On Sunday, a couple hours after brunch, I started to experience some cramping. This happened to me one other time many weeks ago during pregnancy right before bed and by the time I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, everything felt okay again. I just sort of figured this would be similar to my last cramping experience, but when the cramping didn’t dissipate for hours and I woke up on Monday with a continuous light cramping feeling, I started to feel a little concerned. I went about my normal work day feeling overly aware of a light cramping sensation that never let up. The cramping also seemed to migrate lower and lower which heightened my anxiety.
I started to get myself more and more worried (why I chose to consult Dr. Google when I know that will just freak me out further, I’ll never know) and eventually called my mom after work to explain how I was feeling. My mom is a nurse and asked me a handful of questions and said she thought I was fine but encouraged me to call my OB/GYN just to be safe. I spoke with a triage nurse who asked me a bunch of very thorough questions. She was so kind and calm and by the end of our call, she said she thought my cramping was likely gastrointestinal versus uterine (which she said was a good thing) and asked me to go to a local CVS or Walgreens for a quick blood pressure screening, which I did immediately. She also told me she thought my cramping could be related to dehydration and encouraged me to drink lots of water.
Once I arrived at CVS, I sat down and took my blood pressure twice before purchasing some sparkling water and calling the nurse again.
Since my blood pressure came back normal, the nurse said she wasn’t too concerned and advised me to better monitor my water intake since the cramping was likely due to dehydration, so I’ve been hydrating like crazy.
She encouraged me to call her back if cramping continued or worsened but I am already feeling much, much better today.
As I typed everything out to share with you guys this morning, I realize freaking out over light cramping may seem trivial, but I really was scared and felt very grateful for the ability to call a triage nurse who was so kind and knowledgeable and wish I just would’ve reached out to my OB/GYN sooner. I’m not sure why I let myself wait so long – probably because my cramping was rather light – but I guess part of me felt like I was being an overly paranoid pregnant woman since I have experienced more worry and anxiety during pregnancy than I ever thought I would.
Up until yesterday, part of me felt attached to our little guy, but part of me also struggled with really feeling connected to the baby boy growing in my belly. When I feel him move, there is nothing better and I am dying to meet him, but I definitely did not feel an instant bond or real connection to the baby growing inside me until yesterday.
I think it took feeling scared and overly paranoid for me to realize that I care so, so deeply for our baby boy. I want him to be safe in my belly. I want him to grow big and strong and enter this world as a healthy little newborn when the time is right for us to meet him. In looking for the silver lining in all of the anxiety I felt yesterday, I realized something rather huge: I am already falling in love with our little one. We may not have the connection I’m sure will come when I meet our baby and get to know him, but we have something. And it’s big and it’s powerful and it’s amazing.
Question of the Morning
- For the mamas out there: Did you ever struggle with excessive worry or anxiety during pregnancy? Was there anything you did that helped ease your mind and concerns?
I worried, sure, but I don’t think it was any more than the average mama with my first pregnancy. That said, around 35 weeks I had some odd feelings that I am SO glad I called my doctor about. Rather than post the details here and cause you any further worry (since it’s all in my birth story anyway), I just want to say that you should always feel comfortable calling your dr. If you’re truly worried, your dr should make time to see you. I’m glad you’re doing better. The nurse was probably right! 🙂
that was something i definitely took away from yesterday’s experience! definitely call the doctor if you’re worried — i think i just felt silly since my cramping was so light, but talking to the nurse made me feel instantly better and i won’t hesitate next time!
Ahh I can relate so closely to this in some ways.
Right before I found out I was pregnant, I had a physical and pap. The doctor called me telling me my pap was abnormal just a few days before I found out I was expecting. This was such a hard time for me! Unfortunately, I had further testing and my biopsy came back pre-cancerous:( so at this point, I have to WAIT 6 weeks after the baby is here to have the pre-cancerous cells removed. It has been so hard for me but the things that help are thinking positively, and staying in the moment. Also, not using google to search things has been huge for me. My husband made me promise him that I wouldn’t read about it. Plus, my doctor said she definitely doesn’t think it will turn cancerous in such a short period of time.
