Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
From one person with absolutely no Irish heritage to all of you Irish and non-Irish folks out there, I hope your day is filled with lots of green and lots of fun!
And if you’re like me and feel a little left out on St. Patrick’s Day because you’re not even a little bit Irish, just slap on some green and adopt all of the fun Irish traditions. I’m pretty sure everyone is Irish today!
By way of marrying Ryan, I am a little more Irish, right? Fagan is a pretty darn Irish last name, so now I’m Irish by association and one day we’ll hopefully have little half-Irish babies.
Today’s workout had me sweatin’!
I started off with 20 minutes on the elliptical at the gym before completing two rounds of a circuit workout from the Best Body Boot Camp program I am following.
Technically I was supposed to do three rounds, but I start to get really antsy and mentally check out if I’m at the gym for much more than an hour, so I called it quits after two rounds. I must’ve been moving super slow or something today.
Even after only two rounds, I felt like the workout was a good one!
When Ryan and I arrived home from the gym, it was breakfast time.
I made both of us egg sandwiches on toasted whole wheat bagels with two fried eggs, a slice of muenster cheese and raspberry jelly. A sliced pear was enjoyed on the side.
Sadie also got a little treat this morning!
About a week ago, I was contacted by Freshpet, a company committed to making food for animals with fresh, natural ingredients. When they asked if Sadie would be interested in trying some of their treats, I didn’t even have to ask her to know the answer.
That was Sadie this morning when I held a Dog Joy chicken treat above her head.
Intrigued? I think so.
Sadie is actually rather picky with dog treats. She doesn’t really like biscuits and typically leaves treats without any meat in them untouched. Yes, she’s a princess.
The Dog Joy treats were right up her alley though, as they’re made primarily with chicken and oats.
At first sniff, she was smitten and Ryan and I enjoyed making her do every single trick in her arsenal as she awaited her reward.
Talk about concentration.
All three members of the Fagan household were left with happy bellies this morning.
Off to take Sadie on a hike!
Ryan and I have some pretty big plans this afternoon that involve driving to Sarasota and potentially buying a new (used) car! Should be a fun day!
Where’s the mention of USF basketball?!
i went to UCF. 🙂 there will be no mention… 😉
O shoot, I thought it was USF for some reason. My bad!
Haha my dog will eat pretty much ANY treat. Considering he loves brussels sprouts and kale, he’s probably a weird dog 🙂
you look so cute in your st. patty’s day attire!
i have absolutely no irish blood in me either… dutch all the way! the extent of my st. patty’s day is green pancakes for breakfast. 😉
Have a fun day!! Love your shirt! 😉
Love the green tshirt! I forgot to get my green on today…alas night is still young 😉
awww sadie is so cute!!! I have to admit, I’m more of a cat person myself but sadie gets me every time!
Those pictures of Sadie are too cute! And I always pretend I’m Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. Most people assume I am because of my strawberry blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin!
I love hearing about Sadie’s antics – what tricks can she do? Those look like some really nice quality treats – my Dalmatian loves green beans as her treat!
I’ll be one wearing green! Not Irish, but I love the holiday. How sweet to give Sadie a treat! My dog would go nuts for those, I’ll have to try it. The look on her face is awesome! Happy St. Patrick’s day!
I’m in the same boat – I’m not Irish but my hubby is! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Have a great hike.
Cute t-shirt! I’m going to celebrate St Patty’s Day with some green beer. 🙂
Yesterday I made my husband and I an egg sandwich with jelly and he was so surprised at how delicious the combo was. He asked, “Is this one of your creations or did you read it on one of your blogs?” Hehe love PBF! 🙂
hehe I always liked the jam+cheese combo too! And now with eggs, it’s even better. I tell my fiance about how delicious the combo is and he gets really scared, haha! Your husband gives me hope in this regard…:P
Just don’t tell him… that’s the trick! I just make my hubs whatever I want him to eat… What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him! I don’t tell him what it is until AFTER he tells me how much he likes it! Hehe
I definitely do the same thing with my partner – he eats seaweed regularly now, because I didn’t tell him. Unfortunately, it backfired when I tried to sneak some banana in. He GENUINELY hates banana. It’s so odd, but endearing.
Look at that face! She’s so precious.
Have a fun day! I’m glad Sadie gets to partake in some sort of celebration today too 🙂
I don’t have a drop of Irish in me, but I can still have fun pretending! My husband has some Irish in him, so I’ll cling to that too. 😉
Happy St. Pattie’s Day! What’s your heritage Julie? I’m curious :p
I was just talking about dog meals this morning with my boyfriend. He laughingly called me a “crunchy dog Mom” because I only allow my pup to eat organic food and organic treats! Her food is non wheat and non dairy-I try to keep her healthy!
Ha Gunner is the same way with some treats. He is picky but I think he’d much rather eat pizza than anything else.
Happy St Paddys day, I hope you guys have luck with the car shopping
Love the shirt!
you look awesome in your st. patty’s get up, julie! hey, how do you get your fruit sliced up so beautifully all the time??!
Love the shirt and the doggie.
I’m going to try your egg, cheese and jam English muffin sandwich tomorrow morning!! Excited! Hope you have a great hike with Sadie and Ryan 🙂
My pups would love those treats! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🙂
Sadie is sooo darn cute I can’t get over it!!!
My dog rosie is very picky with dog treats as well, which i don’t understand because, hey I’ll eat anything so why don’t they!!!!
you are to cute! Love your shirt! But how does ryan feel about it?? haha! I hope you dont get any strangers trying to steal a kiss..hehe.
Sadie is so freaking cute! 🙂
Cute shirt. How many tricks does Sadie know?
Have you seen the stand at Publix with all their sale ads? There’s one with Sadie on the cover! Or at least, I’m pretty sure it was a vizsla. Check it out next time you go!
Ginger literally has the SAME face as we torment her with treats above her head and make her pull out all the stops before giving it to her. I swear they are sisters of another breed 😉
Omg! Love your jeans and belt! What are they or where are they from?!
that is the cutest picture of you!
People its ‘Paddy’s Day’ not ‘Patty’ or ‘Patties’…enjoy!
Cute shirt! We bought a new treat for our pup, “Basic 6” by Rachel Ray that he loves 🙂
I’m so glad to hear you did two rounds of the workout yesterday. ME TOO!!! I’ve done 3 rounds of every workout and with this one on Friday, I had to stop at two. I also ran out of time – thought “WHY AM I SO SLOW TODAY?” And the two round left me feeling wiped!!! Did 20 min of Elliptical to start… Thanks for posting on the Body Boot Camp! THe next phase looks great!
Sadie is so cute! Love her. I actually am part irish!
Is that an old picture? You look so thin in it.
I’m trying to decide what you’re suggesting exactly . . . So what if it’s old? It’s a cute shirt. The “thin” comment is a little odd and uncalled for. Julie is in fantastic shape, and always has been. Worry about yourself a bit, perhaps?
I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I think Julie looks BETTER now and she’s obviously attractive, but I could tell a noticeable difference between this picture and recent ones, so I asked.
I’m sure Julie can defend herself if she so chooses or if she felt offended, so there’s no need to be her spokesperson.
Julie – its not Irish by Association – its IBM – Irish by Marriage ! Hope everyone had a good time!