Another Wednesday, another BodyPump class!
Gosh, I just love the burn I feel during BodyPump. It kind of stinks during the class (especially during lunges), but immediately after the class is over, I’m riding the exercise endorphin high for the rest of the day.
“A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest.”
That exercise mantra (which I believe I heard from Heidi the first time) definitely applies to me. On my days away from the gym, I am generally less active the entire day. On days when I work out, I am much more energetic and go-go-go. Once my body starts moving, it’s much easier to keep the momentum going and continue movin’. Once I settle into “rest mode,” it’s so hard to break out of that state of mind.
Walk + Breakfast
Since I was already up and moving from my morning workout, taking Sadie on a walk was no big deal. Ryan and I took her on a 20-minute walk around our neighborhood before heading home for breakfast.
On today’s menu was a bagelwich!
Earlier this week when I made waffles with a dippy egg, I fried up two egg whites that I refrigerated for use later in the week. Well, later arrived today and I heated up an egg white that I then incorporated into a yummy breakfast bagelwich!
My breakfast bagelwich included a toasted cinnamon raisins bagel thin topped with muenster cheese, an egg white and veggie bacon. I debated adding raspberry jelly to kick it up a notch, but I decided against it thinking that the bagelwich would then be full of too many competing flavors.
I think I made the right decision because this meal was tasty… and portable! I’m planning to finish eating it as I head out the door to work.
The Maple Kind, Yeah
One more fun thing before I sign off for the morning…
Considering 30+ million people have already seen this video, I’m pretty sure I am way late to the game on this one, but I just had to share it with you guys in case some of you haven’t seen it yet.
My aunt and two blog readers sent me a link to this video yesterday and I probably watched it 10 times. So flippin’ funny!
I think I like this video so much because it reminds me of someone…
I lovee bagel sandwiches yours looks so amazing! Have a great day 🙂
omggg i saw that video last week and it’s SO FUNNY!!!! I’ve watched it multiple times, too!!!! It totally reminds me of something that’d be going through Happy’s mind, ahhh!
I totally agree with that mantra too! A day off working out is like a premonition that the rest of my day is going to be less active- must change that! Also my walk TO the gym is always slower than FROM the gym…I wonder why that is 🙂
I LOVE that video too =)
“The maple kind?”
“ya, and you know what I happened to it? I ATE it!”
The dog’s expression mimics the conversation sooo perfectly. And he’s soo cute
That video is so cute!! I love it! Saw that before too!
Have a beautiful day!
Sadie is the sweetest!!
Your bagelwiches always look so good! I would have added the jelly though!
I have a random question for you! Does Sadie sleep in bed with you and Ryan? My fiance and I just got a dog and he’s already sleeping in bed with us. We just can’t say no to his adorable pouty face!
My husband and I got a choc lab when she was only 6 weeks old. She slept on my pillow with me or in between us for a good 9 months until she started sleeping on her bed (which is on the floor right by our bed). She still jumps up in between us when its storming or in the am to cuddle, but we sleep much better now! I bet your dog will grow out of it!
she does… but we’ll kick her out if she’s being annoying. 🙂 or if we’re too hot in the summer.
How is the veggie bacon?? I would be kind of scared to try it.
i like it a lot! it even gets crispy in the microwave!
That bagel sandwich looks really good! I wish I could have bagel sandwiches like that in the morning. I never have enough time.
That baglewich looks so good!
I dont eat veggie bacon often, but it is delicious once in a while!
I’ve really gotten into the power of positive thinking through mantras lately, and I love that you discuss them here. I had to click over to your original mantra post so I could write down some of my favorites.
haha cute video! i face the same problem as you when making sandwiches/bagelwiches – so many amazing good toppings to choose from! your combo sounds lovely!
That bagelwich looks SO good, I wish I had bagels in my apartment.
I couldn’t agree with you more about being active keeps you wanting to stay active. This is especially true to me if I take more than two days off of exercising, I get in lazy mode.
PS: That video is hilarious
that mantra DEFINITELY applies to me too! loving the bagelwich!!!!!!!
I swear your breakfasts always inspire my dinners! ha! 🙂
Also I didn’t comment yesterday but I totally agree with Ashley’s first impression rose on the bachelorette. He seemed so genuially excited when she gave it to him! Adorable!
i thought the same thing! he seems legit.