google can be a helpful or very scary tool! i think you’re smart to stay away from that right now and focus on your doctor’s positive words!! thinking of you! <3
oh my goodness you are not alone on the anxiety front! I’m a week behind you and usually just before scans I will be convinced I will discover something awful when we get there. To the point of utter floods of tears! I get the same cramping feeling you’re describing. I went for a 3.5 mile walk last night and started to ache quite a lot on one side. I’ve had it before too and I genuinely think sitting down and relaxing helps. Also, remember, you are very slim and baby needs to be around 7-8lbs when he makes his debut so he’s got to make space in there. All your muscles and ligaments will stretch and give and can be very achy. What I’ve found really helpful is talking to experienced mums (or moms!). A lady at my work has 2 babies and I mentioned the ache to her and she immediately said about the stretching of the muscles and ligaments and put my mind at ease. Also, I do think you did the right thing. There is nothing worse than sitting and worrying for an age. I think a medical professional would rather you called and asked than went for days fearing the worst. Be gentle with yourself. 🙂 love to you and bump.x
I struggled with this so much too! I tried not to get too excited during the first trimester…and then right when I started feeling the baby kick I felt such an attachment. Then at 22 weeks I got hit by a car when we were walking our dogs. It was so, so hard for me to not worry and be anxious for the rest of my pregnancy. I’m happy to report that my daughter is now 14 months and just perfect! I really hope you can enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy and know that God has a plan for you and your baby! You will be such a fabulous Mama!
i am so, so happy your daughter is happy and healthy!! <3
I’m a first time mom of a 5 1/2 month old, and I can tell you that pretty much anything you worry about is no cause for worry at all! Keep in mind all the changes your body is going through growing your amazing little guy. I felt twinges, and tightness and stretches that I had never felt before…all adjustments for the baby. What helped me is to remind myself that we live in a time with amazing medical care and so many healthy options and opportunities. Women have been doing this for ages with much less and have had healthy babies. We are all good! It helps to remember that when the baby comes too. They are tough and amazing and even a lot of things we think we “need” for them aren’t even necessary. Enjoy the ride because it’s a really fun one!
Always listen to those little feelings! Your mama instincts are kicking in and the
Nurses and OBS would always rather you check and be normal than wait and have something go wrong!! It’s too important to worry about being silly! You are already a great mama to that little boy!
Glad to hear everything is ok! Better to be cautious especially when it comes to your little one!
This is your first time being pregnant so it’s totally normal to have some fear! I’m 38 weeks with baby #2 and it’s been my experience that every time I call my OB/GYN with concern, his first question to me is “Have you experienced any abnormal discharge or bleeding?” And I almost always say no, and everything is fine. I still think of you have concerns you should call your doc. That’s what they’re there for…and if it makes you feel better, do it! You’re doing great 🙂
As a first time mom, I totally felt the same anxiety. I had a similar cramping issue and also felt ridiculous for getting anxious and I put off calling my doctor’s office. After calling and being asked to come in, both the nurse and my doctor reminded me that I know my body and if something doesn’t feel right, don’t put off calling or coming in. My child’s life is more important than my feeling silly.
Prayer and my husband’s calm got me over the big pregnancy hurdles. I also avoided Dr. Google. It WILL freak you out!
yes to this –> “both the nurse and my doctor reminded me that I know my body and if something doesn’t feel right, don’t put off calling or coming in. My child’s life is more important than my feeling silly.” thank you for commenting!!
That is very natural to feel that way, pregnancy heightens your awareness to all things, especially what is going on with your body. Unfortunately I had two miscarriages between my pregnancies so when I did become pregnant with my second, I was ultra paranoid about everything. There is nothing better than being a mommy but it is definitely a job where there will be non-stop worry. You know your body better than anyone else, so if you feel like something is wrong do not hesitate to contact your doctor. God bless 🙂
Thank you for sharing your life Julie! You and Ryan are going to be amazing parents <3
I think every mom to be goes through that at some point. I rememeber going kick counts later on in pregnancy and feeling like it had been an eternity since I last felt my baby move and that freaked me out for sure! Luckily my husband is the calm one and encouraged me to lay down, drink some super sweet juice and that got my little guy moving in no time! Hope the rest of your pregnancy easy breezy
When I was pregnant with London I worried, and stressed, over everything. We almost lost him at 14 weeks so I was sure something bad was going to happen. I almost felt too lucky if that makes sense.
My OB was amazing and encouraged me to call, or come in, no matter what the issue was. He would always says worrying isn’t good for you or the baby so he would rather take a few minutes and put my mind at ease.
I drank a lot of OJ to get him moving on days I thought I couldn’t feel him haha!
