Over the weekend we reached a new level of ridiculous with Sadie. You guys know by now that Ryan and I are crazy dog owners who are all too obsessed with our pup. Well, we did something with Sadie this weekend that may just take the cake and surpass everything else we’ve done to baby our favorite furry lady.
Let me set the scene: It was another rainy and dreary weekend in Charlotte. Though the sun decided to hide all weekend, the rain let up on Sunday and we jumped at the chance to head out on a family walk. After spending hours and hours indoors, cabin fever set in a bit, so it felt great to move our legs and get outside.
We set out to cover our favorite two-mile loop, but about halfway through, Sadie must have stepped on something sharp or something stung her back left paw because she jumped and then started licking at her paw like crazy. We encouraged her to walk along with us, but she started limping with her tail tucked under her body. We checked out her paw and couldn’t find anything wrong. Sadie is a dog who usually walks out in front of us, but when we had to pull on her leash to get her to move even a few steps, we knew something was really bothering her.
The problem? We were a half mile from home.
Around this same time, Chase started to get fussy in his stroller. This tends to happen when we stop moving, so pausing to check on Sadie apparently set him off. Thankfully, I packed the Baby K’Tan along to wear him just in case he started to get antsy, so I put him in the baby carrier to make him a little happier.
And that’s when Ryan had an idea. Why not put Sadie in Chase’s stroller?
We both were pretty confident his idea would never work and that Sadie would freak out, but then this happened…
She loved it.
And that is how we walked for a half mile as we made our way back to our house.
We could not stop laughing. Neither could the people in the cars that passed us. Or the joggers who ran by us. It was equal parts ridiculous and hilarious.
And with that, we reached a new level on the spectrum of crazy for way-too-obsessed dog owners.
(Sadie is 100 percent okay, by the way, and was running around like normal soon after we returned home.)
So what else happened this weekend other that that ridiculousness? Aside from the eventful walk, we spent most of our weekend at the house, staying warm and dry. I wish I had more fun things to share with you guys today, but I honestly spent a decent portion of my Saturday catching up on work-related emails, writing and blog stuff. After several unproductive days last week, it was nice to spend a little time checking things off my “must do” list in between playtime with Chase.
At least there was Thai food takeout on Saturday night!
That was a definite highlight. Thai food has been our go-to take out food these days, surprisingly replacing our weekend pizza addiction that thrived for a few months over the summer. We usually order soup as an appetizer and split two entrees: Pad Thai and Pad Ki Mao. Ryan actually ordered the Pad Ki Mao for the first time after Chase was born and we both could not get enough of the thick, wide noodles and flavorful sauce, so it has since become a takeout staple!
I did manage to make it to Pure Barre over the weekend and it felt great to spend some extra time stretching out my sore muscles after Friday’s push/pull Burn Bootcamp workout. On my way home from Pure Barre on Sunday, I picked up our groceries for the week. We’re still going strong with one grocery store trip per week thanks to a little forethought and meal planning.
Here’s a glimpse at this week’s meal plan:
- Monday: Hoisin and sesame seed shrimp with brown rice and roasted asparagus
- Tuesday: Kale and turkey sausage breakfast casserole
- Wednesday: Extra chunky homemade chicken soup
- Thursday: Quesadillas with a side salad and pear slices
- Friday: Salmon with sweet potatoes and roasted Brussels sprouts
I’m planning to make the kale and turkey sausage breakfast casserole for dinner on Tuesday night so I can easily reheat it for breakfast on Wednesday morning. I’m hoping to be able to make it to an early workout class before heading out to a morning women’s bible study group I joined last week, so a grab-and-go breakfast is key.
And I think that catches us up! I hope you all had a good weekend!
Haha oh my gosh, I love it! Sadie is one well taken care of pup, and that’s how it should be! 🙂 I don’t have a dog right now, but grew up with one. They are definitely like children 🙂 Cheers to a great start of the week Julie!
Awwww haha Sadie is so cute!!! Love her!!
Yes, the rain in Charlotte this weekend was not fun! Normally I love cloudy/rainy weather but after a week straight I am ready for some sunshine! Looks like good weather is on the horizon the rest of the week 🙂
Where is your Thai take-out from?! Thai is my fave but I have yet to find an awesome spot in Charlotte!
Hope you have a great day!
How cute! We are just as “crazy” of dog owners, so we understand over here. Have a great week!
Haha I had to keep myself from laughing out loud at work when I saw that picture of Sadie!
I’m glad Sadie is okay!! Looks like a hilarious scenario!
This is so cute ha!