That bagelwich does look good! 🙂
That video is too funny. I always get a kick out of “talking” animals.
Great exercise mantra! So true!
LOVE that video!! poor pooch.
That mantra is Isaac Newton’s first law of motion. And yes, it definitely stands the test of time.
I’d like to try that veggie bacon. I’m a big fan of bagel sandwiches.
hahahaha that video was amazing!I’m glad you shred because I am NOT one of the 30 mil + that have seen it
I totally agree about being less active if I don’t work out. It gives me energy so even if I am extra tired that morning, I force myself to get up because I know I’ll feel so much more energized after a workout.
i love adding jelly to my egg sandwiches- it moistens them up to sweet and savory perfection!
Can’t wait to watch that video! I could use a pick me up this morning! 😀
Your mornings always seem so cheerful!!!
I just tried posting my comment, and I’m not sure if it worked…anyway, I LOVE
I loved that video! The dog looks a little like my dog, same big ears, light brown eyes, and that nose! Makes me want to do this with my dog.
Cinnamon raisin bagel thins are AMAZING! That bagelwich looks delicious!
What’s not to love about a silly animal video??? I love the kitty ones too!
i just watched those! so cute.
So glad you liked the video! I can’t stop watching it…that and the surprised kitten one. 🙂
I can’t believe I’ve never seen that video. I was laughing so much, my dogs were just staring at me. That bagelwich looks good! I’ve never thought about eggs on the cinnamon raisin kind. May have to try!
I think that is the world’s cutest video and could also watch it over & over. I think any dog owner and lover definitely would enjoy this!
That mantra is SOOO true! Haha. On my rest day, I am SO lazy, but it feels good ’cause the rest of the week I am ‘go-go-go’!
Love your bagelwich idea!
I love eating a whole wheat English muffin with Peanut butter on one side and jam on the other, with an egg in the middle. As a peanut butter lover, I thought you might enjoy it. The combination of flavors surprisingly “jam” :).
I can’t believe I haven’t seen that video before. SO AWESOME!! I swear, I could watch animal videos on YouTube for DAYS…
Ooooh I love the idea of pre-frying eggs for use later!!! Great idea!
When I saw your workout mantra of the day (WMOTD?) my jaw literally dropped. I was JUST saying the exact same thing to my workout buddy this morning! I’ve been nursing a stress fracture for the past two months, but I have worked hard to keep my workouts intense and focused on different areas that I don’t normally focus on when I am 100% healthy. Going to the gym with a boot on my leg is HARD and not always comfortable…but I know that recovery would be so much more difficult if I wasn’t keeping myself in motion. Thanks for this great reminder! 🙂
That bagelwich looks great.. I’d never think of pairing the veggie bacon and jam..but I bet the sweet and salty are slammin
I love that video so much! When I first saw it, I showed everyone in my family.
And I’m sad I ran out of bagel thins yesterday! My breakfast was not the same.
Ah, great minds think alike 😉 I had a delicious breakfast sandwich this morning as well, Julie! My lovely boyfriend made it for me while I got ready for work!! I added raspberry jam though, I’ve started to add jam ever since I saw it pop up on your blog. Life has never been the same since 🙂
Hahah I hadn’t seen that video yet either. Too freaking cute and funny!
Well I had not seen that video and omg so hilarious!!!
Your alternative bagels are BOGO again at Publix. 🙂 More cheese/jam bagels are in your future!
I totally agree with the motion mantra! I always feel more energized for the rest of my day when I workout in the mornings!
Have a GREAT day!
That is hilarious! And I’m so behind the times I hadn’t seen it yet 🙂
Aw Sadie! 🙂
I’ve seen that video and it makes me laugh out loud every time!!
Oh I totally agree on that quote – whenever I have rest days, I am pretty lazy!!
Hey Julie! looove the dog video- soo hysterical!
not sure if you got my email the other day- but just a quick question for you- for your wedding, where did you find/buy the really cute number stamps that you stamped the tags with for the flip flops?? I went to Michael’s but could not find anything similar- love those stamps!
I really need to invest in some of those raison bagel thins, they look awesome!!