You’re already a great mommy. Trust your gut mama xxx
I’m 13 weeks and I still struggle with worry every time I throw up too hard to cough too hard! I just want the baby to be ok! It’s nerve wracking, and my husband doesn’t quite “get it” 🙂
throw up too hard or cough too hard***
I think it’s abnormal NOT to be anxious, especially in the first couple trimesters. I know I was! I definitely called the doctor (after hours even!) during at least one occasion when I felt cramping as well. From what I’ve read, it’s usually “round ligament pain” and you will continue to feel it. My crampy feeling was quite low down. I know it’s hard to really do this, but just try to relax and enjoy the pregnancy…Your baby boy will be here before you know it! My little guy is now 7 months old and I can’t imagine life without him 🙂
I had so much anxiety during the first and second trimesters! It did finally abate in the third trimester, but then re-surfaced horribly postpartum. Taking time to journal through it and read my devotional/Bible helped a ton. So did working out (esp postpartum).
Oh wow, I can totally relate to this post. I’m 30 weeks and recently felt just terrible. After a quick phone call to my midwife, she decided it was probably a quick stomach bug. Lots of water and some Gatorade, I felt so much better. It’s amazing what a quick phone call and hydration can do!
Over the course of my pregnancy I probably called in to the triage nurse 8 or so times (not feeling baby move is one of the scariest things, and I called in often for that, ugh!). There was a time I fell down some stairs at 33 weeks late at night over a weekend — and because I was told by the triage nurse all those times before to not worry, go eat a sugar bomb and see if baby wakes up … this too shall pass.., I didn’t think it was a problem. With my fall, I landed on my side and never got any cramping and could still feel baby move like normal – all things I had been told to keep my eye on. I also had a checkup in a day and a half so I figured I’d jut let them know what had happened then. Well, when I got to my checkup the doctor was like “you should definitely have called us and come in over the weekend when you fell.” Go figure. They sent me for bloodword and everything ended up being fine, but now I know to always trust my momma instinct and never be afraid to be the momma who cries wolf. Better to be safe than sorry!
I am glad everything was okay!
Pregnancy changed me because the second I became pregnant, the anxiety set in. And unfortunately 3.5 years after my son was born, not much has changed 🙁 I couldn’t wait to get him out of my belly but quickly realized that he wasn’t any safer on dry land! I’m still learning how to deal with it without the use of meds. At the end of the day, he’s worth it. But I’m forever changed I think!
My little guy is almost 5 months now (he is my first) and I experienced the same anxiety you are feeling. Me and my triage nurse became BFFs by the time it was all said and done. I felt like there was something wrong with me because I did not feel an instant connection with my little guy. Everyone talked about pregnancy being rainbows and butterflies and I did not feel that way at all. It took me a few months to grasp the fact that a little tiny human was in my belly. But once he was born (I know you have probably heard this all before) I experienced that instant connection and the rainbows and butterflies that everyone had once told me about. Hang in there, the anxiety may never go away but just know that you are doing everything you can to make sure he is healthy and happy and that is all that matters.
Anxiety in waves was the complete norm for me and so may of the moms I spent time with during pregnancy and after. One thing that GREATLY helped was finding a pre-natal yoga group. We practiced once a week and the first 30-45 min were just talking about where we were, then we would move into gentle flow for an hour. Since we were all at different stages of pregnancy, you could see what lay ahead and then you would magically be that more advanced mama to someone new. Our group continues to practice post-natal and we get our babes together for walks and yoga. Now that we are months out, we are doing a group 5K as a fitness activity. It was essential to have this community that we could reality check with instead of googling. Such wisdom in other women at the same stage of life!
You are not along on the anxiety front! I struggled with intense anxiety all throughout my pregnancy. To the point where it was hard for me to enjoy it. I couldn’t sleep, I was too paranoid to work out, I was nervous about what I ate, I didn’t want to buy anything for the baby… I learned to enjoy and love pregnancy but the anxiety never really went away. The thing that helped me the most was to look at my ultrasound pictures and listen to the recording of his heart beat. And to remember that you’re anxious and nervous BECAUSE you love your baby so much. It’s a different kind of love so it’s hard to recognize. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be nervous. You’re an amazing momma already!
Thank you, Claire <3
With my second boy I ended up having gestational diabetes, and worried about that the entire time. We are healthy eaters, always active, and I’m not sure why I ended up having it, but I did. It caused a lot of worry for me at first, but ended up being a blessing… I was even more intuitive with my body, and felt that maternal protectiveness much earlier than I did with my first.
