I have a lot to learn!
The class lasted three hours and the teacher spoke quickly to make sure he had time to cover the function of all of the buttons on our Nikon D3000 cameras. After taking four pages of notes, it’s clear that I need to study up and practice. I think snapping picture after picture in different modes will prove the most beneficial.
Some of you expressed interest in a post dedicated to beginner’s photography. Since I am clearly a beginner, I would love to create this post once I feel a little more comfortable behind the camera. I think a simple “how to” post covering basics like “this is what the ‘S’ mode means” could be a great starting point for those of you out there who feel as clueless as I do when it comes to pictures.
If you’re anxious to get started, The Pioneer Woman has a whole section of her amazing website dedicated to photography. She even has some tutorials that I’m sure would be very helpful if you’re a good online learner. (I personally need a classroom setting. I dropped the only online class I took in college during the first day of add/drop week because apparently I need a teacher in front of me to absorb anything.)
Attending the photography class last night also gave me a new respect for those of you out there who work full-time and also attend school at night. That little duo requires a whole lot of sitting (I started to get so antsy by 8:30 p.m.!), not to mention brainpower and constant concentration. You are to be commended.
This morning I woke up with one thing on my brain.
One benefit about having a workout log saved on this blog is that I am able to look back and observe patterns and holes in my exercise regimen. A big, gaping hole lately has been a lack of stretching and yoga.
The last time I took a yoga class was on November 21 when I had an all-too advanced experience at a real yoga studio. I guess that detered me from yoga for a while, huh?
Well, today I got back on the mat.
Holy tight hamstrings!
My legs were shaking in several of the poses due to my extreme inflexibility. It’s somethin’ to work on, that’s for sure.
Walk + Breakfast
After yoga and 15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, I headed home with Ryan to take Sadie on a walk.
Sadie seemed to enjoy her usual stroll around the lake quite a bit. There were lots of squirrels out to stalk this morning!
Once we arrived home, I popped a whole wheat bagel thin in the toaster to get started on breakfast.
After topping it with peanut butter, frozen banana slices and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, it was time to dig in.
A lil’ bit o’ spice is where it’s at!
I smooshed the two halves together to make a thick breakfast sandwich that was bursting with a nutty, sweet flavor.
In other news, today is a very special day for the furry member of my little family (Sadie, not Ryan) 😉 ).
Laugh Attack
And now a couple of links to hopefully make you laugh…
That photography class sounds like so much fun! Yoga’s been missing in my life, too the last few weeks. I need to change that 🙂
Can’t wait to hear more about your classes! I also just got a D3000 and still have to learn how to use it.
Happy Birthday Sadie!!!!! 🙂
I think a beginner’s post is a GREAT idea! I definitely do not know as much about a camera as I’d like to!
I love your Sadie pictures! She has bat wings in the hugs picture 🙂 So cute!
Happy biiiirthday toooo Sadieeee…! Are you getting her some cake?
Skinny Dip here has DOGGY to go bowls. I see lots of doggy birthdays in my future…
January babies are the best babies!
P.S. did you see MY new baby? If you go by the date I got her (her real birthday is November), she and Sadie would be almost-birthday buddies!
A photography class…nice! I definitely need some help in that arena.
Breakfast looks yummy!
The class sounds like a total blast! I would love to get back into photography…took a few classes in college, and honestly one of my favorite parts was using the darkroom. There is something so powerful (aaand expensive…) about developing your own photos!
I’ve been thinking about taking a photography class too…I haven’t been successful at teaching myself on my new camera so far and I think a classroom setting would be best for me too!
happy birthday to miss sadie!! and that breakfast looks delicious to me….I need pb nowww! 🙂
The class sounds like a blast! I would love to take up photography again…took a few classes in college, and one of my favorite parts was the dark room. There is something so empowering (aaand expensive…) about developing your own photos!
Oh my goodness, I don’t know why, but I find that picture of Sadie- “I want a hug” picture to be HILARIOUS!! She is looking at you like ‘what the heck is going on here?!’ haha 😀
& Happy Birthday to little Miss Sadie! I hope she gets a McDonalds hamburger…I’m sure that’s what she’s dreaming of 😉
that burger is in her future… 🙂
Happy Birthday Sadie girl!!
Aw, Sadie and I share a birthday! Happy Birthday to Us!
happy birthday, jenn!
Happy birthday Sadie!! I swear, I’ve fallen in love with viszlas through her. It’s one of the breeds my parents are considering adopting, but I’ve done some research and it seems that because they’re a less-common breed than labs, rescues are hard to come by 🙁
I NEED to learn my camera too. Gah. Too many switches and stuff.
Woofy woofwoof woof woof Sadie! (Translation: Happy Birthday to you Sadie!)
Happy Birthday Sadie!
I’ve really been making an effort to practice yoga every other day. It helps so much in regards to strength and stretching! Glad you’re learning a lot in your photography class – what fun!
Happy brffday Sadie! Love, Koda
Happy Birthday Sadie!! Our puppy’s birthday is Saturday. She’s turning one! We have lots of fun stuff planned for her.
Happy birthday Sadie!
It looks like you have the same yoga routine as I do: go for a while, slack off a bit, go back and realize you’re still super inflexible 😉
I cant wait to see the photography post! Even though I don’t have a fancy camera, I am interested in reading about what you learned!
