We arrived in the mountains on Saturday in the early evening and were greeted by vibrant leaves and crisp fall temperatures. Fall in the mountains is simply my favorite!
A little less than a month ago, we booked a house for our family, my parents, sister, brother-in-law and their baby to get away for a week with the hope that we’d be able to replicate the mountain trip we took up to Banner Elk with Chase when he was a baby. We had visions of cuddling up with our new baby niece (or nephew — at the time we didn’t know!) and Leslie and Ross seemed so excited to make the trip work, even though we all told them we had absolutely no expectations of them making the trip if it didn’t feel like something they wanted to do after their little one arrived.
Needless to say, we are missing Leslie, Ross and Callie a ton this year. A few of you have checked in to ask about Callie and she is still not home yet which is incredibly hard, but Leslie and Ross are unbelievable parents and so loving to their little girl. Though she’s not home, Callie is doing so, so well. (Believe me, no one would be on this trip at all if that weren’t the case and if we didn’t have Leslie and Ross’ complete support and strong encouragement to do so.) Callie is such a beautiful, strong and feisty little one! Also, I know I’m not sharing a ton about Callie right now but please do no interpret lack of information and lack of sharing in any way other than my desire to protect my sister and my niece’s privacy. I am really hoping to be able to be back in Florida soon after Callie comes home (once Leslie and Ross are ready for a visitor, of course) and hope to be able to share some wonderful updates with you soon!
Though our mountain crew is a bit smaller than anyone in our family hoped for this year, we’ve been in constant communication with my sister and missing them like crazy! And you better believe we’re already dreaming of a big family vacation with all of us next year!
Banner Elk Vacation
Ryan, Chase, Ryder, Sadie and I arrived in the mountains on the cusp of one of the coldest days of the year so far. We spent Saturday and Sunday bundled up in winter coats, beanies and scarves! My parents’ arrival apparently brought a little bit of Florida warmth our way and ever since they arrived, we’ve been loving the sunny weather and temperatures in the 40s and upper 50s.
We’ve spent most of our time at the cabin we rented and we’ve loved hanging out by a roaring fire and exploring the area around our temporary home.
(Cardigan: BP Stitch Curve Hem via Nordstrom / Stripe Tie Top: Socialite via Nordstrom / Sneakers: Report via Zappos)
This time of year it’s hard not to want to spend every moment outside and we’ve definitely enjoyed our fair share of fresh mountain air.
On Monday afternoon, we spent hours fishing at a local trout farm only to catch one trout but it just felt so nice to be outside and watch Chase have a blast as he tried fishing for the first time.
He helped Ryan reel in our only catch which was definitely a highlight but he was also thoroughly entertained by the worms we used for bait.
Oh and as you may have noticed in the above photo, Ryan cut his hair! For those who may have missed it, he began growing out his hair after we found out I was pregnant with Ryder and kept it going throughout my pregnancy with the intent to cut it after Ryder was born. (It was sort of a “lucky charm” for us in a weird way.) Well, once Ryder was born, he made an appointment to get his hair cut and everyone at the place talked him out of it, saying he was on the cusp of “great long hair.” He kept it going for another couple of months but eventually said it had to go so now he’s rockin’ the short hair again, though it is a bit longer on the top!
Yesterday morning, we made our way to Grandfather Mountain and spent the late morning and early afternoon crossing the swinging bridge (so spooky!) and exploring the local nature center.
We visited Grandfather Mountain on our first family mountain trip back in 2015 and the swinging bridge was no less intimidating this time around! It’s suspended a mile above ground and is quite spooky to cross! I walked as quickly as possible over the bridge without looking down but managed to sneak a peek over the edge on the way back. Eek!
We made it back to our cabin in the late afternoon yesterday and spent the rest of the evening out and about around the Eagles Nest Great Camp community where our cabin is located. It’s outfitted with some really neat amenities, including archery, rocking chairs that overlook the mountains and hiking trails.
Our plans for the day include visiting a local farm and making s’mores this evening!
I hope you guys are having a great week and thanks so much for stopping by the blog today!