This post is really sweet. I think it was somewhere between 20-30 weeks with both of my pregnancies that I really started feeling like a mom, and it’s obvious that you are too. The transformation you take from woman to mom is so incredibly powerful, and you start feeling emotions that you just didn’t know existed before. Your little man is so lucky to have a mama that is worrying about him and keeping him healthy. <3
With my first pregnancy I stressed about absolutely everything. Every cramp, the tiniest bit of spotting, every time I couldn’t feel him moving…I was a bit crazy. I started to feel a lot better after 24 weeks though, because if anything went wrong that’s the age where he’d actually have a chance after an early delivery. It doesn’t really help that I was hyper aware of everything with my first pregnancy, so even normal things seemed like a really big deal. My husband was really great at calming me down and helping me keep everything in perspective, but I was a mess most of my pregnancy. It does get better the second time around though — at least it did for me. My toddler kept me so busy that I barely had time to remember I was pregnant, so I just forgot to stress.
I know exactly how you feel! I’ve occasionally had cramping that I have realized later was probably related to GI, but a week or two ago was anxious about movement. I know baby’s have their lazy days, plus the position of my placenta can make movement more difficult to feel. But I waited almost a week to call bc I felt I was just being paranoid (and everything I thought about calling, I’d feel him move). It was amazing how just calling my OB made me feel so at ease even though I knew deep down it was normal. With pregnancy, it’s better safe than sorry. And there is probably always someone out there more paranoid than you 😉
During my first pregnancy I did worry, and being able to call my dr. helped. Don’t feel silly calling them they have probably heard every question that you could think of. Since I am prediabetic I had to have bi weekly monitoring done and I would freak a little if I didn’t feel him move, much to my relief he was fine just not a very active baby. I wish I could have asked my mom more, but she didn’t have us, (I am adopted) she really couldn’t answer much for me.
The exact same thing happened to me in my mid 20-something weeks! I left work thinking it could be something serious but after consulting the internet, found I might be dehydrated. I laid in bed and chugged sparkling water like it was my JOB and felt way better an hour or so later! Crisis averted
It is so hard not to be anxious (I think at least) as a first time mom! It’s so hard because you want to be excited all the time but at the same time it’s so scary because something could happen at any time. I felt like I had a ton of anxiety in the first trimester and I’ve definitely felt a lot less now that I’m almost at the end of the second. Now I’m just starting to stress about actual labor 🙂 haha. Thinking of you and your little guy! <3
I don’t have kids, but I could only imagine how nervous you must be – and I know every mom I know experienced that! Glad today is going better for you!
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I love your bump! And I’m so so glad everything was okay!
Thank you for sharing these feelings! I also had a lot of anxiety during my pregnancy that sometimes I would bring myself to tears! It’s hard to relax but know you’re not alone.
I worry about my pregnancy SO much all the time. I have cramping every day and when it first started I flipped out and went to the doctor. Same with spotting, went straight to the hospital. I feel like it is impossible not to worry and stress, which of course everyone says is bad for the baby which makes me stress more! I like to think that worrying about your little one shows how much you care and love the little chickpea. Maybe second pregnancies cause less worry?!
oh my gosh, yes! I was worried about everything. No one talks about the anxiety, but it’s crazy! I wrote this toastmasters speech last year: http://silvercpu.com/?p=4584 at around 20 weeks. Pretty much sums up everything going through my head during the first half of y pregnancy. It got much better. Well, until my friend miscarried, I was a complete wreck for about a week, but otherwise, the anxiety gets better. Especially when you reach the point where the baby is likely to survive out of the womb. Then after I gave birth I heard a nightmare of a story that I won’t share with you because that’s how bad it is, but I will say, never feel silly for calling the doctor. Really. Even if you just feel something isn’t right. Better safe than sorry.
Sparking water can actually sometimes dehydrate you (Google it! :)) so you might want to alternate between still and sparkling if you’re dehydrated. I only say this because I LOVE LaCroix and my doc called me out for it. Not judging! Cute pic!
just think how healthy YOU are, how many women carry healthy babies, and just try and stay positive…. maybe not the greatest advice but that’s all i’ve got! call your momma and/or sister or friends when you’re worrying to help put your mind at ease. and know how many people are thinking/prayer for you! xo
Glad everything turned out ok! Hydrating during pregnancy gets me every time. With my first I started carrying a bottle around during the day with hash marks so I knew how much I was or wasn’t drinking. I’m 8 weeks along with my second and I’m already falling behind in the hydration department. When you’re busy or nauseated it’s so hard to make yourself drink that water but it can make all the difference in how you feel.
