This time of year I cannot help but think about the blessings in my life. I count all of you on that list and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible support and readership. Your comments and emails truly keep me going.
Since I know many of us will be stepping away from the computer over the holiday weekend, I wanted to take a moment this morning to share something with you.
I wrote this cheesy little poem (saturated with Sadie pictures, of course) to try my best to convey the gratitude I feel toward all of you and to thank you for stopping by my blog and making me smile every single day.
You are a gift.
Thank you.
Back in September 2009,
I started this blog,
I wrote stories, shared pictures,
Mostly of my dog
I didn’t think anyone would care,
I didn’t expect people to read,
But as I continued to blog,
Your support I received
Every day that I blog,
I think about all of you,
I want PBF to make you smile,
Especially when you’re feeling blue
I want to return the gift,
The gift you give to me every day,
The gift of friendship and laughter,
A gift I can never truly begin to repay
I wish I could send all of you something,
Cookies, peanut butter or at least a BIG hug,
To let you know how much you mean to me,
You fill me up with love
I am bursting with gratitude,
And hope I can convey that to you today,
Thank you for stopping by PBF,
And letting me share my life with you every day
You guys truly are the best.
Thank you.
aw this is so cute!! I’m so happy to have found your blog 🙂
You are beautiful, as is this. I know I’m just one silly little comment. But this definitely brightened my day and I thought you deserved to know. Have the Merriest of Christmases. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Julie!
Your blog is the first blog I ever read and now I keep up with every post. I truly enjoy hearing about your family , Sadie, your travels etc. but mostly you always start me off on a positive note with your positive, happy outlook on life. I was inspired to start exercising because of your blog and am all the better for it . Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and keep up the blogging- you are reaching many people in many different ways. Mary
Julie – thank you for all that you have done for us! Your blog has meant so much to me – I came across it this year and your recipes have really helped me bring more healthy variety into my meals – especially the smoothies and oatmeal. You are awesome! I hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas! I love your poem too!
You inspire me every day! Love reading about precious Sadie,your adventures and what you made for lunch. Sending hugs from California.
Merry christmas
Thank YOU Julie for such an amazing blog. Your blog inspired me to start my own. Merry Christmas!
Cute poem – I always love your blog posts! Keep it up in 2013 🙂
Love all the Sadie pics. Love your blog, I always look forward to reading your post. It makes me smile and is part of how I unwind after a long day. You keep me inspired to workout, and help me to stay positive. Thanks for sharing your life. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Thank you so much, Lori. Happy holidays to you!
You and your blog are OUR gifts! Thank you for doing what you do and inspiring so many in so many ways….. Merry Christmas!
I love the poem, it’s so sweet. 🙂 Your blog was one of the first healthy living blogs I discovered and ushered me into the crazy world of blogging, I feel like I should be thanking you! Merry Christmas, I hope you have a fantastic season with family and friends
What a sweet poem! And thank you for blogging – I discovered PBF a little over a year ago and absolutely love the positive messages and fitness motivation! Merry Christmas!
How nice, I am in love with your dog!1
Aww that is so sweet, Julie! I am such a huge fan of yours because of your humility and fabulous outlook on life! you make us smile and laugh every day! Keep up the fantastic work!! Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂
I look forward to reading your blog everyday! I love trying out your circuit workouts and I love Sadie. Merry Christmas!!
I love your poem and love love love the pics of Sadie!!
Wishing you and your entire family a very happpy holiday and the best for 2013 !!
Come visit us in NYC again !!!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
awwww what an adorable post! Your blog is actually what inspired me to make my own blog 🙂
Oh my gosh! LOVE!!! SUch a great poem, nice work 🙂 And Merry Christmas <3
I love your blog and all of those fun pictures of Sadie! You have been a source of inspiration both personally and blogonally (if that makes sense? :)) Thank you for all of your fun posts and I look forward to reading many good ones to come!
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
This just made my day. Poems and puppies make me smile. Thanks for keep on keepin’ on Julie! I’ve been a consistent reader for ~3 years and it’s one of the ones I’ve stuck with. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
That was so nice! I know I appreciate this blog, it fulfills my puppy needs as I can’t have one, and it makes me smle. I feel like I know you and I’m sure everyone else feels the same way!
