Our weekend was filled with quality time with friends and Mr. Chase. We stayed close to home for the most part, but still had fun. Here are some highlights:
- Chase Turns One Month Old
File this one under milestones that interest parents (and grandparents!) of a new baby way more than the outside world, but on Saturday, Chase officially turned one month old. He’s up three whole pounds from his birth weight (weighing in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces) which makes me so happy! I often feel like my days are dedicated to breastfeeding right now, so it’s wonderful to see it’s going somewhere and helping our little dude grow big and strong.
- Sweet Treats from Sweet Friends
On Saturday afternoon, our friends Kevin, Chandra, Melissa and Jarian came over to hang out and both couples brought sweet treats with them to share. Thanks, guys! We dug into a box of mini cupcakes from SweetCakes and a box of mini cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes and by the time everyone left, we only had two mini bundt cakes remaining. It was so nice to just hang out with some of our favorite friends and Chase did well with our visitors! You guys may remember my friend Melissa’s due date was within two-and-a-half weeks of mine… Well, she’s officially surpassed her due date and baby watch is rather intense right now. I am so, so excited for Melissa and Jarian! Baby K will be here any day!
- Remembering Mimi
When my Aunt Laurie came to visit two weeks ago, she brought a whole carload of things from my grandmother’s place along with her for my mom and I to look through. On Sunday, we spent some time going through everything and remembering Mimi. Smelling her bottles of perfume, looking through her turtle figurine collection and stumbling upon some of her favorite purses and accessories brought back wonderful memories of my grandma. Losing her so soon before Chase was born was really, really hard but remembering her through the things that made her happy this weekend brought a smile to my face.
- Long Family Walks
Ryan and I walked the farthest we’ve walked since Chase was born this weekend – almost five miles – and I felt great! Our longer walk was a great confidence booster for me since I’m hoping to get my doctor’s blessing to resume working out again soon. (Don’t worry, I’m planning to ease back into everything, be kind to myself and listen to my body. I’m considering loosely following the workout portion of Jamie Eason’s Post-Pregnancy Workout Plan since it seems safe and increases in intensity gradually, with the first workouts lasting 15 – 20 minutes.)
- Tasty Eats
This weekend was full of good food and a balanced mix of treats and healthy eats. Two highlights from the weekend pictured above included stuffed cabbage for dinner on Friday night and a crunchy peanut butter Chex mix I threw together on Sunday night when we were all feeling a bit snacky.
Question of the Morning
- Tell me about one of the highlights from your weekend!
Happy one month to chase! One highlight was babysitting my 9 month old nephew! What a cutie 🙂
Man, time is flying! Happy one month to Chase. You look great, Julie!
Happy One Month Chase!! Time is already flying by so fast!
Did you make the stuffed cabbage rolls? They look delicious!
Happy 1 month to Chase! And wow, your peanut butter chex mix looks awesome! I have a feeling/am hoping you’ll share the recipe at some p point? 🙂
Whoa, Happy one month to little Chase! He’s so cute and you are looking fabulous, momma! Glad you have had time with friends this weekend. Awesome job on that walk! I can’t wait to walk that long again, haha!
Your section about remembering Mimi made me tear up a bit. My grandmother passed from cancer when I was in kindergarten, but I have a few turtles from HER turtle collection, as well as an old bottle of her perfume from when we went through her things. I’m glad that brought you some peace, and I know Chase will feel her love as he grows up even though he didn’t meet her in person.
I love that your grandma collected turtles, too. 🙂 Whenever I see a turtle figurine, they always remind me of Mimi!
I think you should make shelves for Mimi’s turtle collection in Chase’s room. If you don’t like the color of a particular one, or all of them ~ spray paint in the answer. 🙂 Rust-Oleum 2x Painters Touch is the best. Painting the lil turtles the colors in Chase’s room would look so cute. They have so many colors too!! 🙂
Happy one month bday to Chase! 🙂
That pb chex looks awesome!
It looks like you had a great weekend filled with lots of family fun! A highlight from my weekend was going to a Renaissance Fair! It was so much fun and the weather was perfect 🙂
Happy One Month Chase! Chase is my maiden name and I think a great choice… we had it on our list for baby girl names! We took our sweet two month old, Ford to the pool for the first time!
