Teaching water fitness in the middle of the afternoon in Florida is like stepping into a sauna and then jumping around for 55 minutes.
Since I teach water fitness from the pool deck so class participants can see my movements, I’m baking in the sun the entire time which means I sweat like crazy. Sweat was burning my eyes today!
The best part of the whole sweaty experience is that I have a blast and don’t even realize how hot I am or how much I am sweating until sweat stings my eyes. I think I’m still so wrapped up in teaching and making sure the class is moving along at a decent pace that I don’t have time to think about how hot I am. (I do make sure to drink lots of water throughout the class, though!)
During Tuesday’s class, my phone actually overheated twice and stopped playing my oldies but goodies playlist. I had it tucked away, but since the sun moves throughout the class, my phone ended up in the sun and overheated like a champ. Today I placed my phone inside the door so it was chillin’ in the air conditioning and we didn’t have any music problems. Woo!
The class went by very fast and I even had one woman come up to me afterwards to tell me that this was the first water fitness class she has taken that actually got her heart rate up which made me happy! I make sure to offer modifications for some of the more challenging exercises, but I really want people to leave my class feeling like their workout was worthwhile. As a group exercise lover for many years, I always feel like it’s easier to take the intensity down a notch, but it’s difficult to motivate yourself to make the class harder. Offering lots of modifications is key!
Before I taught my class, I made myself lunch that included a super thick protein smoothie and a slice of this morning’s broccoli cheese frittata.
It hit the spot and did a great job of fueling me through the class without weighing me down.
Now I’m blogging from the gym (hooray for free wifi!) and am waiting for another personal training client to arrive at 4 p.m. Tonight will be spent doing laundry and packing for this weekend’s wedding festivities!
Question of the Afternoon
- What group exercise class makes you sweat the most?
Spinning makes me sweat like crazy!
The only group fitness class I ever took was Zumba, and it was fun! The second time I tried though, the instructor was horrible and sucked the fun out of all of it 🙁
Spinning definitely gets me sweatin but I love bodywork class too!
I literally sweat most at spinning and figuratively at any class involving choreography. I am the WORST at remembering them and always panic on the inside!
On a different note: I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and really love it. I am AMAZED at how you’ve been keeping all your great posts up with your new job and being so busy. Anyone would understand if you would have less time to blog. You’re doing an awesome job!
Zumba of course! and Turbo Kick. but if you get an excellent zumba instructor then you are sure to burn a lot of calories!
Spinning, definitely.
One thing that I have noticed is that I sweat so much more when I am teaching!! As a participant I get a great workout, but when I am the instructor it is almost a guarantee there will be sweat in my eyes!!!
I’ve always anted to take a group exercise class but I haven’t yet. I always thought being in a group exercising would keep it fun and motivating. Sometimes when I’m by myself, even if I’m doing well I want to give up because I’m bored.
BodyStep or BodyAttack when I teach- I get sweat all in my hair and the tips are like drenched ha.
I love it when a workout makes me good and sweaty. If not, it’s almost like what’s the point? Love that your group fitness classes are going so well! I can’t even imagine what that florida heat is like. It’s currently 60 degrees and cloudy up here!
Definitely spinning for me, as well!!
BodyCombat! Totally agree about the best part: having a blast and not noticing until the sweat hits your eyes. You know you had a good work out when…
I have a question for you Julie. When you do your own workout and then have a client session what do you do quickly in between to freshen up?
Hey Julie! Question: Can you come up with a short workout (like, 5 minutes) that doesn’t get you ridiculously sweaty? I have a few minutes in between clients, throughout my day and fortunately can shut my office door and some quick exercise in, because I feel like it’s the only time I have available…and I really want to get in *some* semblance of shape…
Body Combat.. Luv this class it is so much fun and the best workout for your entire body..
I always wondered how our water class instructors did it, having to stand there in the sun just watching other people being cool in the water…glad to know it wasn’t as torturous as I always imagined it was! I don’t take a lot of aqua classes, but I love all the land-based classes my gym has, so it’s always interesting now to hear from the viewpoint of a group ex teacher! 🙂
JAZZERCISE!!! I know it seems like it’s aerobics for middle-aged stay at home moms, but Jazzercise will kick your butt!! It’s so fast-paced and they incorporate a TON of resistance and strength training using resistance bands, tubes, and handheld weights. And it’s so much FUN!!
I can’t believe your phone overheated!! That’s crazy hot!! Thanks for the frittata recipe – looks yummy!!