Merry Christmas!
I love the poem & your super cute Sadie! I am very appreciative of this blog, I read it every day and you always seem to put a smile on my face or give me some motivation to do a fun workout 🙂 Thank you for all of those by the way, I seriously use them daily! Hope you guys have an amazing Christmas & a happy new year!
That poem is so cute and creative! Awesome job :). Have a fabulous Christmas!!
I love it 🙂 since we’re being all sappy and stuff, I wanted to let you know that I found your blog fairly recently through a friend, and it has honestly given me a new outlook on health and fitness. I know that sounds dramatic, but I recently started a new job and was having a lot of life-transitions and found myself continually making excuses to justify unhealthy habits. Your blog reminded me that being healthy can and should be fun and shouldn’t be a chore. You gave me a lot of good ideas about how to incorporate healthy living into a daily life. So thank YOU for all you’ve done. And Merry Christmas 🙂
You were the first blog I ever found and I absolutely love reading about your life. Merry Christmas Julie!!
Ohmygoodness Julie! You are so so cute. THANK YOU for sharing your life with us everyday 🙂 and have a wonderful Christmas holiday!
Too cute!!
I must say that I began reading your blog for workout ideas, and still do. Sometimes there are weeks when there isn’t much of anything, and I think about looking for a different blog. But yet I always seem to come back to yours for some reason. It truely is one of the best ones out there. Easy to navigate, and the “characters” are lovable and relatable haha!
Keep up the good work. Wishing you and your family a wonderful apocalypse, and a very Merry Christmas 🙂
I know what you mean – I really appreciate my readers, I never expected to get any! and I love the poem, especially the sadie pictures. She has the best faces!
Awe Julie that was wonderful! Thank you so much for making MY day great!! Love reading your posts 🙂 Merry Christmas!
What a sweet poem, thank YOU for sharing your life with the world and in doing so making the world shine a little bit brighter.
Merry Christmas Julie!
This is a very sweet blog post, Julie! I never really read blogs until about 2 years ago when my friend started her blog. I read it at first to support her, but then I found that I really enjoyed reading a blog! Your blog was on her favorites list, and I am so happy I found PBF. You make us happy as well. I look forward to every morning coffee break and lunch break at work to catch up with PBF. I, along with every reader I’m sure, am so glad you started PBF and for sharing your life day in and day out!
What a sweet post! I always love reading your blog, Julie! Merry Christmas!
That is so sweet, thank you for your funny, informative and inspirational blogs everyday!! my day doesn’t feel complete if I haven’t read your blog – either to find a great new recipe, product or daily picture of Sadie to make me smile. Thanks!! Have a great Christmas!!
adorable!! Thank you Julie for your upbeat attitude, love for life, and cute dog pics! Have a great holiday
Thanks for your poem. I love seeing the pictures of Sadie. She makes me smile. Thank you for inspiring me to workout, eat healthier and just take time out for myself. Oh, and I can’t forget the recipes! They are great!!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Love your blog, your positive attitude and just the fun person you are! Thank YOU!! Merry Christmas!
Love it!!
I’ve only started reading you recently, and I’m glad I found you!
Have a lovely and safe Christmas holidays!
Well thank YOU, for you! I’m glad you stuck around 🙂 I always look forward to reading your posts, and as a huge dog lover myself, I love seeing the photos of Sadie. Merry Christmas!!
haha sadie is such a nerd I want a sadie! Merry Christmas!!!! and thanks for all the yummy food ideas year round!
That is SO cute!! I love all of the Sadie pictures mixed in. Your blog was one of the first I ever read, and I remember when I emailed you about something, you actually responded right away and were so sweet. I really appreciated that and still do! 🙂 Merry Christmas to you, Julie!
Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day!
Merry Christmas!
love it 🙂 I keep reading your blog not just because you’re a great writer but also because I know there’s a truly, genuinely great person behind that writing!
LOVE the poem! No day is complete here without reading PBF and/or seeing photos of Sadie 🙂
Wonderful poem 🙂 Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside! I always look forward to your blog posts. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Julie 🙂 xo
So sweet! Thank YOU for sharing your blog with all of us! Merry Christmas! 🙂
This is so sweet of you! Merry Christmas!
Your dog is SO beautiful!!