It looks like a wonderful trip and I am glad you are having a great time. I cant feel but a little disappointed by two things. First, that you planned a trip when your sister would be 1 month post partum. As the big sister who has been through 2 births you know better. Second, your niece is in the NICU…. you should have cancelled the trip. Not leave it up to your sister to say its okay to continue on without her. What did you expect her to say? Your mom spent weeks with your healthy newborns at home. She should be at home with your sister. Long time reader and so incredibly disappointed by how selfish this whole vacation is.
Were you ever a NICU mom? I was and I can honestly say I would have wanted my family to go on this vacation and enjoy themselves even if I couldn’t be there. There’s already so little that extended family can do in a situation like this (lots of visitors in the NICU is a no-no) and the last thing I would want is more guilt piled on top of me for feeling like I was holding everyone else back from living their lives. Just my thoughts based on my experience.
Thank you so much for this comment, Becky. I agree 100 percent.
I agree with becky! Shame on you for saying what you said Sam! Every person is different just like every baby is different! It’s like saying well my baby walked at 7 months how come yours isn’t. this is not the place. If you don’t like that they went on vacation, stop reading. Don’t tell someone else how to live their life! I went on a vacation 3 weeks postpartum and was fine. It was so nice to be around other people. She didn’t intend for Callie to be in the NICU. Not to mention I was a NICU mom too and you can only have 2 people in at a time so there isn’t much extended family can do since mom and dad want to be there in the NICU. Not to mention Ross has family too so this isn’t to say that no one is there! Please do not mom guilt anyone.
I agree. I’m all for constructive criticism on blog posts, but this is absolutely ridiculous and clearly intended to make Julie feel badly for no reason.
First, I feel the need to defend my mom. She has been practically living at the hospital with my sister. This is truly her first time away since Callie’s birth and Leslie and Ross have additional family and friends who are surrounding them with love and care. And Callie is doing really well which has all of us feeling incredibly grateful. I can tell you with 100 percent confidence and certainty that there is zero resentment from my sister regarding this trip. That’s just not the way our family functions. We are upfront and honest with each other and we offered to not do the trip repeatedly and were only met with strong encouragement to continue with it. I hope you can understand and respect our decision without assuming my sister feels a certain way about this trip. Please also know Leslie and Ross are also far from feeling alone right now with additional family and friends surrounding them while we are away.
Julie, I am so sorry that an individual feels the need to shame you and your family. In being a NICU mom myself, I would have wanted my family to enjoy their time as planned. Please know that there are so many of us that support you and are lifting you up in a time that must be very difficult for you. Enjoy your time and look forward to the memories you will make with your sister and family in the future! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I actually don’t disagree with this reader completely.
Yes, Julie, you should totally go on this vacation, and I’m sure your sister is 100% on board with you going. What disappoints me a little is that you planned this vacation so soon after your niece’s birth. I wish – because you have gone through this twice – you had had the foresight to know that new parents with a new born (even healthy), don’t necessarily want to travel so far from home. Perhaps traveling in November instead, and going somewhere closer to Florida would have been more mindful on your part…
Hi Anneline! I completely see what you are saying but the week we selected was actually determined mostly by my brother-in-law’s work schedule and the time he could take off. The trip is not a point of contention in our family and there were multiple scheduling factors that played into selecting the timeframe we did.
Julie, Do not feel the need to respond to every negative comment. You know why this trip was set and all the logistics behind it. Readers do not need to leave their opinions just because they can, especially negative ones when they know nothing about the situation other than what you choose to share! Enjoy the time with your family.
You do you. You don’t have to defend your choices to anybody. Maybe it wouldn’t have been what other people would do but it’s not their life or family matter. Disregard these comments and focus on the positive that is your family and friends love and support all around.
I’ve never been a mom with a child in the NICU, but I’ve volunteered for years in the children’s hospital in my city. Many of the babies I care for in hospital have been inpatient for several weeks, if not months or years. Not even parents can be with their child 24/7 under those conditions – it’s just not realistic. Parents often have other children, jobs, familial obligations, etc. That’s where I step in – to cuddle and care for babies who need some special attention. It’s a team effort.
I’ve been reading this blog for several years, and know that Julie and her family are anything but selfish. As readers, we should allow Julie’s sister and brother in law the freedom to own their experience and vocalize what they need (or do not need) from their family. It is impossible for us to anticipate what that might look like for them.