That is HILARIOUS!! Working in your favor that I think makes you guys less ridiculous is that you DID have a baby with you…I can’t help giggle at the people who have a stroller kind of thing that is FOR their dog…regardless, you have a good story! And happy to hear Sadie is okay 🙂
Ha! We said the same thing! But I did feel like a total crazy lady CARRYING our baby while our dog was in the stroller! 🙂
Haha your story put a smile on my face this morning 🙂 I wish I ha seen you all walking down the street, haha!
Hi Julie I love reading your blog and am relating even more these days as I have a 4 week old little boy. It seems you are doing so great and able to get away for a few hours to Barre, groceries, etc. I am having a hard time getting away as our baby is wanting to eat every 2 hours (I’m breastfeeding ) and is crying in between 🙁 Wondering if you have to pump to leave him a bottle, or are supplementing, and if so how much? Feel free to email me or maybe a good post? I would love to get back to my barre classes! Thank you so much!
Hi Nicole!! Congratulations on your little one!! It took me a while to feel okay leaving Chase (and I still haven’t left him for more than 2 hrs!), but when he was around 4 weeks old, I started pumping and we introduced him to bottles of breastmilk. On the weekends, when I want to go to barre and the grocery store solo, I just make sure Ryan has a bottle ready for Chase just in case he needs to eat while I was away. (I still almost always nurse right before I leave so I leave him with a full belly!) I am trying to build a bit of a supply and pump every other day or so right now — I freeze a lot of my breastmilk, but try to always have a bottle ready in the fridge just in case we need it quickly (sometimes I like to bring a bottle with me to outings with friends, etc.). Figuring out what works best for you can be so tricky, especially when it’s all so new! I wish you the best of luck and hope you’re getting some sleep!! 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂
Where did you get that adorable hat for Chase?!
omg.. this post made my morning!!!
HA HA HA I can only imagine what people walking by you must have been thinking!
This post should really read, “Warning, do not read this whilst eating cereal in class”…because that happened…and now I have no cereal and can not stop giggling during a cardiology lecture. Way too funny and adorable
Haha! This is GREAT! Glad you all found a quick solution 🙂
lol!! i’ve definitely wrapped up zoey before – those silly little pets!!
Haha! This looks like something my family and I would do with our dog. Too funny!
Hi Julie! I love your blog and have been reading it for a few years now! I also have a son named Parker who was born a couple of weeks before Chase! (It was fun reading your pregnancy updates since I was going through the same thing!).
Anyways, I live up in NY and it’s getting chilly, but I’m having trouble finding a hat that fits Parker! It seems that all hats are made for babies much bigger… So, can you please tell me where you got that adorable hat Chase is wearing in the photo!
This is hilarious!! Love the pictures as well. My dog would be the same way and needs all the attention..she also gets really anxious when we get too far from home. Maybe I should start bringing a stroller along on our walks!!
Ha! That story made me laugh, what a great way to start the week 🙂
Oh Julie…thanks for the laugh on this monday morning!!!! It’s so something we would do with our dog if need be.
Sounds like a great weekend! Our first little one is due end of November and our first born aka yellow lab who thinks he’s human has already tried to climb into the new baby stroller! Where did you get that adorable hat for chase?
Ha I love that. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! Sadie is just the cutest.
She looks like a queen riding in her chariot! I bet it was part of a plot to get to ride where Chase normally gets to ride! haha. I would totally do the same thing for our dog!
oh my I would do the same thing!! We have two frenchies and the big one got stung last year. I carried that 25lb girl almost a mile home like a crazy lady. My dad also makes fun of us when we cool down the car before they get in it after a walk. Spoiled dogs are the best dogs!
Hey, you do what you’ve got to do! I’ve done it. Once I took Abbey (when she was a puppy) to the dog park, and she got so tired on the walk home, I carried her the whole way (about a mile)! Then, one time when Harlow was a newborn, we went on a long walk and Abbey got tired, so I carried her while pushing a stroller! THAT was fun! (not at all…)
Haaaa!!! I actually laughed out loud! I needed that on a Monday! Good to know Sadie is still in charge 🙂 What a sweetie!
That. Is. Hilarious! I laughed out loud. I had to show the picture to my husband because we would totally do that too. Glad Sadie is ok!
Ha! That story is hilarious and Sadie is too funny. She probably got jealous of Chase getting pushed around and faked it so she could get a ride.
Thank goodness I put my tea down before scrolling! That is HILARIOUS! But honestly, I had this vision that Ryan would end up “wearing” Sadie so at least you haven’t tipped to top level of ridiculous yet. 😉
That’s too funny “yeah, that’s right, who’s the baby now!”
Omg, Sadie! Too funny.
I can totally relate. I am equally obsessed with my dog, Otto (Golden Indian Dog- looks like a husky) . Last week was his second birthday and his absolute favorite thing is to dress up in this Christmas sweater. All 63 pounds of him prounced around town in a too small Christmas sweater. People literally did a double take! Although I don’t have children yet, Otto will forever be my first born 🙂
This story made my morning! I literally laughed out loud. I’d totally be that person who puts my dog in a stroller, you’re not alone. So cute! Your little guy is adorable, what a cute smile!