Congrats on making it to 1 month! My little guy was 2 months yesterday and I can’t believe how fast it’s flying by!
Those milestones are huge!! Happy one month to Chase! He’s a cutie!! A highlight from my weekend was also a milestone for my little 5 month old–he started sitting up unassisted! So proud of him! It’s always so exciting to watch our little ones reach those millstones!
Aw, that is so great!! I can’t wait for Chase to be able to sit up (and have more neck control)! 🙂
That CHEX MIX (!!!) 🙂
So glad to see you guys are doing well! <3
Happy one month to Chase!
The stuffed cabbage rolls look delicious! Would you mind posting your recipe? 🙂
Hi Kelsey! We actually loosely followed this recipe from the latest issue of Cooking Light to make the stuffed cabbage: http://simmerandboil.cookinglight.com/2015/08/18/durham-hotel-andrea-reusing-stuffed-savoy-cabbage-tomato-sauce/ We skipped some of the steps (like subbing marinara for the made-from-scratch tomato sauce) and thought they were great!
Yum! Thank you…Can’t wait to try them!
My little girl will be 7 months old tomorrow and she’s cutting four teeth, so my weekend consisted of sleep deprivation and a fussy baby! Happy one month to Chase!
I hope your little girl gets some relief from the pain of teething soon and that you can get some rest! I’ve heard that time can be a beast for both baby and mama. <3
It was my birthday weeks is this weekend was filled with birthday dinners, game night and a date night. So fun.
I love looking through my grandparents stuff. I was super lucky to get a few of their thugs when they passed and it helps me remember them when I see their stuff.
Happy birthday!! LOVE game nights!
I’m sure you are super busy, but when you have time, could you consider sharing the recipe for your pb chex mix? That looks INCREDIBLE.
Also, it sounds like you had such a nice weekend! I love those weekends where I can really just “take it slow,” spend time with friends and family, and just be “pokey” with everything I do (lol!)
Hi Cassie! I actually made up the recipe on a whim and didn’t write down any measurements, but I made it with crunchy peanut butter, a little bit of butter, brown sugar and a little bit of coconut butter. It was warm and gooey so we had to eat it right away (not ideal for storing), but I’ll definitely see if I can alter I a bit so it’s share-worthy on the blog and would work better as a snack you can store and eat!
I’m sure time is just flying. I lost my grandmother this year also, shortly before we found out we were moving- it made for a lot of stress at once, but I agree thinking of happy memories does bring a smile to my face and I’m sure they are up there looking out for us 🙂
I’m so sorry about the loss of your grandmother. It really is so hard, but I agree that knowing they’re watching over us does help a bit… I know Mimi was one of the very first people to see Chase and that makes me smile. 🙂
Happy one month to Chase!! What a cute pic of you two! 🙂
I would love to try the pb chex mix! Yum!
Long walks are the best. The stuffed cabbage looks delicious.
We were just talking about Nothing Bundt Cakes at work on Friday – I think I might have to get some soon 🙂
Try the strawberry!! I had never tried that flavor until Saturday and it was SO good!
I got to see some good friends for dinner on Saturday, including one that I haven’t seen in nearly a year. It was so good to catch up and since one of them has a little baby, it’s always so good to see him too! He’s growing up so fast!
Walking is the best way to spend time with family & stay active. So glad to hear things are going well for you!
One month already! Wow!! Slow down time! I’m glad you guys were able to get out for a LONG walk! I bet the fresh air did wonders 🙂
Wow, I can’t believe he’s already a month old!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Chase is the cutest.
I traveled all the way to CA from NC on Saturday so my weekend was filled with spending time with my mom, who I only get to see a few times a year. Quality time with family & friends is the best!
Totally agree! Glad you had fun with your mom!
Ooh cabbage rolls are on my list of things to make!
Happy one month birthday Chase!!!!
I got to do a March for Babies and spend time with my goddaughter! Good week!
That’s some impressive weight gain!! Go Chase and mama! You can eat cabbage with no issues? My little one does not tolerate me eating anything like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc. I can really hardly eat any vegetables at all and she is already 4.5 months old. Every few weeks I’ll try and it always ends in a miserable time for her after nursing. She gets so gassy and uncomfortable – it is so sad! I miss a lot of my favorite veggies but definitely worth it to keep her pain free!