Hoping your niece is able to come home soon! xo
Lauren, your comment was exactly what I needed to read this afternoon. Thank you for your insight and also, more importantly, THANK YOU for the incredible volunteer work you do. I cannot say how grateful I am and how grateful my family is for NICU nurses and volunteers who love and care babies with so much compassion, knowledge and expertise.
I would keep your nasty opinions to yourself.
Sending lots of love to Leslie and baby Callie. I was once that momma (117 days in the NICU for my little guy). Our time in the NICU had us missing holidays, vacations and weddings. At times, the pain and loneliness felt unbearable and there seemed to be no end in sight.
From someone who’s been there, I promise her she WILL get through this and there WILL be brighter days ahead. 5 years later, I look back and marvel at all my family has been through, and how strong it made us. Keeping your family in my thoughts always!
Yes!! She absolutely will!! Thank you for your kindness and encouragement!
Looks like a great vacation!
Thank you for the updates on Callie! I admit, I kept looking in the background of your pictures on Insta to see a glimpse of your sister. I’ve been following your blog for a looooong time and in a weird, internet way, feel like I know your family. I’ll continue to keep them in my prayers and hope for more positive news!
Thank you for your prayers and kind words, Josie! I appreciate them so so much!
Hi Julie! Any chance you can link Ryder’s amazon outfit?!
Hi Sari!! Did you ask me about this outfit on Instagram? I’m so sorry I forgot this one was actually one I ordered on Zulily (not Amazon) but the brand is wind + thistle! (Shocking since I order just about everything else from Amazon 😉 ) It’s not currently on the site but other incredibly adorable baby boy apparel from the same brand is still up on Zulily if you search wind + thistle!
Hi Julie, I didn’t ask on instagram but saw that someone else did!! I will check out Zulily now thank you.
Looks like such a great time with your family!! I love that Socialite top – just purchased it! 🙂
The beginning part about your niece was so beautifully phrased! Hoping she is home soon. I made your WW pumpkin muffins for the first time yesterday (I subbed veg oil for the coconut oil as I dislike the flavour and added 1/2 cup chocolate chips) … WOW they are soooooo delicious. My two year old helped make them and loves them too. Winner!!!
Thank you, Andrea!! And I’m so happy you liked the muffins! Thanks for taking the time to let me know. ?
It’s so nice you were able to get away and have family time! I’ll be praying for your sister and her little fam! I know how hard it is to have a babe in the NICU. my daughter was born 8 weeks early and was then in the NICU for 3 weeks. It was so unbelievably hard but she is now 18 weeks and doing great and finally on the curve for her age. All that to say, while this time is so hard, it will pass and all be a memory before she knows it.
Your kindness and encouragement is so appreciated! Thank you! And I’m so glad your little girl is doing so well. Such wonderful news!
Beautiful family… beautiful photos. Dang…..I liked Ry with long hair. 🙂
Ha!! I liked it, too! It may make a return in the future sometime 🙂
No! I like it short so much better lol ?
Hey Julie!
Some kind of crazy comments/responses going on above – sheesh!
I was just wondering where you purchased your jeans and maroon cardigan sweater. Looks like a great vacation!
I am a NICU mom as well (29 weeker and was there for 2 months). I don’t think I would have cared if my family went on a trip while my daughter was in the NICU. What does it matter? That probably would be the last thing I cared about.
The thing that bothered me about your post was that you say Callie is doing so well. No baby in the NICU is doing so well. It is such a hard time for everyone, I know. But saying she’s doing great over and over again doesn’t make it so. It hurt me when people would ask how my daughter was doing and if I answered honestly they kind of just stopped talking. Being in an intensive care unit by definition means things are not going so well.
Agree with this! The vacation is none of my business, but yes the comments are a little tough. My first was born 8 weeks early also and spent 2 full months in the NICU. While she had good days and bad days, the truth was she wasn’t well enough to come home, therefore not “doing so well”.
The best support any NICU parent can get is to show up -the same way you would for a family that did bring a baby home right away. Bring meals, spend time with them, go out to dinner with them, bring gifts, etc. What made us feel even worse is that everyone said that they’d just wait and do those things when our baby came home- but then they didn’t. Those were very lonely isolated 2 months for us. So my advice is to keep showing up and supporting your sister and brother in law (which is sounds like you have done and will do again).