So I finally caved today and followed your lead to become a morning gym person. I will say that its nice to know that once work is done for the day, I can just relax. Hopefully when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning I can remind myself how happy I was after I finished my workout!
Aw! Happy Birthday Sadie! 🙂
I think you should show some cute pictures of puppy Sadie again.
Happy, Happy Birthday Sadie!!!!! I think we need some more Sadie pictures ! 🙂
ask and you shall receive… 😉
Happy Birthday Sadie!!! 🙂 The photography class sounds great and overwhelming at the same time. I can’t wait to read all about it! Your breakfast looks great by the way!
Happy Birthday to Sadie!!! and WOW congrats on going to a photog class- looks intense!! I AM SO INFLEXIBLE TOO!! i try to do yoga an di feel like such a failure!
Happy Bday Sadie!!!! I wish it wasn’t in the negatives so I could take my pup for a walk-I love using our walks as my cool down post workout!
Have a great day!!!!
Happy Birthday Sadie!
It would be so much fun to take a photography class!!! And yeah, no doubt there’s a TON to learn!
Happy Birthday to your girly!! 🙂
Good luck on your photo classes! I am new to the whole blogging and photography thing. I just have a little Nikon and every time I take a picture of my food my boyfriend says “we need to get you a camera that shoots in low light.” I’m giving it a little time though to see how my blogging goes=) and Happy Puppy Birthday to Sadie!
Hi Julie! I read your blog quite frequently, and enjoy all your posts…even the Sadie ones! 🙂
When I read your post today, I thought would share a new website that is all about photography. It was just released at the beginning of this week, but every 1st of the month they will be promoting photography across the globe, including tips and hints to improve our own photography. Their website explains more, but it seems pretty awesome…and the best part is it’s free! 🙂
Just thought I would share….Thanks!
Happy Birthday Sadie!!!
I’m hoping to take a photography class too! I spent an evening with my wedding photographers to learn some basics (F-stops, AV mode, etc.), but I’m dying to learn more. I’d say that best way though is to just keep snapping photos. Change the settings all around and see what they do.
Happy Birthday Sadie!!!!
I woke up thinking “yoga” this morning too! It’s a rest day of my 5k training program today so it works out well that I can do some yoga tonight.
I planned to have a similar brekkie tomorrow…it’s more like a stuffed french toast tho..but around the same thing. 🙂
Good luck with your photo classes!!! I’ll certainly be following your beginner posts…right now i just pretty much point and click..and adjust the flash. im a mess.
I just ate breakfast but that sandwich is calling my name! I live how you use sandwich thins for everything! How many do you guys go through a week?
i’m really not sure! i stock up when they’re buy-on-get-one-free at my local grocery store, so we always have some on hand in the freezer.
Sadie does NOT look happy in that pic with Ryan….lol
And I could eat that breakfast everyday. It’s a great balance of carbs/protein/fat AND deliciousness!
That’s awesome that your taking a photography class! WHat a great idea. I think I should probably do the same after I save up to get a new camera. How did you go about looking for classes? I would even know where to begin!
i went to the local camera repair store and asked about reputable photography classes. they had a whole notecard full of ’em!
Yay glad you are trying yoga again!
Woohoo for yoga! I’m working on my extreme inflexibility too! 😛
Happy Birthday Sadie!! 😀
Your breakfast looks a lot like my favorite (I eat it almost every day!): a toasted whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter and nana slices. Yum! Sometimes I spread PB and strawberry preserves on the toasted english muffins. It’s like a warm gooey PB&J.
Happy birthday to Sadie!
I think Sadie deserves an ENTIRE dedication post for her Birthday 😉 JUST sayin!
Glad you learned so much lastnight! 😀 That’s amazing and yes, night classes make you wanna twiddle your thumbs a lot, don’t they? Haha. No matter how interesting the material, sitting at your day job THEN a class must really be irritating, I can’t even imagne, yikes!
I would loooove for you to do a tutorial on everything you’re learning about your camera. Thanks for putting that topic on the radar!
And yes, I agree, online classes are at times hard. I’m currently pursuing my Masters in Public Health from UNC-Chapel Hill in an online degree format… taking 1-2 classes a semester and it’s all done at night and on weekends! It sure does take a lot of dedication and self-discipline, but it’s worth it.
Also, Happy does the same thing as Sadie with pictures! She hardly ever stares the camera in the face! She wants to just look around, roll around… jump around…. I think it’s because our dogs have so much energy, ha!
oh, and of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SADIE!!!! (that’s from both me AND Happy)
Happy b-day Sadie! Pioneer Woman is a Goddess! I love her too. I was thinking about getting that exact camera. I can’t wait to see all of the beautiful pics to come.
haha the invisible cats is hilarious! I should show the vball one to some of my girls, the cat has better form than they do! Can’t wait to see the camera post.
the links are so funny! and that class sounds great. 🙂 can’t wait to get more tips!
That class sounds like it was great!!!!!!!! I wish that I could take a photography class here….
I don’t think I could sit another 3 hours after work. I would be SO antsy and checking the clock every other minute! How old is Sadie today?
Sadie!!! and!! my!! daddy!!! have!! the!! same!! Birthday!!! 🙂
How awesome is that!
Happy birthday to little miss Sadie!!