This morning I said goodbye to Ryan and Sadie and boarded a plane headed for Fresno, California (stopping briefly in Dallas, Texas).
I will be in California for the next couple of days, participating in POM Wonderful’s Harvest Tour organized to give a group of bloggers a more in-depth look at POM’s pomegranate orchards and factory.
When I was contacted by POM Wonderful about participating in the tour, I was immediately on board. I remembered seeing a bunch of bloggers participate last year and it looked like such a fun and educational experience.
(Side note for you bloggers out there: I noticed that POM’s website is taking applications from bloggers who are interested in participating in the Harvest Tour next year. If you’re interested, click here to check it out.)
My only reservation about participating in the tour was being away from home two weeks before our wedding! Eek! Fortunately we got so much done last weekend that I feel okay with being away.
I’m excited! 😀
Let’s back up a bit before we get in full-blown POM overload!
This morning started out earlier than usual and had me and Ryan at the gym at 5 a.m. on the dot for a workout.
I tackled Holly’s intense incline treadmill workout and was a sweaty beast by the time I was done.
I know I’ve said it before, but that workout is no joke! Phew.
After showering and packing up some last minute things, Ryan dropped me off at the airport and I headed to Dallas!
Flight to Dallas
On my flight to Dallas, I entertained myself by writing thank you notes for everyone who came to my bridal shower or sent me a gift. It felt good to check that little “to-do” off my list!
I also read my book and perused the Sky Mall catalog.
I love looking through Sky Mall catalogs because they have the most random and creative little trinkets and gadgets.
Case in point:
A giant cupcake pan! (I kind of want this…)
A lamp you couldn’t pay me to own…
(Does this remind anyone else of that horrible lamp in A Christmas Story?)
And family Hoodie Footie pajamas!
I think I know what I’m getting Ryan and Sadie for Christmas! 😉
Welcome to Dallas!
Judging by the airport in Dallas/Fort Worth, I am beginning to think that the saying “everything’s bigger in Texas” might have some merit. The airport is h-u-g-e.
After spending a good 20 minutes navigating my way from one terminal to the next, I started to get a little hungry.
I headed over to Starbucks and bought a chicken Caesar salad with lots of parmesan cheese to tide me over until I reach Fresno.
I tried this salad for the first time en route to Chicago for my first bachelorette party two months ago and loved it.
(Bachelorette party flash back! So fun!)
I also ordered a mocha light Frappuccino for some sweetness. I really wanted a pumpkin spice Frappuccino (I still haven’t had one this season!), but the Starbucks in the airport didn’t have them available. Sad. I still enjoyed my mocha Frapp though! 😀
I was hoping to publish this post in Dallas, but they didn’t have free wireless internet, so $10 later, I’m posting from the skyyy!
See ya on Twitter… and then again from Cali!
I just did this workout today for the first time and it really was a doozie. I was a “sweaty beast” too when I was finished. Quick question about it: when the speed for the recovery goes down to 3.0 did you walk it or do a light jog. I did a light jog up until halfway through the workout then had to walk. It kicked my butt. Thanks for posting.
It looks hard that treadmill workout, but really nice!