This is ridiculous. How do you know baby isn’t doing “so well?” Maybe she actually IS doing incredibly well – like what if she’s going to be to be released tomorrow? You don’t know their situation. She’s clearly trying to be positive. Can Julie write ANYTHING without people tearing it apart? I’m incredibly frustrated by the nitpicking by commenters in response to this post – I can’t even imagine how Julie feels.
I totally agree Andrea! These comments are crazy and Julie is nicer than I would have been! Prayers sent for Callie! Can’t wait to see pics of the three cousins together soon!
I agree with Andrea! What I am disappointed in are the many, many negative and hateful comments on this post. In fact, I have never seen one of Julie’s posts with this many negative comments (I am a long time reader). Julie and her family seem like the nicest and more caring people. Julie pours her soul into these posts, and she seems to be such a positive person yet not afraid to be real and tell us how it is. I love that about her. Shame on everyone for undoubtedly making her feel otherwise. If you don’t like what you read than simply move on. I usually don’t reply to negative comments, but enough is enough with the negativity in these comments.
Julie, you continue to do you and know that your true and loyal readers will always have your back. I am sorry you have to read such hateful garbage. Please know Callie and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m sorry, but I disagree with you completely. My son was in the NICU for 42 days due to being born at 29 weeks. He was a baby that had no real issues except he was born too early and needed a little help with breathing and eating. He was always doing great, as far as myself and his doctors were concerned. He continually made progress and got to where he needed to be. Seeing the brighter side of him being in the NICU helped us get through his time there. Everyone is different and you shouldn’t shame people for feeling the way they do. I’m sorry that your experience may not have been the same, but everyones experience is different.
THANK YOU. I’m glad someone pointed out that a baby in intensive care is not doing “so, so well.” She may be making great progress but the fact of the matter is she is under 24/7 surveillance by hospital staff and not healthy enough to come home. It’s very tone deaf to act like everything is just peachy keen with a NICU baby.
Add me to the list of people who think this trip was selfish. Especially Julie when your mother spent MONTHS with you during Chase’s first year. To plan a trip 3 states away from everyone else with a freaking newborn is ridiculous.
Signed, a mother of two NICU babies
It looks like you are spending time in an incredibly beautiful place! I hope you all have fun. Prayers going out to your sister, brother-in-law and niece. You guys are so lucky to have each other.
Looks like you’re having so much fun! Your parents with their grandkids is the cutest.
As for the comments above, your vacation is no one’s business but your own family’s and no one else knows the full story. Enjoy your trip and thank you for sharing as much of your life as you do!
The only take away I have from this post is yay for the haircut!! Lol! My husband says he is growing his out and it’s only like 3 inches long and I am already stressed about it. I hate long hair on guys past like 20 years old. Plus, ain’t nobody got time for him having to style his hair every day!!!
The trip is what fall dreams are made of!! And sending prayers for sweet Callie!
I can’t believe the negativity that has come out of an innocent blog post that was simply meant to share a lovely family vacation! Julie, keep your head held high and don’t worry about what people think about you – or your family’s – choices to go on this trip. You and your family – especially your sweet, caring mother – are not selfish in the slightest! Have a wonderful trip, and enjoy your time with your precious family.
I only comment once in a while, so this will be a compound one:
I really pray and hope that your niece comes through strong and healthy and that your sister and BIL are able to cope with the stress.
Also, I continue to be amazed at the collection of beautiful family pictures you have thru the years. These are just more of them, and it is fun to observe from afar (even to people I haven’t met in real person). Both of your boys are so delightful and seeing you and Ryan’s facial expressions, the grandparents’ expressions of love, etc–I just hope you look back on this amazing collection of photos with wonder and joy.
Well she’s been saying Callie is doing well for at least a week. Maybe she is getting discharged tomorrow, you are right. That’s what happens when you only share part of the story. Julie doesn’t have to share any of it, but it’s the nature of her job. If she was being discharged tomorrow maybe she should have said that instead.
Omggggggggg are the comments on here for real? Yikes. I actually wanted to laugh when I read them because I can’t even believe there are people in this world that make it their mission to be so critical of someone they’ve never met before. Disecting and arguing over what part of your post was most offensive- it is straight up bizarre.