So far so good!! I actually feel like when I ate a lot of dairy/sugar it made his baby acne increase, but that’s been the only real response I’ve seen surface on Chase from my diet.
Happy 1 Month Chase! The stuffed cabbage looks good! Was it homemade or take-out?
Homemade! We loosely followed a recipe from Cooking Light. 🙂
I was just wondering now that Chase is a month old (time flies!) if you’ve noticed any changes in yourself since his birth? Do you find your skin, hair or nails are somehow different now? I have had multiple new moms tell me how SOMETHING about them changed after giving birth, physically, and was just wondering!
Happy one month to little Chase and the rest of his family! It’s probably bittersweet to have your grandmother’s things, but at the same time, being able to introduce Chase to them later in his life will be such a blessing.
My BFF is due in late October but we both have a feeling her little guy is going to make an early appearance into the world – her shower is schedule for late September and afterwards it’ll be all eyes on deck?
I love cabbage rolls! As a family of German heritage, they were a common meal for celebrations when I was a kid. Actually, we just hit up our favorite German restaurant here in Columbus (Schmidt’s) this weekend & we love their cabbage rolls, too.
I can’t believe Chase is one month!!! Crazy how time flies!
Happy one month to Chase! He’s so cute! My weekend was filled with working and getting things ready for my trip to Ireland in just over a week. Crazy!
Chase is adorable, as always… will you pleeeeease post the recipe for the chex mix you made?! Looks fab!
I just sort of threw it together, but I’ll try to measure everything next time to share!
What a fun weekend! I love that you have your Mimi’s things. I was just thinking about how I wanted to make stuffed cabbage, and now I REALLY want it!
Happy one-month Birthday to Chase! My daughter is about to turn 2 and I feel like that’s when we’ll finally stop counting her age in months… Kinda bittersweet, They grow up so fast!
Nice weekend here, Beautiful weather and good times with family. 🙂
Happy 1 month Chase! My grandparents always collected a turtle from every place they traveled, so now I do it too when I see them around. I’m so making that chex mix, looks amazing!
Happy one month Chase! I had a fabulous weekend- I hosted Book Club on Friday, celebrated my Birthday on Saturday with a mani/pedi and a date night out and went to prenatal yoga on Sunday and just relaxed! It was a great weekend!
One month, already!? Time flies!
Love your aqua bracelets — where from?
I got them on sale from HauteLook.com!
I can’t believe he is already one month old! That’s so exciting 🙂
Grow baby Chase grow! I love Nothing Bundt Cakes! A highlight of my weekend was bridesmaids dress shopping!
So fun!!! I love everything wedding related. 🙂
We spent a ton of time playing at the park! So much fun!
Congrats on that long walk! I can’t imagine how good it feels to just get out and be semi-active. I love Chex mix, too and always make this recipe. Thought I’d share in case you wanted to switch it up sometime. It’s always a hit wherever I take it. http://www.food.com/recipe/praline-pecan-crunch-snack-mix-141807
Chase is looking more and more cute every day! I’m glad he is healthy and growing :-). My best friend is pregnant and starting to show a baby bump! And that PB chex mix looks wayyyy too delicious, by the way! I had a pretty eventful weekend myself, I got ENGAGED!!! 🙂
I’m totally loving all this happy news coming in all directions!
This weekend was pretty eventful for us — my son turned two so it was birthday parties and family visits all weekend long. It seems impossible that he’s already this old!
Awesome to hear Chase is getting bigger on schedule, he’s so adorable 🙂
Ah, that PB Chex Mix looks awesome!
You will probably be surprised at how great you feel when you work out again!!! I worked out hard until the day I went into labor and my first spin class postpartum was the easiest class of my life. I felt so FAST!! I didn’t realize how hard it was to breathe while pregnant until I wasn’t pregnant anymore.. lol.
Your weekend sounds more relaxing than mine. I spent almost all day Saturday with my sister at the Car Dealership. I somehow traded in my crappy 2006 Kia for a 2015 Chevy Malibu. My mind is still reeling a bit from that, and it’s not totally real yet (I don’t pick it up until Friday, when I can make my first payment), but I’m enjoying planning how much fun I’ll have driving it! 🙂