After a jam-packed day of zip lining, black bear-spotting and theatre-going yesterday, today was a day of rest!
It began with a lazy breakfast that included a strawberry banana smoothie, a cup of coffee and a small bowl of Honey Nut Chex cereal for some crunch on the side.
My smoothie contained:
- 1 1/2 frozen bananas
- 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 cup strawberry banana Greek yogurt
Breakfast fueled a morning spent out and about!
First, we went to a new-to-us church which we really enjoyed. The pastor was charismatic and the message was a good one.
On our way home from church, we swung by the grocery store and were completely coerced into buying everything we needed for homemade pizza when one of their displays had all of the ingredients conveniently laid out in front of us. Apparently we were a marketers dream today!
Publix makes some fantastic pizza dough and we used the multigrain dough to make pepperoni pizza when we arrived home.
The rest of the day was spent around the house, laying outside in the sun, playing with Sadie, reading The Scorch Trials and truly enjoying a day of rest.
I love lazy Sundays!
Off to do a little more reading and lounging. Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!
I stinkin’ love Chex cereal. Sorry I’m not sorry. #eatiterrday
perfect day to me 🙂 i was doing a bit of the same thing ha with some blogging on the side of course! xo
i managed to get a workout in, but other than that today was definitely lazy! pancakes, a short nap, football… not looking forward to tomorrow 🙁
it’s a true day of rest over here too… when we got home from church and lunch, my husband and i immediately put on our pajama pants and hoodies. we’ve been lounging and being lazy ever since. just what we have needed after a crazy week!!
Same over here. I plan on being nice and lazy for the rest of the day….though I do need to get some minor cleaning done.
i’m having a true day of rest myself! i haven’t had one of those in awhile 🙂
I like lazy Sundays too…mine have been feeling super busy as of lately though. I need to start being more productive on Saturdays so I can have more lazy Sundays!
I love Publix pizza crust. It’s a great go-to option.
Oh boy, that pizza looks incredible! I haven’t had pepperoni pizza in forever. Might need to add that to the menu this week! Enjoy your Sunday!
Lazy Sundays truly are the best, especially after all of the excitement you all have had! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend! 🙂
Sounds like the perfect day! I understand the church shopping – Daniel and I left the church where we both grew up (and where we got married) to find a place where we felt led to be. We have recently found one that we think is it! I’m so glad you enjoyed the one you visited this morning.
We had a lazy Sunday too – it was so nice after a busy week. I love honey nut chex, but the words “small Bowl” aren’t in my vocabulary. I have to eat at least half the box in one sitting. It’s so dumb. That’s why I try not to buy them!
I love lazy Sundays! Sometimes they are so so necessary!
Your smoothie looks delicious! I’m so glad you’re back to making them!
I love making homemade pizzas with the frozen dough..yum! You should try making naan bread pizzas! They are super easy and delicious!
Your pizza looks delicious!! I LOVE Publix displays. I feel I am a marketers’ dream every time I walk in there! Why, of course I will sample your delicious Apron Meals, Publix! (: I had Chex today too! Twinsies!
Ah, restfull Sundays… something that only exists for me during the summer!
Yumm!! I don’t really like honey nut cheerios, so when I tried the honey nut chex I couldn’t believe how delicious they are! Those are one of the cereals that I can’t keep at home very often because I can finish the box within a couple days 🙂
Sounds similar to our day! Lazy morning, church, and more laying around. I even made a slow-cooker dinner so that I wouldn’t have to spend much time making dinner! 😉
Have a good night!
I LOVE lazy Sundays like that!! (And I totally love Chex. Ha, ha).
I knew you must have been at publix when you mentioned they have all the pizza ingredients together. I love their dough and use it every week or two for homemade pizza.
I love lazy Sundays! Mine was far from lazy and consisted of like 3hrs of paintball haha. So much fun though!
I love a true rest day–so perfect!
I just made pizza –from a SUPER easy, fast pizza dough recipe. Go to my blog for the recipe if you want to try it–so delicious!
Have a nice night!
Its been too cold in nj to enjoy any smoothies to often! Saturday was super warm randomly and I was very happy to enjoy a good strawberry smoothie 🙂 mmmmmmm
Congrats on your true day of rest! Sometimes it can be hard to unwind and REALLY take that down time. This weekend was supposed to be my rest weekend after a week of Bodyrock challenges, but I did a ton of walking all weekend, did some archery yesterday and went rock climbing today. Not to sad it’s all bad, but sometimes your body just needs rest!
I always get publix pizza dough. It’s soo good! I look forward to my rest days after a long week of hard workouts 😀
Mmmmmm pepperoni!
Sometimes resting days are the best days! I too tried a new church with my husband this morning and went grocery shipping. Not sure if you have an iPhone, but I used a grocery shopping app that was awesome! It’s called Shopping List Free and I highly recommend it!
That pizza crust sounds great! I think I’ll take a trip to Publix tomorrow to try it out!
Sounds like a sweet day Julie~I’m so happy for you guys that you were blessed at the church! And whoaaaaa that smoothie cup is seriously the most ginormous ever! hahaha.
ooo that smoothie looks delicious!
Gotta love the strawberry smoothies.
I thought the smoothie looked good…but now my mouth is watering just looking at that pizza. Tempting! And healthy with the multigrain. 🙂
Love days of rest. We try to make homemade pizzas on Sunday too. It ends up usually tasting better than ordering in b/c we change up the cheeses and toppings.
I’m trying to figure out how your belly fit the weight of a SMOOTHIE, COFFEE, AND CEREAL.
Sounds like a great day! Do you think you guys will stick with this church?
I just discovered honey nut chex! So good!
Dang that smoothie’s the size of your head! haha
I have been having lazy Saturdays as of late and a busy Sunday. I think one lazy day per weekend is 100% needed!
I might just have to get that pizza dough today!
Saturday and Sunday were both lazy days around our house- I felt like all I did was eat, sit on the couch, and play with the new pup 😛 It was def not the most active weekend, but it was fun!
This post made me want pizza so bad! lol
A marketer’s dream, lol. Have you read the book Brandwashed? It talks about all of the tricks that marketer’s use.
Laying outside in the sun!!! aaahh, I’m jealous
I must admit. When my rest days come along, I do make the most of it! Lounging around and not really getting out of my PJ’s are usually how the day goes 🙂
I was wondering how you freeze your bananas, inside the peel or out? And what do you keep them in. Thanks Julie 🙂
outside of the peel!