After working through the morning (lots of research for a freelance piece!), I was more than ready for a break.
My break came at 1 p.m., as I headed out the door to College Park Orthodontics to check in with my orthodontist to make sure everything was looking okay with my teeth following my treatment with Invisalign.
I wanted to have new retainers made before we move to Ocala, so I booked an appointment and was really looking forward to seeing my orthodontist again. I love her!
My orthodontist got married about a year before me, so I loved visiting her and chatting about everything wedding related during my Invisalign treatment. Then, a couple of months ago, she had a beautiful baby boy. She emailed me pictures and showed me more today and he is the cutest little guy!
My appointment went really well and I will have brand spankin’ new retainers in less than two weeks… in “passion pink.” Yes, I got to pick the color. And yes, I’m 26-years-old and picking the colors of my retainers and the flavors of the gooey stuff they put in your mouth to take the impressions for retainers still excites me.
If you happen to live in Orlando and are in need of a fantastic orthodontist, I highly recommend Dr. Williams. She has degrees from Boston College, Harvard and the University of Florida and is all-around awesome. She’s also offering a promo right now: If you sign up for Invisalign treatment with her before August 1, you get a $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority. Sweet deal, huh?
She also offered to do a little giveaway on the blog!
Two readers will receive their choice of one $50 gift card to Whole Foods or Sports Authority, courtesy of College Park Orthodontics.
To enter this giveaway, simply comment on this post in one of two ways:
- Tell me about your experience with braces. How amazing it felt when you got your braces off, how you looked like a total toolbag in junior high because you picked neon rubber bands… Share!
- Tell me which celebrity you think has the best teeth. My vote is for Carrie Underwood.
I will randomly select two winners tomorrow afternoon.
Lunch today was enjoyed en route to the orthodontist. I ate a quesadilla with apple slices and Canadian bacon in the car, so no photo was snapped.
I did snap a photo of dessert though!
After my orthodontist appointment, I stopped by a fro yo place and enjoyed a cup of white chocolate mousse, espresso, triple chocolate and Butterbeer frozen yogurt (can’t WAIT for Harry Potter tomorrow!!!) topped with peanut M&Ms, Golden Grahams, Butterfinger crumbles, yogurt pretzels, cookie dough, cheesecake and brownie bits.
The whole thing was resting in my belly within two minutes of me digging in.
And now I’m blogging away in Starbucks where I plan to spend the remainder of my afternoon.
A realtor has been showing our apartment to prospective tenants this whole week and I had to get out of there. The realtor doesn’t have a key, so I’ve had to be there for every showing and today I finally told her I’d hide her a key because I feel like I’m lying by omission as potential tenants come in and I don’t say anything about the mice. She understands how bad the situation is and I can’t believe they’re trying to rent it out when the problem is so immense.
You better believe I am asking EVERY homeowner about a history of mice before we move in somewhere in Ocala!
And I’m off!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
i had braces for SO MANY YEARS! But I kind of loved getting bands that coordinated to the month- red and green in december- sparkly silver for NYE, red white and blue in july… etc. Total nerd here 🙂
i got braces my senior year of high school. i had straight teeth, but a crooked jaw, and i needed braces to hold my teeth in place when i underwent reconstructive jaw surgery. i spent the entire summer between high school and college with my teeth wired shut!
Hey girl!
I was lucky enough not to have to have braces but I did have quite the experience in getting my wisdom teeth out…oofta.
It was a week before I was to start my freshman year of college and I was told that I had to go into emergency surgery because my wisdom teeth, all four sets, had become impacted. Yowsas!
I went in and had the surgery but the silly surgeon was apparently having an ‘off’ day because I ended up with three dry sockets (can you say painful?!) and a damaged nerve ending in my lower jaw which, to this day, has resulted in me not being able to feel my lower lip and chin. Crazy right?
To top things off, I had to shw up to college with a cheeks that looked like I was playing a constant game of Chubby bunnies (marshmellow mouth for surely) and couldn’t eat colid food for three whole weeks (it is amazing what you can do to pudding to mix it up a bit).
Needless to say, I am sooo very glad that I do not have to go through that again. Yikes!
I just LOVE your blog hun and look forward to reading it everyday. You really h ave a way with words and an ability to make me smile, even on those not so good days…thanks a bunch a crunch for that. My dream would be to one day take a leap just like you did and write a blog for a living. Congrats girl and keep doing your thang 🙂
I think Julia Roberts has a great smile!
