bike last summer to complete my triathlon! Spending all that money certainly made sure I got my butt in gear to ride it.
I am definately a saver, however, I’ve found, that as my income goes up, I do loosen up a bit. Not a lot, but more than before. I still save alot though. I NEVER buy anything unless it’s on sale or clearance. I can’t even think of anything super expensive I’ve bought myself aside from vehicles. Occassionally I’ll splurge on a Juicy purse, but it’s always on sale. lol
Awesome camera! Super jealous!!! Good for you!
verrrry nice! 🙂
I’m a spender. If I have money in my pocket, it will usually get spent. I’m trying to learn to be a saver but it’s so hard!
Very jealous of your camera.
Really nice camera. I looked at that one when I was shopping around for my dslr, but it was out of my price range. Great choice! Take as many pictures in as many different light settings as possible. Good luck.