I am naturally a very anxious person. When I found out I was pregnant that just kicked into overdrive. To the point that I thought my stress level may hurt the baby…making me doubly stressed. Lots of prayers and knowing that God is in control is all that helps me.
I will keep you and baby boy in my prayers!
I had my first child almost 8 years ago and barely worried, it was uncharacteristic of a first pregnancy, but looking back on it, I was naïve. I recently had another baby (She is 7 months old) and this time around I worried nonstop. I am much older and I think I just know more. I have had 2 miscarriages and know many friends who have experienced issues, so I think that didn’t help. In the end, I just tried to relax, trust my Dr. and focus on other things. I still worried, but I knew anything that would happen was out of my control.
I did want to mention that it’s totally fine to not feel that bond when the baby is still growing inside you, or even when he/she comes out. I didn’t feel bonded to either baby in utero and honestly, after they were born it took time to feel that bond and overwhelming feeling of love everyone talks about. Don’t feel that there is anything wrong with you if you don’t experience it right away. There is so much pressure on new m0oms. Don’t put more on yourself.
I think there are 2 types of anxiety here: the anxiety of the unknown (first time mom), and then the anxiety of loosing someone/something and in that moment evaluating or become aware of who much it means to you. I think the second one is not all that bad, because it makes our bond grow so much stronger and be so much more appreciative. It also wipes out any complain-ey, nonchalant or second-guessing attitude we might have had.
Glad you are feeling better. You will be a great mom!
I can’t imagine what it feels like, but I wouldn’t felt the same way about the cramping and it’s always better to be cautious. That’s so exciting you are feeling more connected to the little guy and I’m sure that will only increase as the due date gets closer!
It’s totally normal to be worried about your baby. In fact, you’ll spend the rest of your life worrying about your son. I worry about my daughter a lot. What has really helped me though, has been to really trust God to watch over and protect her. I know I won’t always be able to, but I feel so much peace knowing that her heavenly father watches over her and protects her in ways I can not. I know that he loves her even more than I do and that he is always with her.
I don’t have kids, so obviously I’ve never been pregnant, but I’ve struggled mightily with anxiety for most of my life, and health anxiety in particular over the past two years or so. I’ve found myself at 1:30 a.m. sitting in bed, furiously Googling all my symptoms and absolutely FREAKING THE EFF OUT that I’m 1) dying 2) suffering from an injury that will force me to stop running forever or 3) both of the above. If there’s anything that has NOT been helpful, it’s spending time on Google. Whether you go to WedMD or Mayo or the National Institute of Health or whatever, it’s always, always going to convince you of the worst, in my experience. What doesn’t do that, however, is being in touch with my doctor. Obviously I’m not in nearly as delicate of a situation as you (potential stress fractures are NOT the same as pregnancy!), but just knowing I have someone levelheaded and knowledgeable to go to has been really helpful for me. That’s why they’re there! I’m sure any question you have for your doctor and/or nurses is something they’ve heard from hundreds of women before you — with something like cramping, I’ve bet they’ve probably heard it from multiple women in that day alone. When I do end up on Google (which happens more often than I’d like it to), I try to Google things productively — I like to do a Google Image search for anatomy diagrams rather than Googling symptoms, because then I can see what’s inside my body and get a better idea of what muscles/bones/organs are in the area where I’m experiencing pain or discomfort, and I’ve found that that can be really reassuring sometimes. I’ve also found that knowledge can be a great way to combat anxiety in general. For me at least, anxiety almost always stems from a lack of knowledge and the fear that that brings. Knowing facts–facts about my body, facts about anatomy, facts about the weather (I have a lot of trouble with thunderstorms)–helps immensely, because when Anxiety Bethany starts to take over, Rational Bethany can at least try to step in and be like, “All right, Anxiety Bethany. Let’s be realistic here, shall we?” For health anxiety in particular, reading this forum: http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?board=6.0 has been a lifesaver for me. I don’t post there, but just reading through people who can relate to health anxiety has helped me out a ton. They have a billion resources for helping to combat health anxiety as well. Since I’m not pregnant, I’ve never looked around to find if they have pregnancy anxiety-specific resources, but in my experience, that forum is one of the few places on the Internet where you can expect to find rational, levelheaded people who aren’t posting about their one weird worst case scenario experience, but rather work to bring you down from your panic.