BUT it doesn’t escape me that I’m sure YOU don’t find it funny. YOU probably can’t laugh off people insulting how your mom mothers or the type of sister you are. Hence my need to comment- I don’t even know you but I have love for your fam and I want you to know I think you’re doing GREAT.
Enjoy the time with your beautiful family. Praying for your sister and Ross and for Callie to get better soon.
PS…I cannot believe people feel like they have a right to critique your family’s personal decisions in a public forum when they don’t know you. It is one thing to respectfully share personal experiences, and it is another thing to criticize someone without even having a conversation with them first. I hope it didn’t put a damper on your day to read these comments. I think your words have reflected only a respectful and loving sister and family.
This trip looks amazing Juli…and was probably something you all needed. I know how it feels to be so helpless in this type of situation and I think pulling your family together to enjoy each other can really help in lessening the incredible stress you all feel. My prayers and thoughts are with your family and your new addition, looking forward to meeting her here on pbfingers…one of my long time favorite positive place to visit on the internet 😉
And ps…I immediately clicked the link to find out more about Banner Elk…this place looks gorgeous! This Hawaii girl is craving some fall and this place looks incredible. Thank you for sharing!
Another NICU mom here. My son just spent 5 weeks in the NICU this past spring. Event though he wasn’t able to come home and was clearly sick, he WAS doing well. He was getting bigger and stronger every day and I felt very grateful for how well he was doing. When people asked, I often said Julie’s exact words, “He’s doing so well”.
I think my parents went on a weekend trip when we were in the NICU, didn’t bother me at all. I didn’t expect them to be at the hospital every day. Even my husband wasn’t able to come every day. He had to go back to work and we have two other kids. I was honestly content to just snuggle a baby (when able to hold him), watch TV and order room service!
I’m not saying it wasn’t hard, because it was. But not every person copes the same and like others said, we have no idea what’s even going on with Callie and why she’s in the NICU. I’m sure if Leslie needed extra support, her family would be there. Maybe she wants a break from visitors!
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Joanna! My sister also describes Callie as doing “so well” — like you said about your son, she’s gaining weight, responding well to her care and getting stronger. I didn’t think choosing those words would be so upsetting but I know Leslie very much values speaking positively and thinking positively about her daughter.
Oh my gosh, people are crazy! So negative and judge mental. I would have gone on a laid back vacation at one month post parting with my family as well! And your mom can’t do much when the baby is in the hospital getting care from doctors and nurses.
You and your family have always seemed like the most loving, unselfish people to me who always care for and make each other a priority. I’m positive y’all made a solid decision based on the facts. None of us know everything that has been happening the last few weeks, and it’s not our business to decide or judge what you should do or not do. I’m sure this situation with little Callie has been hard on all of you. I’m glad she’s doing well and pray she is able to come home soon! I appreciate you sharing your life with us on the blog so openly. Have a lovely day, Julie!
My jaw is dropped after reading some of these comments! That’s all I”m going to say…shame on the haters.
Hope you’re enjoying your vacation, Julie! Banner Elk is so beautiful! Chase (and Ryder) look so happy, and love Ryan’s haircut!
I hope you’re enjoying our vacation! Such a sweet post PB. Have a nice weekend xx
I have never been to Banner Elk but I pretty much love any location in the mountains of NC – so Banner Elk is now going on my list of places to check out 🙂 So happy that you are getting in some sweet family time in such a beautiful place! Prayers and positive vibes for your sister, her husband and little Callie <3
PS – I am doing a post on "Fall Fashion by my favorite bloggers" next week…would you mind if I talked about you and used one of these pictures? I will of course link back to you 🙂 If not, no worries at all! Just wanted to ask! I'm pretty new to blogging and I'm pretty sure my mom and boyfriend are the only ones that read it anyways right now 😉
It looks so pretty there! I rarely get to see fall colours. Barcelona stays a mix of green and grey all year round. The zoo is the only place I get to see autumn colours so it’s nice seeing them here! We’re still 22-24C though there’s a polar drop coming this weekend which will drops temps to 14C which is cold for this girl!
Enjoy the rest of your stay at Banner Elk!