I had to go through an expander and braces. When I first got the expander in, my dad got the key used to rotate it stuck so for about an hour I had my mouth gaping open as he was trying to get it out. No fun!
I had braces for about 4 years and my smile went from so unaligned to beautiful. it was painful, but so worth it!
For best celeb teeth I have to say Julia Roberts immediately comes to mind. Also, Megan Fox has such nice teeth, supah-dupah white! I was lucky to never wear braces, but sorta wish I had because my teeth are far from perfect
I was practically married to my braces, I had to wear them for 5 years and get four teeth pulled! This was in order to avoid jaw surgery at a young age. Yeah my mouth was pretty messed up. I was super excited to get them off, I could not stop running my tongue over my teeth.I really have to thank my parents for footing the bill so I could have a pretty smile 🙂
I had braces for 4 years! All through junior high. I was that “cool” kid that changed the colors for the seasons i.e halloween I had black and orange. I now have all my awkward phase pictures to remind me of that splendid time in my life! haha
But now that I have straight pretty teeth it all seems worth it!
I loved getting the chance to pick different colored bands for my braces. I would literally rotate through the card they showed us with all the colors 🙂
I was lucky enough to have braces three (yes..THREE) times. And no, my teeth weren’t that crooked…I guess I just have a small jaw. When I first got them in 6th grade I used to always match my rubber bands to the holidays (orange and black for halloween…red and green for xmas). Super trendy.
Oh man. I had braces for FOUR WHOLE YEARS! It was terrible. I finally got them off in December of my freshman year of high school. Such a weird feeling! My teeth looked huge and felt slimy.
Fortunately I never had to get braces, I was blessed to have been born with straight teeth. A celebrity with great teeth? I’d say Katy Perry or Hilary Duff, and I agree with you about Carrie Underwood- perfect teeth!
Whoops- I mean I was blessed to have grown straight teeth. I guess I wasn’t born with any teeth haha my bad
I never had braces! I was blessed!
i got my braces in 4th grade, and i chose the color of my rubberbands (purple) because it matched my gymnastics competition leotard. always gotta be fashionable!! 🙂
Oh man. I’ve had to do braces twice and retainers three times! I had a corrupt first orthodontist who is to blame for the first set of braces and retainer – no seriously he flew his plane out of the country to escape! I loved my second orthodontist though.
It was so amazing once I got my braces off! I was one of those that always picked the fun colors! I loved it!
Ohhh braces… what a fun 2 years! I had them for 7th & 8th grade & I STILL wear my retainer so that my teeth don’t start to move apart again! (I’m 25 now!)
I was wondering what you did when potential candidates came to see the place… it would be hard not to tell them about your little “friends”!
The day I got my braces off was the BEST DAY EVER (in my fourteen year old mind, at the time). I had fully planned my hair, outfit, and makeup so that I could look mature to everyone without my metal mouth!
I had braces for a year and it wasn’t bad at all, like you, I was lucky enough to have a great dentist who just made things so easy for me. I was a teenager so of course the whole vanity thing was an issue but time flew by and I had them off before I even knew it!
I think that Halle Berry has the most beautiful teeth!!
I had braces but what pained me the most was being told I couldn’t chew gum. I am a gum gal addict!! Lol
I had braces through junior high school. My ortho put a permanent retainer behind my bottom teeth and sealed my front teeth with something and my teeth are still as straight as the day I got my braces off…I think me answering with a big fat NO when asked if I’d remember to wear my retainer led to glued on life gear.
Whoa! What about Tom Cruise’s teeth??? I think they are pretty gorgeous!
i am in the process of looking for an apartment and the realtor showed us a place with mouse traps all over the floor. you better believe i left asap!
I never had to get braces, but it’s funny because in elementary school, so many of my friends had them, that I wanted them too! I even went as far as to put tin foil on my teeth to pretend I had them, ha!!
I lucked out and never had to have braces, I make up for it by having to wear glasses. I think Julia Roberts has great teeth. But that might be because of her big smile. 😀
Still remember walking into my 7th grade English class with my new no-braces teeth!! It was fabulous and I am so thankful I only had to wear them for a year from 6th – 7th grade. Hallelujah!
I love how you follow up your dentist visit with ice cream and coffee. Your dentist would have a mini-anxiety attack if she saw your post lol.
I had braces from about 3rd grade through 9th grade. The worst decision I ever made was choosing black and orange rubber bands for Halloween. They didn’t look very festive when Halloween was over by a month and the black rubber bands made my teeth look like they were missing from far away. haha.
ugh braces made my face look super fat! I haaaated them 🙁
I had braces for three years and all I remember is how huge and slimy my teeth felt after they were taken off.