It was obviously Sadie’s plan all along to get a free ride, haha. She’s so stinkin’ cute in the stroller, you guys really are great and fun doggy parents!
I love the idea of a breakfast casserole for dinner and then having leftovers for breakfast! This recipe sounds so good, adding it to my list!
I’ve been known to carry my 13 week old puppy (large mix breed) in something similar to a baby sling. She tires out on long walks and playing at the park (throws a total fit and flails at the end of her leash), but we feel the socialization is super important, especially since she’ll be large and we are going to start trying for a family next year and want her to be good around kids. I’m sure we look ridiculous, but it works for us 😛
Something like that happened to me once and I wish I had a stroller for my dog. We were out on a 1-2 mile run and at some point he started lagging behind, but kept running without having to pull him. So, I thought he was just a little tired and we turned around not long afterwards. I was getting some water when we got home and notice there’s blood on the kitchen floor. Immediately started freaking out and finally saw that it was from my poor dog’s paw. He had a piece of glass stuck in his pad and he didn’t even wince when it happened! I felt like the worst mother ever. After I pulled it out and squeezed his paw, it stopped the bleeding and he’s ok. But now I definitely pay more attention when I take him on walks/runs if he starts lagging or doing anything out of the ordinary, How did he not stop when it happened, I have no idea.
Sadie is too funny! I love that you’re sharing your weekly meal plans now! I am always looking for new dinner ideas, and love mixing a new recipe or two with easy old favorites throughout the week!
Glad Sadie is Ok. I love how she’s sitting up in the stroller. I have a feeling you’ll be looking at a double stroller or getting a wagon for little miss soon. It’s ok to be the crazy dog people.
So do you think the injured paw was a ploy for attention or just a short lived injury?
Thanks for sharing your weekly meal plan it really gives me an idea of some new things to try, as I plan my meals a week in advance as well. And don’t worry you and Ryan are nor rediqulous! I would have totally done the same thing!
omg, I love Sadie! She is just too funny. I’m glad she is ok! I was going to ask if you guys were getting all that rain as well–so good to hear it isn’t as bad in your neck of the woods. Salmon and sweet potatoes is on my list this week too!
Ha! That is hilarious! I totally get it, though. My dog is my baby and I’m sure we would do the same thing.
We’ve done that before with our Yorkie Poodle. He’s usually only good for a few laps around the block, but if I want to go longer, he sits in my daughter’s stroller with her as I push them both. They love it!
I could not stop laughing at that pic of Queen Sadie on her mobile throne! I once saw a meme with a pic of a woman pushing her dog in the stroller and her child on a leash!
Do y’all still watch stand up comedies on Netflix? I thought of you this weekend when I watched Anjelah Johnson’s standup on Netflix. She’s the comedian that did the Bon Qui Qui skits on Mad TV (complicated order!) Anyway, you and Ryan should check it out. It was really cute and the content was clean!
Too funny! Glad she’s ok. It was pretty dreary here in Memphis too.
That is hilarious! Love the photos of Sadie just proudly riding in the stroller, so precious!
That Sadie story had me laughing out loud! And Chase’s hat in that first photo is beyond adorable!
This summer we were camping and took a 3.5-mile hike around the lake with our two dogs, something we do every summer. A little over half way, our 15 year old lab started going very very slowly. We do 2-3 miles every few days, but this was more hilly than our normal hike and I wasn’t sure what we were going to do.
We got a text that lunch was almost ready back at the campsite. I told them to start without us, as it was slow going. . . My brother offered to pick ME up with the kiddie trailer on the back of the bike. . . I laughed and told him what was happening. He rode out and picked up Belle, giving her a ride the rest of the way. It was the funniest sight!! As they met other hikers, everyone was laughing and when he stopped at the playground to tell all the kids it was time to eat, they thought it was the best thing ever. When they got back to the campground, she refused to get out until I got there. . .
It’s crazy what we will do for our other babies!
Well that picture of Sadie in the stroller just makes my morning. Nothing is too crazy if it pleases our pup! I love it. Have a great Monday, Julie. 🙂
I’m oober curious to hear if Sadie has caught on to the fact that if she limps, she gets to ride in style on the last part of her walks! (You see me ROLL-IN …. is playing in my head!) hahaha! I laugh, but I would have done the same thing….**Sigh**
On a side note – the hubs and I were sick this past week and I had a burst of energy in between my cold medicine coma, and made homemade chicken noodle soup. YUM!!!!!!
This is HILARIOUS. We have a vizsla and baby on the way and I could totally see us doing this!