Banner Elk looks gorgeous! I am craving a family vacation so bad! And praying for Callie, I didn’t realize she still wasn’t home. I’m sure Leslie is beyond ready for her baby girl to be home! I can’t imagine. Stay strong, Leslie!
Omg this comments are ridiculous. This is what is wrong w people. Stop shaming her for sharing or maybe she will stop sharing and blogging. Keep your opinions to yourself
Wow, it’s amazing that so many people know exactly what your situation is and how it should be handled… must be nice to be omnipotent! Anyways… Julie, you are so positive and really set such a great example of being a positive person and finding the best in things and focusing on gratitude, and I appreciate that about you and it’s a big reason why I’ve been reading your blog for so long. There are so many sad and difficult things happening all the time, and I think it’s inspiring that you are such a positive, giving, and loving person – it’s very evident by your writing. Thank you for sharing your blog with us; I always love getting updates about what’s going on in your life. And I really admire how close you and your sister are, and the relationship that your family has – it’s something that I aspire to, for sure. I hope you’re having a great vacation – it looks absolutely beautiful! My husband and I were in Bryson City, NC this past spring and had a wonderful time there – the mountains are so gorgeous. Also – so many great pictures! Your sons are adorable. <3
Thank you so much, Stephanie <3 I really appreciate it.
Hi Julie,
I’ve been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Chase and it has become my favorite blog to read, mostly because of your positivity. You come across as such a kind person and reading your posts always brightens my day. I’m sad that there have been such negative comments on here regarding a very personal part of your life. I hope you know that so many of your readers respect you and appreciate your choice to share what you do with us. I hope that your sweet niece is able to go home soon, and that you all continue to support one another as you have been! <3
Thank you for following along and for taking the time to leave this kind comment, Correen! <3
Oh Julie, some of these comments just make my heart sad. And I don’t even know you and your family personally but as a 3 years plus reader I feel like I do. I think of your family as one of the most positive and supportive ones I know of. It is one thing that people feel this way about your family’s choices…fine, think it, or vent to your spouse/mom/best friend about it. But why post to the sweet blogger and put a damper on a lovely family vacation? I just don’t get it. Or if it makes you that upset, step away from the blog for a bit. I have done that with other blogs in the past…and with Facebook as well. But don’t spread the negativity. I recently had to step away from Ali Fedotowsky’s blog for a bit…but that’s okay. I will go back to it. Just needed a little break. But I feel like she cannot win with many readers…if she’s venting, they get mad. If she’s too positive, someone else is mad. Can’t we just be supportive? Or just step away?Everyone keeps talking about the state of our country and what we can do. Let’s all share positivity. If you don’t have something nice to say… don’t say/write/post anything at all! Julie, I am so glad you shared about baby Callie. So we can send prayers her way. I know how hard it was for you to be away from Ryder even for one night, so I am sure it’s so hard for your sister and brother-in-law. But she will be home soon enough and they will make up all those cuddles! I love all the pictures from your trip.
Some of these comments brought tears to my eyes Julie, and they aren’t even about me–I can’t imagine how they make you feel. Please know that the majority of your readers are cheering you on and here for you. I personally hope you had a fabulous vacation and your family dynamics are NOTHING for anyone else to speculate about or comment on. It’s more than obvious from your posts that you and your sister and the best of friends and you would do anything for her. Prayers for happiness and health for your whole family and especially little Callie. Thanks for brightening my mornings with your blog posts each day. I’ve been a reader for years and value your positive attitude regarding everything–it rubs off on me when I’m having a bad day! <3
Julie, I’ve been reading your blog since before you were married (which your instagram post about your anniversary recently made me realize just how long of a time that is!!) You are such a beacon of light in a time when there are a lot of negative things going on. Please don’t let the haters dim that light.
My thoughts are with Leslie, Ross and Callie! <3
thank you very, very much amanda <3 <3
Julie, I have been reading the blog since around the time you and Ryan got married and I have always admired your family for being so close and loving. I love how real and honest your posts are whether it is a random weekday recap or a heartfelt post about a serious topic. It really makes me sad how judge mental people on the internet can be. I am sending prayers to your family that Callie gets to go home soon and hope you enjoyed your vacation and didn’t let the negativity get to you!