I had braces from 4th – 7th grade. I couldn’t wait to get them off. Running your tongue over your teeth for the first time in four years – there’s nothing quite like it.
I had a retainer, but I was never able to be like “the cool kids” and pop it in and out with their tongue. When I think about it, I shudder at how gross that sounds to me now!
My orthodonist also had **THE CUTEST** son – also an orthodonist. As a pre-teen girl, when a tall, dark, and handsome man so much as smiles at you, you melt. Well, how embarassing is it when you want to melt in front of the cute orthodonist and try and be cool when he’s poking around your mouth?
Harry Potter midnight showing!!! 🙂
I actually loved having braces.. weird, I know. They did come with the unfortunate side effects. One time, my wire in braces actually poked through the gum of my mouth while I was in class. I couldn’t open my mouth and I’m pretty sure my teacher thought I was an odd duck. My favorite colors were always purple and pink. Such a girly girl!
Hilary swank has a wonderful smile and great teeth. I also had braces in 7th grade and luckily I got them off in a year because I made sure to wear my elastics religiously like a nerd! But now I get compliments all the time for my smile, so it was definitely worth it!
I had braces from 4th grade until 8th grade. I chose the most HORRIBLE colors imaginable– picture lime green and yellow (my favorite colors at the time)! Or who can forget the obligatory red and pink combination around Valentine’s Day (which tinted my pearly whites a shade of reddish pink)! Nevertheless, perhaps the worst band color choice I chose to have put on my braces were black and gold in support of my swim team’s colors. Instead of being an inspirational team player, I looked more as if my teeth might rot out of my head at any moment. . . NOT the best look! 🙂
I was told I didn’t need braces at all when I was 12, and I was so jealous of all the other people in my class. Then I got TMJ and had to wear a brace to fix that in high school. The brace shifted all my teeth and I had to get braces afterward during my senior of high school….such bad timing! 😉
I had braces for only a year…reason why my teeth are all spaced out now…and when I got them off, EVERYONE in my grade just stared at me and kept asking me to smile.
The attention was great but after a while it was getting a little annoying
I had braces for about 4 years.. awful!! One of my front teeth was very crooked though so thank God for braces. I also got colored bands — I remember pink or baby blue was my favorite!
Ugh had braces in middle school. Talk about making the awkward years more awkward! I remember hated when they tightened them every month. SO Glad that’s over!
I think that Katherine Heigel has amazing teeth now. I read somewhere that she also wore Invisaligns so they must be really good!
I had braces for FOUR years because I had all sorts of problems with my teeth. When I finally got them off, I was bleeding/in so much pain I actually had to take a break and go have lunch with my Mom then go BACK to finish up. It was terrible but I was so happy when my teeth were all smooth again 🙂 No more metal!
I did not have Invisalign treatment until the END of my SENIOR year of college! My teeth really never needed braces growing up, but in high school and early college my dentist noticed my gums were receding and my front teeth had slightly rotated. I only needed the retainers for 8 months. However, the gum graph was MISERABLE. I still tear up thinking of all the pain! I seriously looked like a chipmunk for a month 🙁
I had braces for over 3 years and it was awful! I have small teeth and the brackets covered most of my teeth so all you could see was braces. Well you know how you can get colors? Well I thought I’d be cool one time and get black and it looked like I had tar all over my teeth cause you couldn’t even see white when I smiled! I had to have that for 2 months before my next appt. BUT it was worth it because my teeth are straight now!
I didn’t get my braces on until I was 16 years old!! I hated them, because they were so big and awkward. And I still had them on when I gave birth to my son!!
I had braces for 3 years!!! it was awful!!!
Could you leave a few mice traps out where they would be visible. Then maybe potential renters would at least know to ask about it.
I did that once in an apartment that wasps would somehow get in through the closed window and screen. They didn’t seal totally shut and i still don’t know quite how it was happening. The landlord didn’t do anything and stated that the previous tenant never had the problem. I would make sure NOT to put away the cans of wasp spray that I kept around the apartment for when they were showing the apartment.
I had braces for three years, three painful years. I always got the clear bands, and I was able to get clear brackets. I remember when they went to tighten my braces and my brackets flew outta my mouth like I was a human slot machine.
I had braces from 7th-10th grade! My teeth were pretty horrendous but it was WELL worth the awkwardness!
And I think Blake Lively has great teeth and a beautiful smile!