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My new driver’s license!
I promised myself I would change my last name and update my driver’s license and credit cards before I was married for one year and I did it with only three days to spare. Plenty of time before my self-imposed deadline.
Out with the old…
(Don’t judge the puka shell necklace.)
And in with the new…
Apparently I learned how to tame my cowlick a little better throughout the years, though it still drives me crazy. (Hint: Blow dry the shizz out of it with the air blasting down.)
This morning I was out the door a little before 9 a.m. thinking I would quickly update my driver’s license and be home and back at my desk working away by 10:15 a.m.
I don’t want to bore you with all the details, but my little adventure took a lot longer than the hour I anticipated. At least everyone I spoke with was incredibly friendly!
Though my adventures took more time than I planned, all the different hoops I had to jump through allowed me to cross a bunch of other things off my “must do” list now that we’re officially settled in a new town:
- New driver’s license
- Updated vehicle registration
- Updated voter registration
- Name changed on credit, debit and PBF business credit cards
Since most of my errands took place near Ryan’s work, we decided to meet up for a quick lunch before I headed back home.
I ordered a veggie sub, toasted with double Swiss cheese.
And we got oatmeal raisin cookies to share.
I love midday dates.
Library Card
On the way home, I ran one final errand.
I got a library card! (The woman at the desk asked me if I was 18 before she’d let me sign up. Nice.)
While there, I put Unbroken (the runner up book for the October book club) on reserve… and I’m 34th in line! Goodness gracious. Apparently it’s quite popular, huh?
And now I’m way behind on several freelance pieces that I thought I would have done by now. I guess I was stupid to think getting a new driver’s license would be a fast task.
A Big Thank You to Our Troops
A wonderful blog reader, Jessica, emailed me this morning asking for our help in a wonderful initiative started by The Bert Show, a radio show in Atlanta, Georgia.
The show is collecting handwritten letters to send to EVERY U.S. military serviceman/woman who is stationed overseas for Thanksgiving. The goal is to collect 400,000+ handwritten letters to be delivered on Thanksgiving morning. As of today, they have collected 150,000 letters. They need more letters ASAP!
That’s where we come in!
If you’d like to send your own handwritten thank you note to a serviceman/woman, here are the guidelines, according to the The Bert Show’s website:
- Each letter should be heartfelt, handwritten, original, and free of any political statements. The purpose of the letter is to express thanks to the military personnel currently deployed outside the United States. We reserve the right to eliminate those messages that are political in nature and do not reflect a positive message in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Those letters will be destroyed.
- All letters must be on 8.5” x 11” paper or smaller. Do not use glue, tape, staples, cardboard, glitter or otherwise attach anything to the paper. Decorate using crayons, pencil, etc. Use both sides if you like, but use one page per letter only. Do not send cards or photographs. Feel free to include your mailing and email address, and you may get a response. Individual letters should not be sealed in envelopes.
- Do not send anything except letters. We cannot accept donations of any kind, and they should not be included or attached to letters.
Additional details may be seen here.
If you would like to send in a letter, please follow the guidelines listed above and send letters to the address listed below:
The Bert Show’s Big Thank You
780 Johnson Ferry Road NE
Fifth Floor
Atlanta, GA 30342
Thank you!!
Of Possible Interest
- Best Exercises to Do When Sick (
- The Fashion page was updated today
- My guest post on Libre Clothing’s website (a company that makes clothing specifically for chemotherapy, dialysis, & other infusion patients) detailing my feelings related to my mom’s breast cancer diagnosis
Ugh, you just reminded me that I still need to update mine. On a totally separate note, I am entirely jealous of how well you photograph for these. I think you have a gift!
just got my license renewed the other day too! you look very different in the pics haha
Aww, you look all growed up in your new pic. 🙂 I need to get in on that name change thing at some point too.
Amazing to see how our fashion changes over the years – even just from a head shot – the hair, the necklace, the eye makeup. I love it. Your new pic is one of the only really good license pics I’ve seen! 🙂
So I have to share the best cowlick fixing trick EVER. You blow dry the part of your hair with the cowlick in the direction you want it to go (so if its your bangs you blow them back) and then you blow the hair right behind it forward. Works every time 🙂
Your library looks like a cabelas from the outside! Lol!
I don’t even recognize you in your old picture!!
Is it weird that I actually LOVE my license picture right now?
I like that you waited until 3 days before your anniversary (how is that possible?) to update it. Procrastinators unite!
J- YOu won’t believe this, but I live in Marion County Arkansas! I can assure you it is a bit different—try population like 1200 in our town–and pretty rural here! I’m glad you finally got your “chores” done and have you tried Biscoff spread? e
how crazy!
LOVE your mention of the letters to the troops, as you know my man is over there and they LOVE getting letters, even just small things saying thanks mean SO much to them. xoxo
thank you to your guy for his amazing service!
You look great on you licence! If you could see my ugly face on mine ^^
I hate going to the DMV – there are so many hoops you must jump through and the lines are always so long. But at least you are the proud owner of a brand new license! 🙂
Wow, they let you smile?! Here in Manitoba they tell us no smiling and no showing teeth! What the heck, eh?!
Don’t feel bad, I’m number 700 and something on the wait list here in NYC. I love the library but it often means reading books LONG after they come out, unfortunately. 🙁
I think it is great that you are helping out the radio show. My husband is active duty Marine currently deployed on his fourth deployment. I know how much they all love getting mail, so I love hearing that people still have not forgotten we have men and women still overseas and want to try and help. Thank you!
You’ll love your new library card 🙂 I’m addicted to the Orange County’s MAYL system, though… I love the library’s home delivery! Good luck!
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