Best of luck to you! I know all too well how miserable it can be living with anxiety, and I’m glad you were able to find a silver lining out of your experiences from the past few days 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing, Bethany!! I really, really appreciate appreciate it!
I worried so much! I was afraid that everything bad that could happen, would happen. I just didn’t believe that I could be so lucky to have a healthy pregnancy when so many women I knew (through blogs and in real life) had had so many issues. But nothing bad happened! I had a completely healthy pregnancy and aside from nausea and terrible round ligament pain, nothing big happened. I’m so glad you have the support system to help calm your worries and fears – you know your body and you should never feel hesitant to call. I can’t wait for you to experience motherhood outside the womb. I thought I felt connected to my baby when I was pregnant but I couldn’t have known how deep that connection would be when my son was born and placed on my chest. He’s 10 weeks old now and I honestly can’t believe how much I love him. It’s the best ever!
My Dr forbid me to google anything when I was pregnant, haha! Too many crazy things on the internet and you end up reading things you didn’t even know we’re possible and add those to the “worry list”! I struggle with anxiety anyway, but pregnancy definitely takes it up a notch! I find with anxiety it’s a huge help to just get outside or get out of the house and work on not letting my thoughts run wild with “what ifs”! Anxiety thrives when you’re alone so being around other people can really help. But I think calling the Dr first was a smart move! 🙂
It was such a relief to read this. I am currently 18 weeks, and have struggled with severe anxiety my entire pregnancy, often leaving me feeling disconnected at best and terrified at worst. You are def. not alone in these thoughts and fears….and tendency to google. One thing I have gotten more comfortable with, which has helped, is calling my doctor’s office if I am genuinely concerned about something….they don’t mind and getting an expert opinion always helps calm my anxiety.
Yes! I feel for you, Sara!! And I think you’re so right about calling the doctor — the triage nurse I spoke to on the phone was so kind and didn’t act like I was the least bit crazy for calling. I definitely will not hesitate to call if I feel concerned again in the future.
I had all the same anxiety issues. It’s so hard to know what’s ‘normal’ with these first babies! For me it got easier the further along i got. The movements get stronger and stronger, then when you feel it’s a low movement day, you can eat or have some pop and the movements will start back up. It’s so reassuring to me.
Over the weekend i caught a stomach bug that totally freaked me out. I, like you, debated calling the dr b/c what can you really do for a stomach bug. So glad i called. they had me go to triage for IVs and to monitor the baby for a few hours. He was fine through it all, just not moving around as much. just seeing his heart beat on the monitor was such a relief!! you better believe this little guy sure is making up for that day of little movement…he won’t stop now 🙂 as rough as the movements are when he’s getting bigger it’s such a relive that he’s ok in there after our long weekend.
Hey Julie
I’m 13 weeks along and totally relate. We just told our family, friends and co-workers and now that everyone knows i’m suddenly convinced something terrible is going to happen. It’s so hard to wait weeks between doctor’s appointments and seeing the little critter!
Anyway, my sister always says, it’s just something you have to let go, it’s not going to be in your control and that’s how it’s going to go when the kid is a kid too, You can only do so much as a parent and just hope and think the best.
Oh my gosh, the worrying…YES. x84378493784. I think it’s totally normal, especially for a first pregnancy. Everything is so new! You’re doing a great job, mama. That little babe is going to be one lucky boy! 😉
(P.S. – text me the next time you’re feeling anxious, lady!) xoxo
You are not alone on the anxiety wagon of pregnancy. It does take being completely scared of your health to realize that your world has suddenly become so much bigger than just you (and Sadie and Ryan!). I remember sobbing to my OB nurse bc I had all this dental work done and was so scared for the baby’s health. Stay hydrated, call the nurse whenever about anything, bc they ALWAYS make you feel better. You are so happy and healthy, so try to stay relaxed as much as possible. You will miss each kick and every week your baby grows closer and closer to your heart (literally and figuratively). Love your blog- makes me realize we are not alone with mommy anxiety. Enjoy your growing miracle!!
I had HG (Hyperemesis Gavidarum) during the first 1/2 of my pregnancy and I was definitely worried that it would all be for nothing. After a trip the ER and upping zofran and altering my prenatal vitamins I was feeling a lot better. Now I am in week 34 and ready for my little girl to be here!